The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 301: Necromancer

The cold evening wind blew through the weeds, and it sounded as though a ghost army was passing through the cemetery. Count Robert de Toulouse was particularly disturbed by this impression. Only the moon emits a faint light, and the sickly chaotic light shines on the top of the mountain, which makes it seem that there are many fairies and ghouls hidden in the tombstone group.

It is strange that Earl Robert was most worried that human eyes might observe him in the dark. Ghosts and demons can only kill him. But a person can do worse things to him.

If Duke Gales and his noble colleagues learned of his trip to Camranfield at midnight this time, then Count Robert ’s experience would be more tragic than death. He will be condemned for his dealings with the followers of the dark gods, and he will be humiliated. His land will be deprived and his house will be demolished.

And he would be hanged by a noose, killed by a noose like a farmer, instead of letting the executioner hack to death, a nobleman convicted by his lord should be executed by the axe.

Earl Robert cast a provocative anger in the long shadow of the cemetery. In order to avenge Sir Lottel and the cursed Du Lancaster, he was even willing to risk this shame and destruction. What could be more painful torture than burying his son and watching the murderer go unpunished?

Earl Robert wrapped the bearskin cloak more tightly to resist the night chill. He nodded to his companions Sir Aldridge and Sir Roy, who were his bravest and most loyal knights. They can obey every command of him without a doubt, and they are tight-lipped about everything they see or hear. Slowly, the three passed through the labyrinth of tombstones and tombs, and the weeds clinging to them on the ground held them tightly, and they marched hard in the grave.

A few yards away, a layer of gray mist began to rise from the ground, tightly attached to the tombstone like a ghostly spider web. As people went deeper into the cemetery, the fog became thicker and finally turned into a suffocating blanket of fog. Natural fog rarely goes inland to Aquitaine. Earl Robert knows that this cloud of fog does not belong to nature.

This is some kind of mysterious veil of witch Gisele's magic, used to cover up her activities in the cemetery. Witches will not survive unless they are careful. This is one of the reasons why Earl Robert has long tolerated her dirty little cult. If the evil people are talking about is cautious, it is easy to hide the evil in their own enclosure.

A green light suddenly shone in the fog, summoning Earl Robert and his knights to move on. The disabled nobleman motioned his men to walk in front of him and suggested that they draw their swords. This witch may be their partner in this operation, but it is unwise to trust her too much. No matter what mysterious power she has, she is still just a pariah, and therefore a person who does not understand honor.

The three knights crossed the gray veil and moved in the graveyard with the witch's light. Earl Robert had long forgotten the winding road that led to the green light calling them, and of course it was impossible to know where they were in the cemetery. Since the stars and the moon are hidden behind the fog, it is not even possible to determine in which direction they are moving.

The disabled nobleman barely tolerated the troubles caused by this roundabout journey. Giselle was very careful, and she took her master on a chaotic path in case there were spies lurking there. No one alive can understand the path taken by Earl Robert and his knights. Even one of the group of female prophecies under Ms. Dawn will be lost in the mist of the witch.

When the witch directed the light to finally flash and go out, Count Robert went to its last position. The surrounding fog began to thin, the night sky extended to the sky again, and the nobles once again saw the black graves and graves looming around them. They walked to the center of the cemetery and came to a place where a huge marble column protruded from the ground.

Earl Robert could feel the soft and subtle disturbing atmosphere on the pillars, which was somehow related to the holy atmosphere of the Chalice Chapel, where those who had seen Ms. Dawn The relics were enshrined there. However, it is not exactly the same here. The Chapel of the Holy Grail evokes a sense of peace and mission in the heart of the people, and Count Robert feels that from this marble column is a more aggressive feeling from the heart. There is a alarming feeling of being warned, a warning attached to magic.

Earl Robert almost let ancient magic dominate him, making him forget the evil intention of the witch to bring him to the cemetery late at night. Then the count saw the smiling faces of Sir Lothal and his father flash in front of him. Hatred swelled his heart and restrained the fear that moved him. The Du Lancasters will pay for it, and the spell of a long-dead female prophet cannot prevent his revenge.

Black candles are lined up at the bottom of the pillar, and their flames creep in the darkness, like a living thing. A terrible altar stood in front of the candle. The surface of the altar was covered with a skinned woman, with indescribable symbols written in blood. First launch https: // https: //

In every corner of the altar is a small skull, which is the bloodless heads of the murdered children, and their empty eyes stared at the three nobles with condemnation. Sir Roy saw the filthy altar and was so unbearable that he began to draw his sword. The rebuke of Earl Robert prevented the knight from overturning the abominable shrine. He was as disgusted as his knight, but unlike Sir Roy, he understood the necessity behind this abomination.

From the shadows, the figure in the hidden place dragged its feet into the field of vision. Those were the sick believers in Gisele's cult. The witch drilled herself from behind a tombstone, with a mocking smile on Count Robert's disgusted expression. She walked into the light and stroked her long, curvy legs.

"You are here," Gisele said. "I guess half of the time you will not come because of timidity. The knight is rarely interested in witchcraft."

Robert de Toulouse glared at her. "Don't laugh at me, you countrymen,"

"Whether you are a witch or a prostitute, if you dare to tease me, I will divide you into four parts!" He snapped.

Giselle shrugged in the face of the earl's verbal attack. This action caused her black cloak to slide off, revealing her milky shoulders. "You need my magic to complete the revenge, my master. I hope you are wise not to forget this."

"You mentioned another wizard who can summon a necromancer, we also need his magic," Robert de Toulouse reminded her. "I believe you have found him?"

The witch Giselle nodded and pointed at one of the graves. At the recessed doorway, a tall, slender man walked into the field of vision. He wore a long black coat ~ ~ with two rows of buttons on the front. He wore a shabby, almost shapeless hat around his gray hair. The man's face was thin, his forehead was broad, and his chin was flat. His eyes had a sneaky, calculating temperament that reminded Count Robert of a mouse or goblin.

But Count Robert noticed the pattern hidden in the bones of the wizard's chest, a badge of enemies belonging to Ms. Dawn, and an evil badge easily recognized by any knight in Burtania.

"This is your wizard? A follower of the night bitch?" Asked Count Robert. "I didn't expect that the witch would even be mixed with the Dark Night Church."

The wizard in a black coat stooped and bowed in the direction of Count Robert.

"Jeffrey Huntington of Hereford, your subject, your lord." He said, his voice surprisingly loud, with a cultured tone. It still has a farmer's accent, but the farmer was born in a richer environment than the countryside. "The Dark Gods have begun to unite, and your revenge is only one of the performances. Moreover, my Lord is not Madam Black Night."

Jeffrey Huntington did not wait for Count Robert to answer, but pointed to the terrible altar. "Did you bring the stemware, sir?"

Count Robert nodded and watched a knight take out three silver cups from the bag tied to his belt.

"Place them on the altar." Jeffrey Huntington said as he walked towards the monument, when the knight began to execute his orders.
