The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 352: Chaotic memory

The Duke of Blood Eagle walked quietly through the hallway of the castle, and felt the thick carpet under his feet in his armored boots. A long crimson cloak churned out from behind him, brushing the exposed stone walls on both sides of the hall, sometimes disturbing the vivid portraits and the magnificent tapestries decorating them.

The Duke of Blood Eagle liberated the heirlooms of these ancient families from the galleries of Aquitaine Castle, where heirlooms were hung undisturbed for generations. He brought them to the castle on this hill, not just for looting, nor for greedy enjoyment of hoarding wealth. He has always brought them around because they are related to his past, because they are the bond between him and the past, allowing him to remember who his family is.

Who is he.

Every day, the Duke of Blood Eagle could feel that the evil and dark hunger in his heart was growing, and he was swallowing his identity like cancer. The hatred in his heart was still strong, but the sadness that had caused him hatred gradually disappeared, and with each dawn, it disappeared a little.

It was already very difficult for the Duke of Blood Eagle to recall the smell of his wife's hair and the feeling that her fingers were tightly grasped by him. Thinking that one day, he might even forget her voice, he felt this tormenting him like a hot iron pressing on his skin.

The Duke of Blood Eagle's steps through the corridor finally stopped. He turned around, facing the wall, staring sharply at the two portraits hanging above a cherry wood table. The portrait on the right is a serious young knight with a proud and bold look. There was a time when the Duke of Blood Eagle could see this face looking back at him from any mirror he was holding. And now only a terrible shadow would cast a glare at him from the mirror he left in the castle.

The Duke of Blood Eagle quickly removed his face from his portrait. His eager eyes quickly looked at another canvas. His wife's smiling face would be reflected on the canvas, and some light would shine into the darkness that had become his soul.


The Duke of Blood Eagle's hand in armor and gloves reached a pile of rubble and passed through the now empty place where there was once the most precious treasure in this castle. His desperate eyes scanned this desolate land, trying to deny the fear that was enough to destroy the monster's dry heart.

A painful howling echoed through the ruins of the Castle of the Duke of Blood Eagle. The Duke of Blood Eagle knelt by the collapsed wall, grabbed his fingers to the ground, and made a ditch in the stone slab. When the monster raised his head and stared desolately at the empty place where the portrait of the Duchess once hung, tears fell from his eyes. As he clenched his fists and covered his eyes, the monster gave another painful cry.

His wife's face disappeared and disappeared into the shadow that devoured his soul. The Duke of Blood Eagle needs her portrait to impress her image firmly in his mind, so that she is no longer a cold and dead memory. When the painful cry of the Duke of Blood Eagle was scattered in the darkness, he knew he was not mourning not only the woman, but the emotion that time and the immortal curse stole from him. He still remembers his love for her, the pain of losing her, and the anger of his revenge, but now he can't feel it. The last weak bond between the man and the monster has been lost.

The Duke of Blood Eagle stood up from the dusty floor, and the anger on his haggard face replaced sadness. His heavily-armed fist hit a wall that was still standing, a stream of gravel rushed out of the wall, and a 10-foot-high wall crashed to the ground.

In the dust mist rising from the wreckage, the vampire left with his head swaggering, and his anger grew with every step taken. All his treasures and wealth are gone, and his great fortress is deserted. Those who are responsible for these things will regret doing so. They will regret the day they were born and pray for the mercy of the death before the Duke of Blood Eagle destroys them.


The castle hall stretched out in front of him, the **** robe on the marble floor and the cape of the fallen knight. There are a row of tall columns on both sides of the room; each side of each column is chained to the bodies of those who dare to resist him and the remains of dying people.

Rats bite on the captives, and the insects wriggled in their open wounds. The desperate moans of the poor people trembled in the hall. Some people prayed to the lady, or for her mercy, while others cursed the oaths they had made, and tried to swear allegiance to the people who arrested them.

