The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 320: Absolute loyalty

Catherine moved her face away from Peverly's scornful voice. This is how she learned about life from the book. Although it was not her fault, she was not allowed to know anyone, to travel, or to understand the world from this world. But Catherine does like books. In the past few days, she has read all the books related to the death penalty in the library: she has learned laws, methods, history, and countless cases. Most of the illustrations about the death penalty are executed by the executioner holding the head that was cut off, which is bad enough, but choose to witness all of this, choose to be one of them, become a member of the crowd shouting for blood, this Catherine couldn't understand it.

"I still don't understand why Catherine is here," Harold complained.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Did I tell you to shut up?" Peverly didn't even turn to Harold when he spoke.

"But ladies usually don't come to watch."

Peverly finally couldn't help but reply: "No, usually not, but Catherine needs a loyal lesson. She needs to understand the consequences of not following our plan for her." He turned to Catherine, adding, "In every aspect. Even the tiniest degree."

Harold frowned. "what's the plan?"

Peverly ignored him.

Harold rolled his eyes and approached Catherine and asked, "Is this about your marriage?"

Catherine smiled softly. "This is the death penalty, so I can't imagine why you want to associate it with my marriage." Seeing Peverley glared at her, she continued, "I mean, I am honored to marry Bultan Prince Lothal of Niah, I will make sure that every aspect of the wedding goes according to plan, whether or not I see someone being beheaded. "

Harold was silent for a while, and then asked: "But why would she not go according to plan?"

"She will," Peverly answered. "Father won't let anything stop it."

This is true, Catherine must obey all the details of the plan, which is why she came here. A week ago, she made a mistake and said to her maid, Diana, that Diana might be able to expect a marriage based on love. Diana once asked Catherine who she would marry if she could choose.

Catherine joked: "People who have talked to me at least once." As she said, she remembered the last conversation with Ambrose. He joked about the quality of the food in the barracks, and later became serious when describing poverty in the back streets of Bill Barry. Diana seemed to know what Catherine was thinking. She said: "You finally talked to Sir Ambrose this morning."

On the second day of conversation with Diana, Catherine was called to Peverly, and then she realized that her maid was more of a Noyes' spy than her maid. Catherine endured Peverly's lengthy preaching and cross-examination, but the one who listened to her most closely was Noyes, although he pretended to lean against the wall and occasionally yawned.

Noyes was n’t even a lord, or even a gentleman, but his smiling lips flicked Catherine ’s goose bumps, and she was twice as scared of him as her brother. Noyes is a representative of her father, his agents, his eyes and ears. Of course, Peverly, but Peverly is always a straight face.

During that meeting, Peverly repeated the same sentence: the same old thing about absolute loyalty and obedience. Catherine was happy that she could keep calm.

"I'm just a little nervous, like all prospective brides before the wedding. I have never seen Prince Lotel. Just like I tried to be my father's best daughter, I also hope to be a good wife of Prince Lotel I look forward to talking to him, knowing him, and understanding his interests. "

"His interest has nothing to do with you. What I am interested and concerned about is whether you have expressed your opinion against the king."

"I have never expressed an opinion that disagrees with my father."

"You hinted to your maid that your marriage could improve, and you do not want to marry Prince Lotel."

"No, I just said that Diana's marriage can be successful in another way."

"Disagreeing with the king is not acceptable to your plan."

"I disagree with you, not the king's plan for me."

"I often think," Noyes interrupted his words, "When will it be a traitor? When the line between loyalty and betrayal is crossed."

Catherine straightened up. "I didn't cross the line."

She did nothing but think of Ambrose.

"In my experience ... And, Princess Catherine, I think my experience in this area is quite rich." Noyers whispered. "In my experience, an inner and ideological traitor will soon become a true traitor."

He looked at her as if he could really see Catherine's heart. But she looked back at him and said, "I am not a traitor. I am going to marry Prince Lothal."

