The Last Gentleman

Chapter 820: Neisser Cluster

Chapter 820 Neisser Cluster

 Another end of the world far away from the Marginal Plateau,

 There are a large number of fully exploited metal mines dotted here. It was once the largest metal mining area in the early days of the old world. Even the early Torment Monastery would purchase large quantities of goods from here for the development of the iron chain farming industry.

Furthermore, once nourished by the evil sun, the metal here was also renewable.

But with the end of the war, this place was quickly mined and declined rapidly. Hundreds of years ago, some treasure hunters would come here to try to find some rare metals. Nowadays, almost no one visits it. There are even many prophets from the old world. It is predicted that this place will eventually evolve into a new abyss,

 But hundreds of years have passed, this place is still the same as before.

Although it is completely shrouded in darkness, it still feels like there are still luminous ores left in the mines, so that this place is always at the 'critical point' of transforming into a place of extreme darkness.


 What basically everyone doesn’t know is that

Deep in a certain mine, walking back and forth thirteen times along the fixed mine route to move the inconspicuous stones on the ground will open a hidden secret passage.

 The secret passage exudes a strong metallic luster, which illuminates the entire mine every time it is opened.

Hide in the deepest part of the secret passage is a secret area full of brain nerves, with a level of complexity that exceeds the plague area. A group of special races that survived ancient times are conducting various secret experiments here.


This is a group of special races that are comparable to epilepsy at the brain level, but they are not as arbitrary as epilepsy. Instead, they are very gregarious and like to share knowledge.

Theoretically, such a collective intelligent race will inevitably develop very well.

  It's a pity that they have a genetic disadvantage, that is, they are too kind and have no scheming.

In ancient times, they mastered a large number of advanced technologies, and even developed some special props that can break the level of epidemics.

 However, they did not seek out a certain epidemic area as a backer. Instead, they "kept alone" and did not want to cooperate with anyone. They reduced their sophistication and concentrated on research.

 Their existence has threatened many forces invisibly, and they are also coveted by many organizations hiding in the dark.

Even before the invasion war came, this race was basically wiped out for various reasons, and various ancient stone slabs and technological products were divided among the major forces.

However, the Nesser cluster was not annihilated as a result. Some of them survived and have been completely hidden since then, no longer dealing with any forces in the old world.

 As time went by, they were even forgotten by most people, thinking that these guys had long since been exterminated.

Their descendants did not hate the sick people who robbed and killed their ancestors, but hid in the depths of the world and conducted a very detailed analysis of ethnic issues, and came up with a plan that could allow the Neisse cluster to develop stably and no longer be invaded. .

 Still did not choose to rely on any source of epidemic areas, but worked **** ourselves.

 Through technology to strengthen his weak body, he also completed a book "On Ascension" that is worth more than the Epidemic Book a hundred years ago.

 The core concept mentioned in the book is [Mechanical Ascension]

However, the risk of ascension is extremely high. In this sterile old world, if the already small population of Neisseral Brainers dies during the ascension process, it will not only delay the progress of research but also further accelerate the demise of the race. They are no longer able to bear any personal losses.

 Therefore, some people suggested that humans from infected worlds whose character is unknown should be used for cultivation.

During the cultivation process, their brains are monitored at all times. Any thoughts that are not conducive to the Neisser cluster will be directly cleared from the memory and thrown to the old world to fend for themselves.

Because Reagan was born with super mental power and also developed brain-related diseases, he was attracted by Neisser when he first came to the old world.

Of course, Reagan was not the only one chosen;

 At least thirty more humans were selected before him. Unfortunately, there was no news from these humans. Only Reagan returned to Zion after coming into contact with the Nesser Cluster.    Due to a soul-level confidentiality agreement, it is impossible to tell the relevant organizations behind it.

Even the gentlemen’s organizations didn’t know what organization in the old world Reagan was related to. They only knew that his spiritual power was growing at an incredible rate every year.

And Reagan fits the Neisser cluster very well, he only lives for two things,

  1. Engage in scientific research,

  2. Let Fay live and live a perfect life,

The above two points can be satisfied among the Neisseria cluster. By learning ancient technology and being infected with Neisseria meningitidis, Reagan found a solution for Faye to continuously evolve and have stable consciousness.

 And Reagan’s excellence was gradually recognized, appreciated, and even treated as one of their own by Neisseralists.

 When Regan completed the path and even surpassed most Neisseurs at some levels, the Great Elder handed "Ascension Theory" to Regan, hoping that he could try to become the first Ascended One.

Without any persuasion, Reagan was quickly attracted by the theory elaborated in it and agreed without hesitation.

Since then, the entire Neisser cluster has launched the "Ascension Plan" around Reagan, investing all the accumulated resources of the entire cluster in Reagan.

As long as he can become an ascender, the entire tribe can collect enough information based on Reagan's transformation experience, greatly reducing the risk of ascension so that the entire tribe can achieve ascension and no longer fear any intruders.

 But the actual situation is not that simple.

Even if Reagan’s body below the head is mechanized with 100% synchronization rate,

 However, the transformation of the head area has never been achieved.

Either the synchronization rate cannot meet the requirements, or it may endanger Reagan's self-awareness. If he is not careful, his entire consciousness will be annihilated and reduced to a useless mechanical puppet.

is also like this,

Regan temporarily left the Neisse cluster and returned to Zion to engage in research. Recently, he also used William's connections to establish a scientific research relationship with the Black Ascaria Company, and signed a "Chaos Moon Research Agreement" with Lorian.

  All research results, Reagan will immediately carry out "infinite distance brainwave sharing" with the ethnic group.

These seemingly unrelated scientific researches are all being used to find ways to soar the brain. Although there has been some progress, they are still far from being truly completed.

 And Reagan also fell into an unprecedented bottleneck.

Even so, the entire Neisse cluster can no longer find anyone who can compete with Reagan alone. They completely regard Reagan as a treasure, and even built a 'synchronization rate statue' using part of Reagan's brain tissue.

This statue can truly reflect Reagan’s current situation.

Now, in the secret room deep in the mine

A group of people without skulls, with brains that are more than twice the size of humans and are completely exposed. They are even severely inflamed and glowing with a bright red light.

They are gathering in front of Reagan’s synchronization rate statue, because a large index fluctuation was just heard from the statue.


There is a slight scar on the waist and abdomen of the statue. Although it is not deep, this kind of attack that can destroy the metal of the ascended person is enough to show the opponent's level. There is even blood that should not appear from the statue's wound.

When they tried to sense Reagan's location, they could only get a rough and vague coordinate.

You must know that no matter where Reagan was, even in the human world, they could use the technology contained in the statue to easily locate him.

 The Nessinters, realizing that something was wrong, began to communicate.


 With waves of brain waves passing through,

After a while, the mysterious group wrapped in insulating cloaks at the bottom of the mine began to move towards the direction of the leather factory.

 (End of this chapter)