The Last Gentleman

Chapter 92: Surrounded and Surrounded (Fourth Update

Chapter 92 Surrounding and Being Surrounded (Fourth Update)

 Very weak and ordinary,

 This is Yi Chen's intuitive feeling after killing the old man. It is not about how strong he has become, but a very objective feeling.

Far from the unfinished work created by Moonmark Lorian at the Twilight Clinic, the male doctor who defibrillated the heart alone could beat 3 to 4 such old men.


It is quite dangerous if a black cat pounces directly on the face without being prepared... Once the pounce is completed, the furry old man's tongue will burrow into the body along the esophagus, and may even directly cause 'ovulation infection'.

 As for the memory fragments Yi Chen ingested, they are worthless.

 It’s all about the old man’s daily life, and there is no information about the [New Life Church] at all.

 When the tree wall was raised, the old man could only stay at home because of his inconvenience.

 As ashes rise between the floors,

He regarded the gray mist as a sign of the coming of death, so he led the only black cat accompanying him to the attic, sat on a rocking chair that had not been used for a long time, and waited for death to come.


 Death has not come,

 Under the influence of ashes, the old man developed strange lesions and took the initiative to stick out his tongue to lick the black cat.

This licking continued, and after about a week, the tongue merged with the black cat and turned into a deformed patient.

“The disease that permeates the villages and forests seems to be related to [fusion]... The same is true for the larvae at the lower end of the trees. Although they have human limbs, they also have the characteristics of cattle and sheep.

 Is it a disease brought about by the so-called new church? "

While Yi Chen was thinking, Jin's palm gently touched his shoulder from behind.

“Hey~ you are really a powerful man! You don’t even need weapons to deal with such a lowly patient.

By the way, why didn’t you take action in advance? According to what I just observed, the effective range of the plants in your body should be three meters or more, right? There was no need for you to get close just now, right? "

“Ensure the integrity of the body and obtain more intelligence.

If the distance is too far, the accuracy will be greatly reduced...if 'here' is destroyed, it will be boring. "

Yi Chen pointed to his head while speaking.

“Oh? Can you absorb nutrients and knowledge from the brain? What a terrifying ability~ This kind of behavior is even worse than mine.

 Would you like to try sucking in my brain and see what’s inside? "

Jin's curiosity aroused and he directly put Yi Chen's palm on his forehead.

 “Jin, don’t make trouble.

This guy doesn't have any useful information in his head. He is just a lonely old man living outside the village... Let's go and continue deeper into the village. "

at this time,

Jin suddenly turned his head and looked at the bottom of the stairs.

A voice full of murderous intent but slightly excited came from under the mask: "Is this building a trap? We are surrounded, William... and there seem to be a lot of them."

Hearing this,

Yi Chen immediately stepped to the attic window.

 There is no need to resort to kerosene lamps at all,

In the dark forest, villagers holding torches are pouring out one after another.

 The ‘form’ they presented also further verified Yi Chen’s guess that the diseases that infected and affected the villages and forests were related to [biological fusion].

 Let’s talk about human-like villagers first.

  Appearance and body structure remain in the human category, but they have additional animal characteristics.

 Like a woman with antlers, hair and white spots on her body,

 Or a very strong male villager with horns and tails,

 But these are the minority,

 More villagers no longer possess the important label of [person].

For example

 A man whose body was split open from his chin to his abdomen, with hundreds of fangs attached, and his limbs crawling quickly on the ground.

 Or an upright individual who is completely transformed into a werewolf, holding a shotgun in his hand.

Or there is a "fungus mountain" growing on its back, which bends the whole person at 90°. Every few seconds, the fungus mountain on its back will release a large amount of ash spores, stimulating and strengthening other nearby villagers.

 The total number of villagers who were encircled and suppressed was more than 20.

 Among them, the one who puts the most pressure on people and has the most powerful momentum is undoubtedly the [Pig Head Butcher].

 His body is the size of at least three adult villagers.

 A huge pig's head is sewn onto the neck to replace the original head.

 The butcher’s apron is pushed up high by his belly,

It's not even the belly at all, but three pig heads coming out of the belly. Their mouths are wide open, and their saliva is constantly dripping from smelling the deliciousness of the new meat.

Not only that,

Four iron chains were fastened to the butcher's back. The other end of the iron chains led four hounds sewn into pig skins and pig head harnesses. Sometimes they barked wildly, and sometimes they made strange noises from the pig head covers.

This butcher estimates that after a while, after completing more slaughtering tasks and ingesting more ashes, he will become a "severely ill person".

"so much!"

This was the first time that Yi Chen met so many patients, and his brain immediately started thinking about ways to escape the predicament.

“Gold! After more than half of this group of people enter the house, you directly carry out quantitative blasting on the side walls of the attic. It would be better if it can damage the building structure and cause collapse.

Through the opening created by the explosion, we jumped as deep into the forest as possible and evacuated at full speed.

If you encounter villagers blocking you, don't be too eager to fight. Kill them quickly and retreat immediately. "


Jin shook his fingers and directly rejected the evacuation plan given by Yi Chen.

“The other party directly sent such a big feast for the sick, why didn’t you enjoy it and still think about leaving?

In other words,

  When I entered the house before, I deliberately let you go in front, and I also let you kill the first patient... This time, it must be my turn to make the decision, right?

Don’t you want to collect intelligence?

 See their brains dangling between their skulls? It will all be yours later. "

 Just when Yi Chen wanted to say something,

 Jin took a step forward and stood on tiptoes.

 Chests touching each other,

 The index finger rests on the slit between the lips,


 After settling Yi Chen, Jin turned around and quickly moved to the first floor, taking advantage of the fact that the villagers were still outside and could not come in.

Grab the small metal box in your pocket and flick it.

 A bright red "compressed meat cube" fell into his hand.


 A red thread spilled from the fingertips flowed into the diced meat, activated it, and then stuck to the ground like chewing gum.

 After doing all this,

Jin walked back to the second floor with light steps and whistled. He led Yi Chen to the center of the attic and pointed to the ground.

“There will be an explosion at this point later, and our clothing will effectively absorb the impact of the explosion and reduce the damage to the body... We will use the impact of this explosion to fly outside the house.

 Let these guys who try to surround us become surrounded by us. "

He said,

Jin continued to hold Yi Chen's arm until it hugged her waist.

“Of course, if you have never experienced such an explosion and cannot determine the landing point, just hold me tight~ I will choose the most suitable landing location.”

Yi Chen has indeed never experienced it, and is not sure how powerful the explosion is.

 I just feel that my gentleman's clothes have begun to become thicker and larger.

 He did not refuse Jin's proposal and kept his arms around his waist.

By the time the footsteps on the first floor became more intensive and about ten villagers had entered the room,

Jin gracefully raised his right hand and snapped his fingers in the air.


 A red lotus blooms on the surface of the diced meat.

  Boom! The stone building collapsed instantly,

Out of the red firelight and billowing smoke, two figures hugging each other jumped out, drawing a perfect parabola in the air and landing just behind the outermost villagers.

 Under the colorful mask, there is a bloodthirsty face.

 The massacre begins!

 (End of this chapter)