The Last Gentleman

Chapter 808: secret blood chamber

Chapter 808 The Secret Blood Room

Marquis Enwei thought for a long time and finally created a special blood bag to collect all the tickets scattered on the ground and brought them back to the Green Manor.

“The other party’s methods are quite novel and weird. I even suspect that some non-epidemic extraterritorial methods are mixed in. The tickets are here anyway, what do you two think?”

Nasté slowly fell in the air and said with contempt:

“If there’s anything good to see, I definitely won’t go there!

It's so weird before the performance even starts, should we take the initiative to go in and throw ourselves into the trap? With such a convenient base as a leather factory, why do we have to run out to find danger?

The world infection is about to be completed, but we can’t let anything go wrong at this point.

 Let's just stay in the manor and see what these circus guys want. If they take the initiative to attack, I wouldn't mind playing with them. "

Gratoni held a huge roasted leg in one hand and nodded while biting into it, "I agree with Nast's statement. There is no need to come to the door. We are at a critical moment now."


Marquis Enwei was just a little unconvinced. He was tricked just the day before yesterday. Today, the circus was built directly under the tannery and even made these tricks to ridicule him.

In the past, the crazy blood people's nature would have already swarmed in and swallowed up the circus in one breath.

“I’m going to ask the boss for his opinion. You can continue to look at the tent below.”

The Marquis of Enwy kept replaying the strange posture of Baron Grote in his mind.

It is difficult to understand how the other party can turn his body like that in just a few seconds and still survive and move normally, and also perform some kind of in-depth enslavement that transcends "blood ties".

 “It’s so weird, I have to discuss it with the boss.

 If this tent is left unattended, the potential danger may expand over time... We must take effective action. "

Enwei walked back to the tannery with a stick, bypassed multiple forks and passed through a [mirror] with a special enchantment.

 There is a special elevator here that is only for people above the earl level and requires identity verification.

 It will lead to the highest point of the tannery, which is the room that was once used to dry special leather bags. Although it was abandoned for thousands of years, it was reused with the settlement of the blood people.


As the elevator went up, the elevator box, which was obviously made of ancient gold and was fully sealed, began to ooze blood. It only went up less than a hundred meters, but the blood spread over the waistline of Marquis Enwei.

 Ding Dong!

When the elevator door was opened, the blood that should have poured out was strangely left in the compartment. It seemed that the 'air pressure' permeating the external passage was greater.

We have not yet reached the former skin-drying room, and we still need to go up a narrow spiral staircase.

However, this staircase is not simple. There will be blood flowing down the stairs at any time.

The blood seems to have independent consciousness and will turn into arms to grab the legs and feet of the visitor, as if to verify the identity or just to play with it.

Finally reaching the top of the stairs, there is a dark red color blocking the eyes, and the [Blood Gate] feels like hard wax to the touch.

There is a bizarre and weird painting painted on it,

A middle-aged man with curved horns like a devil stood naked on a high platform, allowing the people below to penetrate his body with daggers, spears or swords, causing the blood in his body to spurt out. In this way, we can feed these people who are about to starve to death and save the common people.

Enwei stuck to the blood door with a pious attitude, stretched out his tongue and licked the surface. When he tasted the taste, many blood-condensed arms suddenly stretched out, grabbed Enwei's body and pulled him inside.

The former skin drying room has been completely transformed into a church style. The once transparent glass area has been completely enclosed and plated with several layers of blood wax and gold.

 In the center of the church is an oversized red wax water tank.

 At a glance, it is at least as big as a normal basketball court.

Emperor Pride is here, with the long sword wrapped in bandages hanging behind him, and one hand placed on the surface of the water tank, seemingly conducting some kind of detection or maintaining the circulation of some kind of blood substance in the water tank.

 As the camera moves up, you will find that the water tank is filled with extremely viscous crimson blood.

An ancient skeleton like a giant is soaked inside, and the whole body is also red... It is not a pure skeleton, but there are threads similar to blood vessels interspersed between the bones.

Each silk thread is managed by a Saint Child of Suture*.

*Sewing the Holy Infant, a blood-colored baby that looks like a human baby but reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Their fingers are shaped like flesh scissors, and they are always modifying the silk threads and cutting off the excess bifurcated parts. They also perform erection of blood lines and occasionally weave multiple blood lines.

 As time goes by, the number of these babies will increase. Currently, there are more than fifty holy babies in the entire blood vat.

Enwei took off his high hat and bowed, "The hardworking boss is here to take care of you!" "What's going on outside?"

“The circus tent has been set up, and it’s very strange...” Enwei elaborated on what had just happened.

Emperor Pride's expression changed immediately as he closed his eyes, and then he retracted the palm that was attached to the surface of the blood tank.

“We cannot leave it alone. The other party is an exile with a cancerous palace and a malignant disease that proliferates indefinitely. If the clown is given enough time, it is entirely possible to change the biological characteristics of the entire surrounding connective mountains.

I gonna go see. "


As soon as Emperor Pride raised his hand, a coffin lid lowered from the air to seal the blood vat, and he followed Enwei to the manor area.

 “Boss, how is the situation with the monarch?”

"As usual, real recovery can only be possible after the world's infection is over... The current situation is relatively stable, we just need to make sure that he is not disturbed."


With the arrival of Emperor Pride, the earls surrounding the manor immediately moved aside.

His closed eyes slowly opened when he came to the edge of the observation deck, revealing his twin pupils, and the special blood-colored vision fell on the tent.

  It was still impenetrable at first glance, but as his pupils gradually overlapped, Emperor Pride gradually penetrated the tent and saw some kind of swirling black object deep into the tent.

A stinging pain forced Emperor Pride to close his eyes suddenly, and even a drop of blood and tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.

 “Boss! Have you seen through...what’s inside?”

“Some kind of spiral vortex related to the abyss, the other party has specially set up rebound means for visual perception...”

“Abyss?! Sure enough, is the circus owner in it?”

 “Not necessarily~it feels different...let me give it a try.”

Emperor Pride slowly floated into the air, and the long sword hanging on his back, wrapped in a **** bandage, was also actively held in the Emperor's hand.

His eyes were locked on the tent below,

 Raise your arms high,

  I didn’t feel any special force, I just swung my sword to strike normally.


 The blood river in front of the leather factory stopped flowing and slowly separated, and the situation at the bottom of the river could be clearly seen.

 Three connected mountains were completely cut open in succession.

The tent built on the top of the mountain was no exception, and the clown statue on the top was cut off with a handle and split into two.

The whole tent shriveled up quickly as if it was leaking air, and eventually turned into two rags and fell to the ground... Strangely enough, there was nothing inside the tent, it was empty.

 Not long after,

On another mountaintop not far from the chopped mountain range, a layer of flesh-colored mist suddenly filled the air.

 As the fog gradually dissipated, a brand new tent appeared.

Once again, a large number of balloon people came out of the tent entrance, decorating the outside and setting up signboards, and even recycling the signboards that had already been inserted.

 (End of this chapter)