The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 336: breakfast

Geely woke up in a quiet room, and the clear morning light shot through the blinds. She wandered in bed for a while, feeling restless. I think something is wrong. Not because she woke up in an unfamiliar place, because the trip with her brother has made her familiar with the lifestyle of being around home. It took her a while to realize why she felt uneasy.

The room is empty.

Is not only empty, but more like empty. Not crowded. And ... very comfortable. She lay on a real mattress with wooden pillars underneath to support the bed board, covered with sheets and thick and soft white quilts. The furnishings in the room include a solid wooden wardrobe and a writing desk, and even a round carpet.

Maybe others think this room is too narrow and shabby, but Geely feels it is already extravagant.

She frowned and sat up, always feeling that it was wrong to have her own room. She has always been crowded with a group of thieves in the same small bedroom. Even when traveling, she was sleeping on the corner of a ghetto or in a cave in the mountains. Her brother was always there. Forced by these lifestyles, she must rely on the way of struggle to have privacy, but now it is easily obtained from others, as if the rare solitary time she cherished in the past has suddenly lost value.

She got up and got out of bed and stood in front of the window without opening it. The sunlight is not strong, which means that it is still early, but she can already hear someone walking in the corridor. She walked carefully to the door, opened a narrow slit, and peered out.

After parting with Bai En the night before, the night owl brought Geely into the building from the first floor. Because the night was dark, it took them some time to explore and inspect all the rooms on the first floor. By the time they came to the third floor, Bai En had already caught the person, so they didn't actually do anything.

Then the night owl brought himself to this white tower. He said that this was the place where he and his wife lived temporarily. It belonged to the Master Tower of Amen Cannon, president of the Fatalin Association. This should be the safest place on Fatalin Island. After coming here, an apprentice immediately led them to their respective rooms, but Geely did not go to bed immediately, but waited until everyone was asleep before slipping out of the room to check the environment.

The floor where Geely is located looks more like a hostel and an illegal division tower. Although there is a display room downstairs and a studio at the back, the second floor of the Master Tower is filled with many long and narrow corridors lined with guest rooms, and the larger door leaf spacing on the third floor seems to mean a larger room.

She didn't knock on the wall to find a hidden door or a fake wall, so that someone would not be awakened by the sound, but experience told her that if there was no at least one secret basement inside the mage tower and some escape secrets, it could not be considered a safe place.

There are too many sculptures, bonsai, and paintings, which dazzled Geely. She secretly opened the paintings hanging on the wall more than once, trying to figure out whether there was a secret after the painting. But overall, she quite admired the people who designed the mage tower.

Through the door, Geely saw six sleepy young men appear in the aisle opposite, dressed in simple robes, and walked towards the studio.

Master apprentice, but not the apprentice of the night owl, Geely thought. Experience tells her that people with great abilities like Ye Xiao will try not to disclose any information to her, and will only occasionally throw out words and phrases to continue to lead her nose. He controlled her actions by knowledge, so it was unwise to provide too much information too early.

Footsteps sounded outside, Geely continued to observe through the door slit.

"You should prepare, Geely." Ye Xiao said as she passed her door. He was wearing a silk shirt and trousers, and he looked quite awake, and finished grooming. He stopped and continued. "In the room at the end of the corridor, there are clean bath waters prepared for you, and I want the apprentices to help you find a few sets of laundry. Before we can help you get more suitable clothes, those clothes should be enough for you temporarily. Wear it. You can freshen up slowly, don't worry—I arranged a meeting for you and Leonor this afternoon, but if you are willing to see her earlier, we can also advance the plan. "

Night Owl smiled, looked at her from outside the door slit, and then continued to leave along the aisle. Geely flushed when he was found. These people have a keen eye for observation, and I have to remember this.

The aisle became quiet. She slipped out the door and crept to the room that the night owl had said, and was a little surprised to find that there was indeed a tank of warm bath water waiting for her. She frowned, looking at the tiled room and the metal bathtub. The water smelled like a noble lady.

These mages are more like nobility in these things, Geely thought. She was n’t sure what she thought of this, but because they obviously expected her to act according to their rules, she closed the door, locked the lock, then took off her clothes and climbed into the bathtub.

She smells weird.

Although the taste is very light, Geely still occasionally can smell the smell of herself. This is the aroma of the noble lady she had seen a long time ago, and the smell of the incense drawer that her brother secretly opened. As time passed, the smell became less and less obvious, but she still worried her. Will this make her look different from the others in the mage tower. If the gang expects that she should take a bath regularly, then she has to ask that no more spices be put in the bath water.

Breakfast is closer to her expectations. Several women of different ages work in the kitchen of the Master Tower, preparing sausage cheese and vegetable rolls-bundles of flatbread rolls with cut sausages and boiled vegetables. Geely stood by the kitchen door and watched the women working. No one smells like her, but they are obviously cleaner and cleaner than the average person in Fatalin City.

In fact, the whole building is surprisingly clean. When Geely came, it was already dark, so she didn't notice, but now you can clearly see the floor scrubbing is quite clean. All working people, whether in the kitchen or apprentices, have clean faces and hands. All this made Geely feel weird. She was used to her fingers blackened by dust. When she was with Ryan, even if she had washed her face, she would quickly reapply the ashes in the stove, because her clean face was particularly prominent on the street.

There is not even dust in the corner of this mage tower, she thought, studying the floor. This room is always cleaned. She has never lived in such a place, almost like living in a noble family.

