The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 192: Lineage tax

The bard's singing overshadowed the crowd's joyful conversation, and sounded in a cheerful rhythm. His lute melody added a tranquil scene to his singing.

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Young couples danced on the green grass, and the ladies in gorgeous dresses danced with their noble dance partners, and laughed with the bard singing. The elder nobles and ladies are all standing aside, in order to maintain their demeanor, they will not participate in such a warm celebration. But they were too happy to laugh out loud.

The marble church is located in the middle of the grass, and the plaster decoration glitters in the sunlight. The sarcophagus of the paladin who built the chapel seemed to be smiling towards the celebration. The footsteps of the sarcophagus were buried under a bouquet of primroses and snapdragons. A wreath made of daisies surrounds the walls of the church, swaying gently in the breeze, and exuding fragrance in the crowd.

An old man stood at the door of the church. His clothes were richer and more refined than those around him. A smile appeared on his wrinkled face and tears in his eyes.

He smiled and looked at one of the dancing couples. A dark-haired young man was wearing a black tunic and stockings. His gorgeous clothes were set with gold rims. He held a brown-haired woman in his arms, more beautiful than any woman playing on the grass.

She wore a flowing white dress and a veil filled with flowers on her head. Not long ago, she was Ms. Melani. Now she is the Viscountess Melanie-du-Marini, the wife of Viscount Pierre-du-Marini and the daughter-in-law of Moliere-du-Marini.

Old Moliere smiled more at his new daughter than at his son. He had been desperate, thinking that he would never see this day again. Now the brave young knight put down his reckless behavior and embarked on a more important task, which is to continue the lineage of the Marini family.

There was a time when he wandered around the country, killing monsters, saving girls, and realizing his dream of becoming a hero. But this is a pastime that is not suitable as the only heir to an ancient and historical surname.

When the old man saw Melanie's elegant figure sliding across the grass in his son's arms, he couldn't help but giggled. I don't need to worry too much about the continuation of Du Marini's surname. Unless ice water flows into Pierre's veins, he will endeavour to continue the family name once the wedding is over.

His smile flashed, and as a chill raged on his old bones, the smile disappeared on the old Moliere's face. He turned his gaze to the sky and noticed that when the stormy clouds swept across the sky, the sun suddenly darkened.

For months, Aquitaine has been plagued by the heavy clouds before the sudden storm, it seems that these clouds are plotting to cover this land under the never-ending shadow. This is just one of the many factors that tortured this territory.

Farmers talked about the larger beasts wandering in the countryside. The largest number were the large wolves, but the farmers accepted them with unusual courage. Some ghoul whispers haunted the ancient cemetery, and there were rumors that restless ghosts wandered outside in the night.

The most ugly and vicious story revolves around the Duke himself. It is said that the Duke has never recovered from the trauma he suffered in the battle of Istania with the army of the magic kingdom of Al-Eba. There are also rumors that the Duke's heart is broken, and now he is just a wild beast. In order to hide the madness of the Duke from his people, his court moved from the castle to the wilderness.

Even so, the Duke continued to issue decrees that affected every noble of Aquitaine. He set a lineage tax, requiring every lord to send a tenth of the knight to the Duke ’s castle. The Lineage Tax has fuelled another terrible rumor about the Duke, saying that he is going to fight King Charles!

Molière-Du-Marini shook his head, trying to eliminate these intimidating ideas from his mind. He looked again at Pierre and his bride. This is a day worth celebrating, looking forward to the day when light dispels darkness.

The bard's voice was hoarse, and his fingers played false notes on his lute. The atmosphere of joy and festivals in the crowd collapsed, replaced by twitchy faces, elongated faces and somber whispers. The celebration was overshadowed by a sense of doom that no one could eliminate.

Pierre hugged his bride tightly and turned to look at his father with a worried expression. Moliere could only shake his head and stare at the darkening sky. The weather was so volatile, and there was nothing more ominous than this. The atmosphere of Aquitaine is now full of uncertainty and fear, which breeds various superstitions. Even the lords are always ready to see the omen.

Molière-Du-Marini opened his mouth and tried to say a few interesting words to dispel the doubts of the guests attending the wedding.

