The Last Gentleman

Chapter 694: Behead

Chapter 694 Beheading

 The memory palace shared by Yi Chen and William - [Library]

There is no one sitting here. The empty library is no longer as clean as before, but is filled with silvery sea water, and even ghosts and alien bodies are floating in the dark corners.

 Part of the books placed at the bottom have been soaked, and stick insect-like appendages have grown from the inside of the books, sliding on the water. The covers of the books even reflect distorted human faces.


The seawater has only penetrated into the library and has not yet discovered the secret door hidden behind the last bookshelf.

  Separated by the secret door and the secret passage, the deepest part of the Memory Palace, the [Aquarium] used to bury deep memories... was also the area that once blocked Yi Chen's consciousness, but now the roles are reversed.

William imprisoned himself in the deepest part of the aquarium, even locking himself in a treasure box and burying himself underwater to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

 There is also a parasite in the treasure chest.

    Boss, do you really need to hide like this? Don't you need to worry about Mr. Yi's situation? He prefers physical killing and may not be suitable for handling moonlight illusions. What if something goes wrong with him. 』

William, who was curled up in the treasure chest, did not respond. He just put his index finger between his lips to signal Nash not to speak, not even to transmit consciousness, and all he needed to do was wait.


 An unnamed island surrounded by a silver sea.

Yi Chen has been here for an hour, but his own concept of time has long been blurred.

 What he saw was not only lush trees and overgrown weeds,

Even railroad tracks slowly appeared among the weeds, and a section of tram covered with vines and lying in the wilderness,

Or a lighthouse that stands in the sky and has no power supply accidentally appears in a forest glade,

 Or a deserted village that suddenly bursts into view, and all the people living there are moon-headed dummies,

Or you may see a group of young people singing and dancing loudly around a campfire, pulling off moon heads from each other, revealing their true form as monsters under the light and shadow of the campfire, not attacking Yi Chen but engaging in incomprehensible weird **** with each other.

All kinds of chaotic scenes may appear behind the next tree,

It’s bizarre, yet makes sense.

Along the way, Yi Chen was engaged in the killing he was best at, and his body also changed as he killed monsters. He had picked off his own bones, gouged out the organs in his body, or removed most of his body more than once. Cut them all off.

But Yi Chen is Yi Chen, and he will not ask for help no matter what, let alone ask William to help in a low voice.

 He will find out the secret of this island and solve the matter according to his own ideas.

 But...chaos is still giving birth to chaos, and the concentration of chaos has gradually reached a level that even Yi Chen cannot control.

  I don’t know how long it has been.

After Yi Chen passed through a section of woods, he came to an abandoned town and did not see any monsters for the time being.

Since arriving in the small town, Yi Chen has felt physically uncomfortable.

The clothes became a little tight and breathable, especially the squeezing feeling at the neck was very clear, and even untying the tie was uncomfortable.

 Unfortunately, there was an abandoned clothing store next to him.

When Yi Chen stepped into the store, he found that the dummies inside were all looking at him, or coveting his clothes.

When he found a dress mirror, the picture projected inside made Yi Chen stunned for a moment! The collar of the costume actually turned into fingers, strangling his neck tightly.

 He suddenly tore off the gentleman's clothes and killed him in the air.

 The decapitated costume fell to the ground and twitched like a living thing, with silver liquid flowing out of the lining of the costume.

Unexpectedly, even the gentleman's clothes controlled by Huang Pi turned into 'fake'. Yi Chen himself didn't know when the clothes were replaced. It seemed that he was touched by a dummy in a certain village. When my clothes were scratched by a branch.

 Turn around,

When I looked at myself naked in the mirror again, a voice came from my mind.

  『Yi Chen, let me do it instead! This kind of island shrouded in moonlight and blurring the boundaries of reality is not suitable for you. It was my error in judgment. I'm really sorry... Let me take control of the body. If Lorian shows up directly because of this, I will do the talking. .

 There is no need to continue to hold on, you will only sink deeper and deeper, and even be assimilated into the chaos. 』

  At this time, are you suddenly going to replace me again? 』Yi Chen was obviously unhappy.

   『I told you, you are not suitable here... After all, when we were on the ship, we never imagined that this place would be so troublesome. Get out of here quickly, Yi Chen. 』

“William, I suggest you get a dog. This type of dog is docile and obedient, and whatever you say will be followed. 』

Yi Chen forcibly cut off the connection with William's consciousness and even blocked some functions of his epileptic brain. He picked up his hand ax and prepared to continue exploring the island shirtless.

Unexpectedly, something weird happened, and William's voice continued to come out of his apparently blocked brain.

"Hahaha! You're on to the point, Yi Chen!

 Aren’t you just a dog? What the orphanage cultivates is a group of obedient dogs, and you are just the best one.

Since I couldn’t survive in that world, I came here to be my dog.

Since you are a dog, be honest and do whatever you are told~ You can’t even distinguish between reality and illusion, why are you still insisting on me here? You trash thing, get out of here. 』

 After a sentence that filled the taunting coefficient, the body began to split.

 The ‘second body’ and ‘main body’ embedded in the back were torn from front to back, and the mask of the abyss also faded away.

 The subject is William, strong, perfect and confident,

 The second body is where Yi Chen's consciousness resides. He is thin, deformed and does not even have a mouth. He has been curled up on his back for a long time and has a stooped figure.

“Look at your appearance, Yi Chen! You are extremely ugly and look like a loser... Since you are so useless, I will kill you right here!”

As for the deep memories that you have sealed away, I will take my time to peek into them after you die. "

 As soon as the words fell,

William directly took out his firearm. Bartosz fired an armor-piercing bullet into Yi Chen's head.


Yi Chen, who seems to be underdeveloped, has materialized his murderous intention and constructed a set of pure black exoskeleton armor for himself, with normal mobility.

Yi Chen also reached out and made a move, and the spine ax worn on William's waist was held in his hand, cutting the bullet in half directly in the air.

William looked shocked, quickly distanced himself, and fired several more shots.

Ding ding ding!

Each bullet was accurately cut,

Yi Chen, who transformed into a murderer, instantly approached William with the same footwork.

 Take action instantly,

Five dry fingers sprang out like black snakes, clasped William's face, pressed him against the wall, and even slowly lifted him up.

 Even so, William still kept smiling.

"Oh! You are indeed the best dog in the orphanage. Director Cao will be very happy to see that you are so good at killing people, right?"

After William gave seriously hurtful words through his epilepsy brain, he threw a whip leg at Yi Chen's head in an attempt to get out of trouble.

But...the ax is faster,

  In other words, when William was holding down his face, he was already put on the guillotine.



William's head slowly slid down his neck. The invasion of death completely destroyed his epileptic brain, and his eyes gradually dimmed.'s strange...

When William's head fell, Yi Chen's vision also fell, and the two fell almost parallel to each other and fell heavily to the ground.

The concept of [death] was implanted, and his vision was gradually occupied by black. Yi Chen couldn't understand why he was going to die too. It was obviously William who should die.

 The last scene is fixed in the mirror of the clothes, and everything returns to calmness.

  A few minutes later

 The two wooden mannequins in the clothing store began to shake and finally came to life.

They came to the mirror. One person was responsible for carrying the body, and the other was responsible for picking up the head, and took the self-decapitated outsider to the depths of the island...

 (End of this chapter)