The Last Gentleman

Chapter 782: a month

 Chapter 782 One month


 The purple airflow pushed almost all the thorns out of his neck. When he was about to push them all out of his neck, Yi Chen immediately stopped breathing.

He just needs to make sure that the 'breathing method' can remove the thorn collar, but it is not the time to remove it just after being imprisoned.

  【Waiting for the opportunity】

This is an important ability that Yi Chen learned during his lifetime. What seems to be a simple waiting actually requires almost endless patience. Some opportunities often require a long and seemingly useless waiting. Many people will have emotional fluctuations in the process and cannot be sure. Specific timing.

 Use the bone retraction technique to put your hands into the handcuffs again,

Yichen once again returned to what a sinner should look like, lying alone on the bed.

I didn’t feel bored at all. A certain deep memory box was slowly opening, and my mind once again returned to my life and the scene of being escorted to the death row of the world prison.

At that time, he was also wearing a neck collar, and there were multiple thin needles inserted into the neck in the inner ring. If he dared to have any thoughts of resistance, the thin needles would inject a brain inhibitor.

not only,

Yichen also wore a special corset and was tied to a standing cart. He was accompanied by several supervisors and walked in the execution zone.

 The cells set up in the world's prisons are at least 100 meters apart from each other and have multiple partitions. Each prison has professional corresponding staff responsible for supervision.

 Each cell is different in size and design, and even the materials used are very precious.

Although Yi Chen did not turn his head to look, he could still feel a pair of terrifying eyes staring at him in every cell.

 As the youngest death row inmate,

Yi Chen was eventually imprisoned in a room designed in the style of a youth hotel. It was spacious and comfortable. He was even provided with a computer with Internet access, various books for entertainment, and even game consoles, air conditioners and fans. There are also various kinds of happy water in the refrigerator.

 But Yichen stayed inside and did nothing but read some books on philosophy and drink plain water, let alone use a computer to contact the outside world.

  After completing his revenge in the orphanage, he is already in a state of having no desires and demands. Since human society has sentenced him to "death", Yi Chen's only thought now is to wait for death to come.

Yichen's performance was seen by the top brass of World Prison, and they clearly saw his determination to die and his absolute purity.

 On the day of execution,

After Yi Chen had eaten the extremely sumptuous "decapitation meal," what greeted him was not the death penalty, but a top-secret document, hoping that Yi Chen could conduct a special experiment as a "death row prisoner."

Of course, the World Prison also offered an offer that Yi Chen was very interested in and found it difficult to refuse, and he quickly signed an experimental agreement.

 The name of the experiment is exactly - "Interdimensional Consciousness Projection"

  【One month】

As a sinner, Yi Chen stayed under the ladder of sin for a month.

  He would use the instruments of torture that were brought to him every day.

In addition, the tasks specially arranged by the 'Princess' Angelica included assisting the monks in suppressing and metal injection of some disobedient sinners, or cleaning up some dirty sewer areas, etc. He did them perfectly and was not afraid. He is not afraid of being dirty and tired, and his work efficiency is even much higher than that of a monk.

Yi Chen's performance made the monks on this floor very satisfied. After getting familiar with him, the monks left after delivering the torture tools every day, and came back to collect them when they were free.

Moreover, the monks who supervise this place also know that Yi Chen came in because he killed [Priest], the pervert who deserved his crime, and they try to arrange some easier torture tools for him on weekdays.


 The time that Yi Chen had been waiting for finally came.


at the same time,

It has been a month since William’s performance on the false moon.

 The threat called ‘evil’ about the external world has spread in the old world. The internal friction in the entire old world has decreased to a certain extent, while the speed of infection in the world is slowly accelerating.

 In various epidemic areas, major organizations and companies are waiting for the completion of the world infection, preparing to meet the new rules given by the infected world, starting to have a large number of children, relocating bases, etc.

at the same time,

The Circus of Fear is also performing efficient classification performances, collecting fears all over the world. Currently, the fear value ranking submitted by the department every month is:

"Acrobatic Troupe", "Clown House", "Theatre", "Magic Troupe", "Zoo"    Theaters that rely on the false moon for 'mobile performances' have seen a decrease in the number of people coming to admire the moon after a month of transition. , and was immediately overwhelmed by the Clown House.

