The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 268: Festival competition

On the Hunting Festival, the first programs to appear are guilt fights. This is the way I learned from Realmas. Fatal criminals on Fatalin Island can volunteer to participate in these disparities in exchange for a reduction in sentence or a slight improvement in living conditions.

At this moment, a tall and muscular man, he is a fighter from the private guard of the Night Owl, is launching a fierce offensive. He wore black leather armor, with a decent steel breastplate, and the top of the helmet was decorated with a shark's fin that had just been cut off, and the scales and fins were shining. The soldiers rushed back and forth under the scorching sun and used their iron heads to attack.

The soldier stood on a small but rocky platform. A series of round wooden boards surround him, blocked by the water far away. On these crooked platforms, a dozen thin and dirty prisoners stood, each holding a small wooden stick. A collective charge may defeat the executioner in armor, but these people seem to lack the courage to cooperate.

They would only go it alone or form a small group, and slowly approached the soldier; then they were hit by the sticks with their heads covered in the water one by one. Several small boats cruised around to salvage the unconscious prisoners in case they were buried underwater. Amen Cannon, with compassion in his arms, does not allow the guilt-fighting struggle to result in the intentional death.

Bai En did not expect that the Night Owl would send his bodyguard to participate in this activity. He carefully selected many of the strongest and most skilled soldiers from the caster academy and the soldiers on the island to form his private cavalry. He took them almost seriously as a knight to train, everyone can almost be ten.

Noon has passed, the guilt fight is over, and the next is the drama of the atonement fight, which is a more elegant statement. This was learned from Margarita's popular festivals.

This time the criminals are all serious offenders and need to face the kind of hanging or beheading. However, Margarita's way of using waste made Dean feel that it would be too wasteful to directly execute them, it would be better to keep it for a while.

Participants are characters such as murderers, rapists, traitors, and arsonists, so they were selected to perform exciting and exciting public executions to provide entertainment for the carnival people.

Strictly speaking, they only voluntarily participate in the battle and have weapons, but the way of voluntary is a little different, they will be thrown into the arena, they can voluntarily choose to fight to die or die without resistance.

And if you can manage to kill the beast they face-no matter what it is in the end, you can win the chance to fall from the light. But those beasts are usually so fierce, and their weapons are so ridiculous, so generally speaking, these people have only one dead end.

But as Heita ’s former mentor did, Dean still gave them a hope. One of them might survive and accept the chance of falling from the light. If he performs well enough, it is not impossible to get free. .

But this time, the black elk failed to find a good beast. So I had to throw all of this group of people into the icy river and fight with the devil fish just released from the iron cage.

The six tentacles of Devilfish are ten feet long, almost the length of a wavy body with gray-black stripes. It was confined in a sixty-foot circle surrounded by an iron cage and a platform. A dozen men accompanied him. They waved their arms, stepped on the water desperately, and burst into wailing; most people had already thrown the toy dagger into the water.

Tensive guards armed with crossbows and spears patrolled the platform; if a prisoner tried to climb out, they would be pushed back into the water. From time to time, the devil fish rolled over in the muddy blood, and Bai En would glimpse a black eyelid without an eyelid, as large as the soup bowl in his hand.

"Come on again, Master Baien?" A waiter approached him, holding a tray in his hands with a silver bowl of hot soup; crimson tomato soup seasoned with pepper and onion, and white lobster floating on it Tender meat.

Bai En shook his head, rejected the waiter's kindness, and placed the empty bowl on his tray.

Dean ’s promise became a bubble. Only one of those felons stabbed the demon fish. The injured devil fish then tore him into pieces, just like the other dozen people. There were cries and cheers from the crowd.

After these two activities, it is a bounty duel, the winner can get a bounty, and the final champion can get a more generous reward. Most of the participants were students from the Spellcaster Academy. Perhaps because it was the first time, the number of mercenaries, adventurers and bounty hunters participated was not large.

They battled on the platform with a lot of holes and spliced ​​out of dozens of punts. Falling into the water, surrendering or coma are all considered losers. Amen Cannon does not want this opportunity to provide students with actual combat experience into a death arena, but he does not care about the occasional sudden death. After all, danger will come anytime and anywhere.

However, because the use of armor is allowed, and the malicious killing of the other party is not allowed, plus unless the champion is won, otherwise the bounty is not worth the death. Most people who understand that they are weak are surrendering. Only one accident happened in the afternoon match. A mercenary who used mace broke a student's head. But there are many injured.

The final champion is a mentor of the caster academy. The magic he uses is related to water, and it is his home field on the river. He basically first released a spherical protective spell made of water to himself, and then almost used the various water spells to play with each other.

Bai En noticed that the demon fish that had won the victory was cruising in the water, and the soldiers began to gather around, using the crossbow arrow as its reward for the service of this festival. After confirming that it died, he used a hook and chain The body of the demon fish was dragged away from the arena in the water. Once these fighting creatures have completed their mission, they will not be closed again. Basically, their fate is sent to the festive table.

Clean up the underwater arena for the final finale. Students who study comfortably at the Spellcaster Academy will tell you that jumping sharks are a beautiful and charming animal. They have a higher muscle ratio than any of the strongest bulls. They have bright stripes on their rough skins. Everything from copper green to rainstorm black. But everyone who works at the port of Tatuga Port and offshore will tell you that the jump shark is a ferocious **** and loves to jump!

These jumping sharks were carefully caged, did not feed for a few days, and were almost crazy by the **** smell; they are the finale of the festival. It was the female gladiators specially invited from Margarita that they were fighting against. They could n’t tell whether the women were beautiful or not, but they were really eye-catching.

They are all dark-skinned people from the southern continent. They are as muscular as farm girls, and they can feel awesome from a distance. There was hardly anything on them: only black tight cotton underwear around the chest, plus the wrestler's loincloth and thin leather gloves. The women's black hair was tied behind their heads with a traditional red big handkerchief ~ ~ through a headband made of brass and silver, a series of white light was reflected in the sun.

Unfortunately, today I do n’t see these women with special equipment fighting a lively shark. The protagonists of humanity today are those rebels captured by night owls in the forest.

Those poor rebels were almost naked, with only a short hair in their hands. The surrounding soldiers were armed with spears and halberds, and they were not allowed to escape from the small platform floating on the water. But do n’t worry, if they plan to go upstream from the platform to the surrounding ships, they will die faster.

The rebels stood on a series of small platforms on the water to fight, and each piece was two feet square, half a foot above the water. These platforms are placed in a square grid spaced four to five feet apart, leaving enough space for the wolf shark to swim.

Ban speculates that the female gladiators must jump back and forth between platforms in order to fight the jumping sharks, launching a fast-paced attack on the sharks while also avoiding their jumping. If you accidentally slide into the water, it usually means that the game is over.

Unfortunately, these rebels did not have the skills they had, and they were quickly replaced by jumping sharks one after another. Only a string of bubbles remained on the water, and then the water was stained red.

The rebels panicked to avoid jumping sharks and stabbed blindly at these sharks, but it was useless. It was much shorter than Bai En's estimate, and soon there was no one on the small platform. But the people seemed very happy. And the time is very good, and it is almost time for dinner, just to give the crowd some time to relax, without having to be stimulated by the **** atmosphere at dinner.