She continued to look at the kitchen ladies. They wore simple gray and white dresses with scarves tied to their heads and long ponytails hanging behind them. Geely touched her hair and cut it very short. Like a boy, her current messy haircut was cut by another thief. She is different from these women, she has never been like them in her life. Because of her brother's order, Geely's life style is to let other members think of her as a thief first, and then think of her as a girl.

But what am I now? Her body was fragrant because of the bath, but she was still wearing an apprentice's light brown robe and buttoned top. She felt out of place, which was never a good thing-if she felt abrupt, she must also look abrupt. Another thing that will make her stand out.

Geely turned around and looked at the others in the restaurant. She noticed that most of them were very young apprentices and servants. The older apprentices have already started their morning work, and each is responsible for different floors, all staying in the area they are responsible for.

The back door of the restaurant was suddenly opened. Geely hid aside reflectively, leaning his back against the wall and peeking around the corner of the restaurant door.

Falheim stood in front of the restaurant door, with oil paintings in the corridor revealed behind him, wearing a loose purple robe and red cloak, and holding a few large backpacks in his hand.

Ham walked through the gate and into the restaurant. "Okay," he said, dropping his backpack. "Who knows which room is mine?"

"I'll ask Master Amenkanong." Said an apprentice, and walked into the corridor in front.

Falheim smiled, stretched, and turned to face Geely. "Good morning, Geely. Do you know? You don't need to hide from me like this. We are ... Ha, I really haven't thought about my relationship with others' apprentices, but I think we are also associates."

Geely relaxed, but did not move, standing beside a row of chairs that were put back in place. "You also want to live here?"

"It's just a temporary stay, but it's always a good thing to live in the Master's Tower. At least it's safe enough. Yesterday I found out that the bed of Bain's Tower was too hard. Now I prefer Amenganong's Tower." Falheim said. Turned around and disappeared in the kitchen. After a while, he reappeared with four sausage, cheese and vegetable rolls.

"Strange food, why roll up pancakes instead of bread." After taking a bite, Falheim found that the taste was good, and he looked up at the rest of the restaurant. "Does anyone know where Antalatum is?"

"Sleeping." Geely said. "He came back late last night, and he hasn't gotten up yet."

Falheim grunted and took a bite of the cabbage roll. "What about the night owl?"

"In his room on the third floor." Geely said. "He got up early, came down to find something to eat, and then went back upstairs." She didn't say she peeped through the keyhole to see him sitting at the desk, busy writing.

Falheim raised an eyebrow. "Do you always remember everyone's whereabouts?"


Falheim did not respond for a while, and then began to chuckle. "You are a strange kid, Geely." At this point the apprentice returned to him to lead the way, so he picked up his backpack and went up the stairs. Geely stood at the same place, listening to their footsteps. They stopped in the middle of the first corridor, probably only a few rooms away from her room.

The taste of cooked steamed barley seduced her. Geely aimed at the kitchen. Falheim took the food after entering. Is she okay?

Geely tried to put on a confident look and walked into the kitchen. There was a stack of sausage, cheese and vegetable rolls on the plate, which might be sent to the apprentice at work. Geely picked up two, and no one objected. Instead, several chef ladies nodded to her respectfully.

I am now an important person, she thought a little uncomfortably. Do they know she is ... a master apprentice? Or is her respect simply because she is a guest?

Finally, Geely took the third vegetable roll and ran back to his room. She couldn't finish eating so much food, but she planned to dig out the sausage cheese and vegetables and put the crepes together, because the crepes are not easy to break, and she can stay for food preparation.

There was a knock at the door. Geely stepped forward and carefully opened the door. A young man stood outside the door, the boy who took them to the room yesterday.

He was thin and tall, and looked a little clumsy, wearing a gray robe, about fourteen years old, but his height made him look older than his actual age, somehow he seemed nervous.

"What's the matter?" Geely asked.


Geely frowned. "what did you say?"

"Someone is looking for you." He said with a strong accent. "Up ... there ... upstairs ... there is something to do. The third floor with the master. Er, I have to go." The boy's face turned red, and he walked away quickly, three steps and two steps up the stairs.

Geely was stupid at the door. What was he talking about? She thought.

She peeked at the corridor. The boy seemed to expect that she would follow him. Finally, she decided to follow suit, and climbed carefully to the third floor.

A conversation sounded from the door at the end of the hallway wide open ~ ~ Geely approached the room, turned around to peek around the corner, and found that there was a beautifully decorated room with a delicate carpet and a few comfortable Chair. There is a burning fireplace beside a wall, and the chairs are arranged to face the large charcoal writing board on the easel.

The night owl was standing, leaning his elbow against the brick fireplace and holding a glass of wine in his hand. Geely turned sideways to see him talking to someone. Suddenly, she felt a slight push on her back and fell out of the corner of her hiding place.

"What are you doing in the hallway?" Came a question from Geely.

Geely turned around and found that the person pushing her was Bai En, who was wearing a black robe that has not changed for years.

"What do you froze?" Bai En waved his hand to make Geely keep up with himself.

Geely nodded, hiding behind Bai En, and followed him toward the room. When entering the room, Geely saw the person who talked to the night owl clearly from behind Been, who was a woman, very young, with her belly curled up. With a relaxed smile on his face, Geely suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Baien picked up a glass from the table, poured himself some wine, and slowly sat down on the big soft chair farthest from the woman. Geely stood in embarrassment for a while, until the woman seemed to find her embarrassment, waved at her, and signaled that Geely could be around her.

Geely looked up at the night owl and saw that he nodded. Then he walked obediently and sat beside the lady. Thinking to myself, this must be Leonor, the wife of the night owl mage. The room became silent, but everyone except Geely seemed not awkward at all.