The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 271: Platinum Plaza

Ban hadn't had time to fight back Falheim's words. The fancy-dressed guy took his staff into the carriage and drove away. His friend's view on one thing is correct: Bai En should really focus on training his apprentice, especially the ability to deal with things alone. This can slightly improve the problem that he now has status and power, but there is no matching free time.

But the matter of educating the disciples can be let go first, there is something more important than this. Bai En took a roll of parchment and feather pen from his arms and thought about which recipes he should write would be more popular. After thinking about it, I can only think of fried onion rings, onion potato cakes, and several kinds of fried foods including egg wrapped crab meat. The fried chicken must be popular.

Thinking of this, Bai En suddenly felt that he should open a chicken farm, and then open a fried chicken restaurant, accompanied by beer. It may be possible to make a fortune by this model of self-production and self-sale.

Bai En put down his pen and sat alone at the feldspar table, sipping tea, watching Fatalin's awakening ice begin to run in the dawn, while thinking about the feasibility of his plan. A cobbler with a thick neck passed by not far away, carrying two long poles full of shoes on his shoulders. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

A woman walked by. From the traces on her apron and the flour bag on her head, she should be a bakery chef. A tall, thin young man with a large book under his arm, and a patch on his robe, was walking south casually.

Look north along the street. At the end of this street is a huge square, linking these at least eight roads. The dwarf designer of Amen Cannon has already designed the route of the street and the arrangement of the transfer place in advance.

This square is called Platinum Plaza. Platinum Plaza is surrounded by a huge circular building. The periphery of Platinum Plaza is a loop. More than half of the surroundings are shops that were occupied by dwarves in advance, and half of them are almost gold. Artisan. Outside each goldsmith ’s shop, there are private guards wandering. The shop faces the circular street, and the passage between them leads directly to the circular building in the center of the square. Every morning these dwarf guards came to work like an army into the city. Although they belong to different tribes, I do n’t know whether it is because of the dwarf ’s habit or whatever. They all enter the city together and only divide their respective teams outside the shop.

Platinum Plaza and the surrounding area, there are too many military-style personal guards and crazy construction shops to generate noise and dust, so there is always little people here, and for the dwarf goldsmith merchants, the most important thing is that not many people Will be close to those stores that store precious goods.

Bai En knows that shortly after these guards go to work, the group of dwarves' construction work will appear, and they will continue to complete other unfinished shops around. Bai En looked at these dwarves who were extremely keen on business sense, wondering whether his ideas would really make money.

Bai En shook his head, withdrew his gaze, and decided to leave the chicken farm to Morris. As for the opening of the restaurant, Melanie, her female apprentice, had been immersed in grief since Karim's death. She didn't want to face the battle again, or even want to stay away from magic. The restaurant can be left to her, and she hopes to divert her attention somewhat.

Bai En thought of this, picked up the bowl, drank the remaining cardamom tea, and then found the bags of the remaining cookies and hung them on his belt. He packed up other things, including books, and prepared to get up and leave. If he walked too late, he might have to be hit by the flow of people again, he hated this situation.

It is a pity that Bai En failed to escape the flow of people today. The sidewalk of the main road was full of people. The crowd moved slowly, shouting for the few spaces for the chair and mule to walk. In Bain's view, those who walked walked faster.

The dwarf designer geniusly divided the main road into the middle of the carriage and the road for horses, whether it is to mobilize the army in the city or simply to classify, or to better use the branch to clear the traffic. In Bain's view, the effect is very poor, the middle road is full of carriages carrying building materials into the city, and the sidewalks on both sides are full of people.

Most of these people should walk in the middle, such as the carriages of merchants. It seems that they think that the middle road should be used by the most noble mages or anyone, and they can only use the road next to them. But the actual situation is that the middle road is completely occupied by freight wagons. And no one responsible for directing traffic caused chaos in the middle.

Bai En estimated that he could only walk to the stable outside the city. Fortunately, he has already traveled so many roads, this way is nothing. However, the rules of road use still need to be mentioned to Amen Cannon, at least find someone responsible for directing for a period of time, so that those who do not know the traffic rules at all understand who should take that road. First launch https: // https: //

Bai En thought while walking towards the outside of the city, all the people around tried to squeeze in other directions, freeing him enough space. This makes him very satisfied, and status still brings some benefits. But in the end, Bai En avoided the sidewalk and went directly to the crowded main road. It might be faster to walk here.

Bai En soon passed a garbage truck anchored in the middle of the road. In the morning sun, the garbage gave off an unpleasant smell, and Bai En's face was distorted by unhappiness. He decided to escape this congested street first, he continued to walk forward for a while, and drilled directly into an alley.

This alley is quite wide, and there are some gaudy shops along the street. Some girls stood lazily in front of the door, their eyes widening when they saw Bai En. A few of them are quite watery, Bai En thought, but he didn't have the idea of ​​Bai Ri.

Bai En quickly walked out of the alley and turned into another alley. When he was finally approaching the edge of the city, he could directly access the stable outside the city from outside the Fatalin city. As he walked through an alley, a girl with big eyes who seemed to have grown up smiled boldly at him. This made Bai En not knowing how to react. She only stared at her in a daze, but the girl kept staring at him. Until he has gone far.

Bai En, who was far away from the bold girl, finally saw a familiar building, ‘not good enough’, occupying a wide space on the edge of the city. After the sun goes down every night, there are more than 100 people here.

Bai En and Ye Xiao went in and visited before ~ ​​ ~ Now the air in the tavern is full of flavors familiar to Bai En: hundreds of wines, the odor exhaled by those who drink these wines, fresh and sour The rotten sweat smell, coupled with urination and vomit, spiced sachets and moist wool, as well as the spicy taste of **** oil and the choking smoke of tobacco.

From a certain point of view, 'not good enough' is a memorial. It is the branch of the port's Tom and Jerry brothers opened in Fatalin City, but in the terms of the two brothers, they tried to operate it as the main store. .

Here is a display of the various failures of human craftsmanship at critical moments. Its four walls are covered with dazzling souvenirs, each of which tells a fascinating legend, and all conclude with "Not good enough".

There was a whole set of armor hanging on the bar, and a square hole was strung by a crossbow on the left chest. The wall was covered with broken swords and helmets, plus various fragments of oars, masts, pillars and sails. The most proud feature of this pub is that it keeps souvenirs of every wrecked ship that has sunk in the waters of Port Tatuga in recent years.

Although the pub is a bit chaotic and unpleasant, it has to be said that these two brothers do have a set of pubs. Their specialty roast pork knuckle tastes amazing, and Bai Enye also has a special night owl to taste this dish. Now this dish has limited daily supply, which makes the pub more popular.

But even if Bai En wants to eat now, she has no time to wait. He walked through the tavern to the outside of the city, and then went to the stable outside the city in a small circle. He found his mount and paid for the horse. Walk towards the spellcaster academy on a horse.
