The Last Gentleman

Chapter 739: the truth

Chapter 739 The truth

Grapp picked up the metal spoon on the ground and accidentally discovered that the end of the spoon seemed to have been polished and was extremely sharp, and could be used as a knife.

 At the same time, a prompt sounded in my ears.

 Congratulations on getting the hidden reward, "The Peeper's Spoon". This spoon is made of evil thoughts and can be transformed between consciousness and physical objects. 』

“Evil thoughts...are they another fictional concept created by William in a performance scene?”

Grapp stared at the spoon in his hand, fiddling with it for half a minute but still unable to achieve the so-called transformation.

 When he tried to understand the "evil thoughts" and recalled some bad past events in his mind and wanted to kill someone, the spoon in his hand immediately broke into dim particles and was stored in his wrist.

He could even feel a spoon, both virtual and real, embedded in his arm.

"Huh? This real illusion is too real, isn't it? You must ask William for details after the performance is over."

After Grip figured out how to control the spoon, he immediately lay down at the only entrance to the attic and shouted, but there was no response.

 He decisively took out his revolver and pointed it at the hidden lock.


 The bullet is fired, destroying the external lock.

Just as Grip was about to leave the attic, buzz! There was a ringing in the ears and a strong feeling of dizziness.

He suddenly opened his "third eye" and discovered that a colorless and odorless gas was leaking out from the cracks in the floor of the dark attic from unknown time.

“I have to escape from this villa while I’m still conscious... As long as I can jump out of the master bedroom window and land on the street, I can ask the taxi driver to pick me up and leave. This is the only escape route.”

 The driver’s phone number has been dialed.

Grapp rolled out from the attic secret passage and fell heavily to the floor of the master bedroom. He forced his weak body to lean against the window.

This ordinary person's body is really unable to resist this hypnotic gas. When he stumbles to the window, he finds that it has been locked. If he wants to escape, he can only break it by force.

However, through the window he could clearly see the taxi waiting on the street below, and Grep immediately regained his confidence.

First take out your pistol and shoot a small hole in the window glass, then grit your teeth and use your last bit of strength.

 When he was about to take off, the system prompt sounded again.

    Strength check in progress...』

Grap has already taken off, but the effect of the drug has already acted on the whole body, and the stamina is not enough! The body only leaned forward slightly and could not jump at all.

After crashing through the glass, he failed to fly out as expected, but half of his body fell outwards.

It almost fell vertically against the wall and landed in the courtyard of the villa.


“The test failed. Although you were determined and exerted all your strength, the drug molecules in the blood blocked the movement of the muscles. You fell over and fell into the courtyard.

His face was covered with glass shards, his right leg was broken, and his head was like a ball of paste. The stench was unpleasant! 』

The severe pain in his face and legs made Grip still conscious, and he relied on his last instinct to crawl towards the door of the mansion.

The taxi driver also opened the passenger door completely, his facial hair was fluttering, and he kept waving to Grip, looking very anxious.

When I was about to climb to the gate,

Grapp suddenly found a figure covering his body, and someone was standing behind him. The man was holding a baseball bat in his hand.


    Failed the agility check... big time! Your current state has reduced your agility value to zero and your failure rate is 100%. You only feel a strong vibration on the back of your head, and your brain shuts down. 』

Grapp stretched out his arms and tried to crawl towards the taxi, but... A crisp sound came from the back of his head, and his pupils dilated instantly.


 As a burst of white light penetrated his eyelids, causing the pupils below to slowly focus, Grip gradually woke up.

He has already landed on the operating table, his hands and feet have been firmly fixed, the effect of the anesthesia has not completely worn off, and his vision is still a little erratic.

However, as the third eye opened, Grip quickly saw the situation in front of him clearly.

 The owner of the house and his wife are also in this room.

William, who played the role of the master, put on a white coat and rubber gloves, and had a sharp scalpel in his hand.

The lady wearing a mask was sitting at the small table next to the operating table, with empty plates, cutlery and forks placed at the door.

"As expected of Mr. Detective, he woke up so soon! How pitiful... If he could wake up later, he would have suffered less.

 I'm very sorry that I can't continue to inject you with anesthetics, otherwise it will affect your organs and blood quality.

 Here, my wife and I need to apologize to you first. We have deceived you! However, you are the one who chose to come, so this is your destiny.

 My wife is terminally ill and should have died half a year ago.

  But I was not willing to give in. I started reading a lot of biological and medical books and tried to find a method... Finally, I found a really effective but slightly cruel method.

 That is [eating].

 We humans are inherently selfish species. In order to reduce the growth rate of our own entropy, we constantly consume various foods.

Suffering from a disease can further increase the rate of increase in entropy and bring about final death in advance. In order to reduce it, you must eat higher quality and purer food.

 So, later we will carry out ‘energy transfer’ while you are awake,

 It may be painful and you may faint several times during the process, but please persevere.

 We will complete this process in about four days, during which you will be locked in the attic. I believe in your perseverance, so you must hold on! Mr. Detective.

It is best not to have any evil thoughts after you die, and do not turn into a "peeper" watching us in the dark, otherwise we will feel very guilty. "

William had an extremely perverted expression on his face, and he had already grasped the scalpel in his palm, ready to start slicing the flesh from his thigh.

 “Mr. Ferenc Eaton.”

 “Oh? Is there anything else you want to say, Mr. Detective?”

"You look so much like a friend of mine..." As soon as he finished speaking, the bandage on Grip's wrist had been cut open by some kind of sharp weapon. He swung his right arm up, grabbed the spoon and thrust it up at lightning speed.

 The edge of the spoon was accurately inserted into William's eye socket, accompanied by a twist of the wrist.

Snapped! One side of William's vision was instantly covered in bright red.


William covered his bleeding eyes, screamed and immediately grabbed the cranial saw on the operating tray and slashed at him.

 Three eyes, open!

   Ability check…successful! Your three eyes disrupt the other person's vision. 』

  The path of the cranial saw swung was deviated and it landed on the metal operating table, causing sparks to fly.

Grapp took this opportunity to cut off the bandage on his other hand, sat up suddenly with the strength of his waist and abdomen, and inserted the spoon in his hand into William's trachea.

 Use your right arm and pull hard!


 The trachea, carotid arteries, and vocal cords were all cut off.

 A large number of fragments were pulled out and scattered on the ground.

William covered his slit throat and fell heavily to the ground. He did not hate Grip, but crawled towards his wife at the last moment of his life.

 Finally, he fell down next to the chair where his wife was sitting, his pupils dilated.

Grapp gasped for breath, and the secretion of adrenaline made him fully conscious.

He sat on the operating table and continued to watch his wife, but she did not pose any threat, and did not even look at her. She looked at her husband at her feet, and her mask was already soaked with saliva.

Grapp couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach when he saw this scene, and a ray of fear was pulled out of his body.

 Cut the bandage on the ankle, drag the broken foot and slowly crawl out of the basement,

The driver was still waiting outside the door, climbed into the car, took a swig of whiskey... and finally left the client's mansion as the car engine started.

Perhaps due to the residual anesthetic in the body or due to excessive drinking, Grip gradually fell asleep in the back row.

 When I woke up again, I was already in a room decorated in a medieval style.

William was sitting on the bedside with a smile.

 “You’re awake!”

Grapp sat up as if reacting to stress, picked up the bedside lamp and threw it directly.

 (End of this chapter)