"my friend--"

Old Molière failed to go further. When a dozen horsemen rushed out of the woods and came straight to the church, the roar of horseshoes rang through the grass. All knights are wearing dark armor, black cloaks, and black war horses.

Only the knight riding in front of him broke the gloomy image brought by this group of people, because his armor was a bright crimson, his tumbling cloak hanging from his shoulder and the armor covering the huge warhorse he was riding It is also bright red. Mori mourned the thin silhouette of the Crimson Knight, he was Duke of Aquitaine-now known as Duke of Blood Eagle.

The knights took their horses a dozen yards away from the church. The manipulator horses jogged around the guests who were frightened by their arrival at the wedding. None of the guests dared to flee here in front of the lord who had sworn allegiance and service, although each of them felt cringe at his arrival.

The Duke of Blood Eagle exudes a powerful breath, an ancient and deep force that makes even the bravest knight tremble before him like a lamb in front of a wolf.

The Duke of Blood Eagle strangled his horse in front of the guest group, the black knight remained silent in their armor, and their war horses slowly walked around the wedding guest, holding them in a prison of steel armor in. The Duke's face was pale, and he swept across the crowd with a serious expression, staring at each of them in turn with his nervous gaze.

"Wedding," Duke Blood Eagle said. "A celebration where I was not notified." His voice was sizzled. "And I was not invited."

Molière du Marini bowed regretfully in front of his lord. "Only my son and his bride, and the family of both parties. I did not intend to use this small wedding to disturb you, I beg your grace."

Duke Blood Eagle turned his eyes to the young Viscount Marini, not far away.

"Your son should perform his duties in my army," the Duke said. "He should protect Aquitaine from the traitors and enemies who wanted to destroy her. But on the contrary," the Duke of Blood Eagle made a contemptuous gesture with his gloved hands. "I found him here."

Pierre stared fiercely at the majestic lord.

"I am the last heir of the Du Marini family," he said. "I have a responsibility to ensure the safety of this route, I have been excluded from the lineage tax."

Duke Bloodhawk leaned on his saddle, a faint smile appeared on the gaunt face.

"No one in Aquitaine is excluded from the lineage tax," he retorted.

Suddenly, he shifted his gaze from the unseen viscount to the woman beside him. There was a feeling of hunger in his eyes, which frightened Melanie. Pierre stretched out an arm to protect his bride and pushed her behind.

"Guarantee the safety of this route." The Duke repeated Pierre's words, with a disdainful and mocking expression on his face.

"This is an ancient law that you quoted in order to evade responsibilities in my army," the Duke of Blood Eagle said to Pierre. "Then I will quote an older one."

He raised his gloved hand and pointed to the bride of Viscount Pierre. "I demand the lord's first night power."

Pierre's face flashed with a trace of fear, and was soon replaced by disgust. He glared at the smiling lord.

"Those stories are true," the young Viscount sipped. "You are crazy."

Molière-Du-Marini rushed down the steps of the church ~ ~ between his son and the Duke of Blood Eagle.

"My son does not want to be disrespectful to you. The arrival of your army scared him, which reminded him of calling the old law. Please forgive his powerlessness. I beg your mercy again."

Pierre pushed his father away.

"I can speak for myself. If you think I will let you encounter Melanie, I will say that you are crazy and hopeless!" The angry Viscount reached for his long sword.

The silent companions of the Duke of Blood Eagle immediately squeezed their horses towards the angry young man. Their master made a gesture to make those ruthless riders back.

Slowly, the Duke of Blood Eagle came down from the horse, a haughty, vicious expression distorted his face. As he strode towards Ai Peier and his bride, his cloak fluttered behind him.

"First of all you deny my lineage tax, now you deny my rights and prevent me from checking the noble qualities of the charming lady behind you. I want to know if you know who is the owner and who is a vassal."

Pierre pulled out his long sword from the scabbard and glared at his arrogant prince. "Another step towards my wife, this will be your last step."

The Duke of Blood Eagle stopped, his lips pulled by a fierce smile, revealing a sharp fang. The Duke's hand grasped his hilt and pulled out the blade in a simple and smooth motion. The cold and ruthless gaze was fixed on the young Viscount's eyes.

"Prove it to me." Duke Blood Eagle said with a sneer.