Catherine knew it was true. Even though the marriage between kingdoms and kingdoms will become long due to various procedures, she will marry a man she has never seen in at most three years, but she ca n’t control her mind and heart and belongs to other places . She couldn't help thinking of Ambrose from time to time, and liked to talk to him as close to him as possible, and once touched his arm.

Of course, if Ambrose touched her, he would be executed, but she didn't understand why she couldn't touch him. Are these thoughts and touches really treacherous?

"It's better to figure out where the line is, Princess Catherine," Noyers said quietly.

"I see, thank you, Noyes."

"At the same time have to be clear about the consequences." He waved his hand carelessly, almost contemptuously. "For this purpose, you must participate in the execution of Novin traitors and witness the end of those who betrayed the king."

"One punishment, one warning, one lesson, the three are perfectly combined." Catherine imitated Noyes's movement and waved her hand contemptuously.

Noyes replied expressionlessly: "This is the king's order, Your Highness."

Unfortunately, the day after Catherine accepted the conversation, Diana experienced a difficult journey downstairs. Due to a broken arm, she could not continue to perform her duties. Catherine's other maids, Sarah and Nia, were with Diana at the time, but somehow, but somehow they could not stop the accident. "We agree with Noyes, Your Highness." Nia said with a smile. "Traitors should be punished ..."

Catherine was brought back to the scene by the crowd shouting: "Bradwell! Bradwell!"

The two men walked up the steps of the guillotine and were wearing black clothes. The old man raised his hand to the people. His young and surprisingly innocent assistant took their tools, a sword and a simple black hood.

"That's Bradwell." Harold introduced Puffley and leaned over in front of Catherine, introducing redundantly. "He executed more than one hundred death sentences. One hundred and forty-one times, I think so. And he only needs a sword to cut his head, and he never needs to cut the second time."

"One hundred and forty-one," Catherine echoed. She wanted to know how many of them Harold had witnessed the death penalty. Starting

Bradwell walked on the execution platform, waving his sword-bearing arm, as if exercising the muscles of his shoulder, his head oscillated left and right, and then turned again. Harold rolled his eyes. "Damn, he looks ridiculous. Itak deserves this job."

"I believe the Marquise of Novin asked Bradwell to execute the death penalty, and the king agreed." Peverly said. "Noven wants to do it cleanly and seems to think that Bradwell is the best. But I don't think anyone can guarantee it at this point."

Harold said: "Aitac can do very neatly."

"I agree. He will be my choice. Bradwell's vision far exceeds this point. However, if he messed up his work, I might be more interested."

As soon as she mentioned the Marquise of Novin, Catherine's eyes turned to the opposite side of the scaffold, to another high viewing platform. She thought it would be too dangerous not to take the initiative to talk about the people there, but since Peverly mentioned this topic, she thought she could ask: "Is the Marquise of Novin wearing a green coat on the platform over there?"

"Yes. There are all members of the Novin family. UU reading" Peverly replied. Although Catherine noticed that there were only male family members. "The relatives of the traitor must witness the execution; in fact, they must demand that the traitor be executed, otherwise they will lose their title and all their land."

Catherine knows the law well. "What about their honor?"

Peverly snorted. "They try to grasp this point, but if they can't even control their own people, it will be difficult for them to maintain their status in court."

"Honor and status are the same thing in court," Catherine replied.

Peverly looked at Catherine. "Like I said, none of them are ready to give up. He turned to the opposite platform and added," I saw your guard with them, but thankfully, he didn't wear a uniform. "

Catherine dared not comment. Ambrose did not wear the Royal Guard uniform, is it out of respect for the royal family or disrespect for them? She knows he has his own opinion on honor. He said that to do the right thing, to defend Bill Barry, to help this country become great again, not for personal gain, but to help all the people in this country who suffer from poverty.

As soon as she sat down, she noticed Ambrose and forced herself to turn around, but now that Peverly mentioned him, she could watch it a little longer. His hair, golden in the sun, was loosely draped over his face and shoulders, like a soft wave. He was wearing a black jacket, belt and silver buckle, black pants and boots. His face was solemn and pale. He had been staring at the executioner, and since Catherine had arrived, his eyes had not turned to her.