Not only that, the clown house’s fear value was even close to that of the acrobatic troupe, and it seemed to have opened up a new performance mode.

After experiencing that performance, Matt seemed to have undergone some changes in his mentality. His style of doing things became worse and he was even less considerate of the consequences.

There are even monks operating in the old world, looking for the location of the Clown House. As soon as it is confirmed, the Great Prison Monk will personally go out.

The monk also arrived at [Yucheng] where the Clown House had been before, but the place was deserted, leaving only a few corpses with smiling expressions hanging at the gate of the city, their arms swinging from side to side under the pull of built-in gears. , seemed to have known that the monks would track them down and greeted them.

 During this month,

  A micro-organization called the "Smiley Face Club" appeared in many towns in the Old World at the same time, often renting an inconspicuous underground store and operating at night.

It is very strange that these extremely remote underground storefronts have many people visiting them every night without any advertising or publicity.

These people seemed to have had a dream the night before, about the Smiley Face Club.

 The original intention of the organization is to bring everyone together to tell jokes and release stress through unbridled laughter. It is regarded as a communication meeting.

 But as the number of people increases, and as everyone’s laughter increases,

In addition to jokes, some special clown performances have also been added, and occasionally the famous Horror Circus clown will be invited to the scene to interact with everyone.

In just one month, this kind of Smiling Faces Club has developed into every neutral city, and even some towns directly under the jurisdiction of the epidemic area.


The largest raw meat exporting city in the old world. Although it is said to be a neutral city, it is secretly inseparable from the Cancer Palace.

 Due to fertility restrictions, the early breeding industry could not continue. If you want to continue to produce raw meat, you must rely on the proliferation of cancerous uterus. Through hundreds of years of biotechnology, the texture of meat produced now is comparable to that of fresh meat that was once farmed.

 Large quantities of raw meat are ordered every day. In addition, there are many food stores here, and some unknown clone transactions can be carried out.

 Night falls,

At the corner of the street that was full of the smell of meat, a neon sign with a smiling expression lit up. Patients who had been waiting nearby entered it one after another, including some newcomers who were here for the first time.

This Smile Club has been established for ten days, with a scale of 100 people. Tonight we will also welcome a special guest, the legendary clown.

 With the arrival of At,

  The members of the club gathered here seemed to be in a state of stress, and one by one they began to laugh crazily. Their faces began to be torn apart, and bright red overflowed from the skin around their mouths, forming a big smile.

At the same time, they also began to do some extremely bad things to each other, and the scene was like a chaotic dance of demons.

 Att is very satisfied with this ‘transformation’,

 But his peripheral vision quickly noticed an unmoved member sitting in the corner, without even a single laugh.

The other party's face was completely shrouded in the hood, and you could even faintly hear the sliding sound of the chains.

“Oh~ I didn’t realize right away that there was such a person in the monastery. Did he actually find me?”

Att was not afraid, and even took the initiative to walk up, wanting to see how the monk sneaked in quietly.

As Ater approached, the transformed members of the association gathered behind him and surrounded him.

The mysterious monk sitting in the corner was indifferent.

 Until Art reached out himself and lifted his hood...

A familiar face came into view, it was William Behrens, who was also the chief of the circus, but William also had a homemade smile painted on his face.

“DOYOUMISSME (miss me)?”

"Haha! That's great, William... Your acting skills have grown a lot, and you have used the loopholes in my heart to disguise yourself as a real monk... What! Do you want to join my club?"

"Of course you can join, but I came here tonight to have a good talk with Art about the cooperation we had discussed a month ago. I have already booked a private room at a raw meat restaurant. When the activities of the club are over, we will Come over?"

"Okay! William is getting more and more interesting... Now that he is here, we will perform together and show these lucky guys what the top circus performance is."

 (End of this chapter)