The Last Gentleman

Chapter 817: Rules and duels

Chapter 817 Rules and Showdown

 The theater beneath the abyss.

William's carefully designed 'negotiation' was successfully executed, using "yellow skin" as bait to completely arouse the interest of all the nobles present, including the emperor.

William knew very well that the desires of these guys infected with the blood plague would be much higher than those of ordinary patients.

Even if they have changed due to their defeat in ancient times, 'dogs can't change their eating shit'. It was impossible for this group of people not to be moved by the display of such a treasure that could seriously tilt the balance between them and the leather factory.

However, Marquis Enwei said as a negotiator:

“Win three out of five games...will take a long time.

  After all, we are trapped here and cannot sense the situation outside. If someone launches a sneak attack on our area during this time, it will be very troublesome.

 We can accept the offer of a performance, but it must be shortened.

 Changed from "best of five games" to "best of two of three games".

 The first two games will be fought in teams of two. If you really have the ability to draw us one to one in the first two games, then in the final game, Emperor Pride will fight in person.

 If you do not agree with this change and cannot come up with a better solution, we will completely destroy this tent and kill you if possible.

Even if we lose a lot of time in the subspace turbulence, as soon as I return to the old world, I will wake up Pilvina and identify you as the invaders of the leather factory. "

William showed a helpless expression, "Hey~ aren't we talking about cooperation? There is no need to threaten me out of three games? That's not impossible.

But, we just talked about the rewards after you win, and we haven’t talked about how the rewards should be distributed if we win.

Even though the Emperor is indeed very powerful, no one on our side has much chance of winning against the Emperor.

 But if we can directly win the first two games, wouldn’t we also win before the Emperor comes on stage? Therefore, before the performance begins, it is better to negotiate the conditions in advance and then sign a soul contract to prevent us from breaching each other's obligations.

 After all, you don’t want to see me suddenly plunge into the abyss and run away, right? "

 “What reward do you want?”

William adjusted his sterling silver glasses and said, "Actually, I won't open my mouth as a reward. After all, you came here at your own risk and have dual identities of 'guests' and 'spectators', and we have the advantage on the venue.

Let's do it~ If we can happen to win against all the distinguished **** nobles in the performance.

 I don’t need any substantial reward, I don’t need an ancient treasure house, and I don’t want you to do anything to me.

 As my first suggestion for cooperation before, I hope you can wholeheartedly help me stand out from [Pilvina] and let me become the new factory director.

 Of course, since I won...the subsequent terms of cooperation may need to be changed in my favor.

 Finally, a little story. Although Art and I are the chief team members of [Circus of Horror], except for Art, who can be called the "Big Three", I am just the newly appointed and bottom chief.

In addition, Catherine is only Art's deputy, and Teacher Zed has just joined the circus.

As for my friend Reagan, he is a human gentleman of the same class as me. He currently has no special status in the old world... and you all are famous beings in the old world. In ancient times, people talked about it and their expressions changed. Marquis'.

 Emperor Pryde is even more famous as the Plague Lord.

 I believe you will not be timid.

If even we can't do it, when the boss brings Mr. Rabbit, Mr. Jain and Beast Zork over, I'm afraid you will have no choice but to hide behind Piervina and tremble.

Emperor Pride can also regard the performance I initiated as my personal declaration of war against you. I will stay at the end and look forward to the ultimate showdown with you, the Emperor. "

As soon as these remarks came out,

 The disease flowing in the bodies of the blood people was activated, but Marquis Enwei remained absolutely sane.

“You seem to be asking for nothing, but you are actually asking for a big gift. You want us to bear the risk of fighting the epidemic. Your language skills are really good.

 We are willing to accept this challenge, but I have to modify your rewards.     If you really win the competition, we can help you become the factory director. But it needs to be done step by step, and the specific details need to be discussed with us item by item. "


A soul contract was quickly formed. Emperor Pride personally checked the contents of the contract, and after confirming that it was correct, he left his name together with William and Art.

 Watching the signed contract disappear into the air, William smiled his iconic actor's smile and retreated to the center of the venue.

As he raised his arms high, four biological seats designed according to the characteristics of the Marquis were also raised in the auditorium directly opposite. They were even more exquisite than the seats they had in the manor.

 The pitch-black pipeline that perfectly conforms to the biological aesthetics outlines the "entangled female body", "mouth, esophagus, stomach pouch and large intestine", "jealousy" and "arrogant crown" on the back of the chair in the form of "one stroke".

 The four marquis led the group of earls to sit over,

Marquis Enwei also touched the seat material with admiration. He could feel the biotechnology incorporated in it, and even planned to apply this kind of seat design to the manor.

Host William also shouted loudly, "Without wasting your precious time, let us quickly start the battle-style competition!

 Except for the final battle between me and Emperor Pride,

 For the first two games, both sides will decide on their own players without informing each other. They will just appear at the same time.

 The staff has decided on one minute, and now the timer starts. "

William seems to be hosting the game, but he has actually used his brain to establish a "local area network" for five people.

Catherine was the first to give an opinion, "I don't have much confidence... There are four people on the opposite side, and each one is difficult to mess with. My suggestion is to ensure that at least one of the first two games wins, that is, let the boss Art and I team up." ! As long as he can cooperate with Boss Art, he will still be confident in dealing with the Marquis. 』

 Reagan didn’t have any objections, “William, you can make the arrangements. 』

Zed has only one request, "Let me face Gratoni as much as possible." 』

As for Art, he had a completely indifferent expression, "It doesn't matter what the game is. The most interesting part of this show is the showdown between you and the Emperor, William. Let's just try to win the first round." 』

 After sorting out the opinions of the four people, William gave the final personnel arrangement.

“Hmm~Katherine’s idea is good. Except for the emperor, the other three are not simple characters.

 We must at least ensure that one of the first two games can win, so I will combine two powerful players according to their strength to ensure that they win one game. 』

After hearing this, Catherine interjected, "Yeah!" I can work with Boss Art to show these guys how powerful the ‘big and small kings’ are. 』

     Catherine, you are with Reagan. Teacher Zed and Art are in a group. 』

 Catherine was immediately confused, "Huh?" what's the situation! I have cooperated with the boss for many years, and the effect of our cooperation is definitely 1+1 greater than 2. William, can you make arrangements? 』

However, there was no need for William to say anything. The clown Art approached directly and reached out to pat Catherine on the shoulder, saying orally, "How about we just listen to William's arrangements?"


Catherine's expression also changed greatly. She erased her depressed expression with a turn of her head, and showed a black and white smile with Reagan waving not far away.

Unexpectedly, a woman looming in the current gave her a fierce look.

time up.

    Catherine, Reagan, you go first. 』

As the two of them fell into the arena together, the two groups of blood people also fell into it at the same time.

 “Who is this?”

Catherine tilted her head. There was a person who was not a marquis among the other party's players, and no matter how hard Catherine searched her memory, she couldn't find any images of this person.

 (End of this chapter)