There is a knight stronger than most knights, who tried to swallow his tongue to end his pain. He was caught by the monster before he died, and then he was rescued by the black magic he had cast. Now the strong knight can only cough out cursed words at the Duke of Blood Eagle with his broken and broken tongue.

The monster was sitting at his table and eating dinner among the dying people, he felt that the voices made by the prisoners would soothe his emotions. He thought it was a particularly pleasant thing to bring his enemies' daughters to his dining table and feast the ladies with a sumptuous feast in front of the starving eyes of their tortured fathers.

Those who were once captives of the Duke of Blood Eagle already knew how the dinner would end. They watched the monster with more and more fear, throwing away all the meat and wine on the table. The Duke of Blood Eagle sat on his claw-shaped throne and looked at them, savoring every desperate pain on the captives' faces.

In the end, the monster will get tired of his entertainment. Then he can fill his stomach. As long as he clapped his hands, his servants would drag the rotten body into the hall clumsily. And those zombies in clean uniforms will attend the Duke of Blood Eagle.

First, they would grab his dinner guest and strip off any gorgeous dresses that the Duke found out of his wife's closet to highlight his victim's image. When the zombies seized the girl, the imprisoned knights had a horrifying moment that shocked them, followed by the weak threats and pleadings of the knight prisoners. Then, when the clumsy zombies tear their clothes from the struggling girl, the knights will be extremely angry and unbelievable at that moment.

The guests of the Duke of Blood Eagle will tremble and return to the way they were when they were born, lying on the table. The rope will tie the tenants 'struggling hands, and the chain will be locked on the guests' non-stop kicking feet. A living servant would tie the chain to an inconspicuous hook hanging on the ceiling, and a strong zombie would put the wheel on the back wall. The guest will be pulled upwards, and her fear will increase with every trembling of the wheel. One inch by one, guests will be pulled towards the ceiling, but only high enough to meet the needs of the Duke of Blood Eagle.

The Duke of Blood Eagle's cloak flickered magnificently, and he stood up from his seat and pulled out a steel dagger from his belt. He never stabbed his victim with a blade, but pierced a sharp-looking wound on the side of her neck with a sharp blade. The wound will only penetrate the arteries under the smooth skin of the weeping guest, allowing blood to flow out of the wound freely and in large quantities.

The Duke of Blood Eagle always used crystal goblets to hold this feast, and always remembered to toast his audience when he drank his guests.


The Duke of Blood Eagle shook his head, trying to sort out his thoughts, staring at the empty hand holding the stemware just now. He set his sights on his dilapidated hall. The pillar fell to the ground, and the long table and the claw-shaped throne rotted into ruins. He could see the iron wheel embedded in the back wall, which had now been corroded into a flake of rust.

The castle has been completely destroyed. The Duke of Blood Eagle remembered it now. The enemy broke through the city walls, captured and plundered his powerful fortress. But there is still a doubt. Who did this, and how did it do it? When he left Aquitaine to drive away the usurper's army, the Duke of Blood Eagle gave Sir Kobinin the task of defending his castle.


"Be merciful, lord!" Kobinin's cries reverberated in the damp dungeon.

The Duke of Blood Eagle turned around, avoiding the evil device he had been hovering above. It looks like a long wooden table covered with barbed hooks. A big winch was attached to both ends of the table. The dried blood covered the table and the floor under the table.

The flashing torches on the wall of the dungeon illuminated every inch of the terrible place on the shelf. The creator of this device was a brutal Al-Ebai who named it "The Finger of the Devil."

The Duke of Blood Eagle approached the wall where his errant servant was locked. He stopped where the imprisoned knight could not reach. Kobining knew that it was no use trying to get close to the people who tortured him, but that didn't stop him from trying. The Duke of Blood Eagle looked at him mockingly. This man tried to get his body off the wall, trying to grab the vampire's throat with his hands, but in vain.

"I disobeyed you!" Kirpinin pleaded. "She did nothing to you! Let her go!"

After a while, the Duke of Blood Eagle smiled at Kirining slightly, as if considering the knight's request. Then the monster opened his mouth, revealing his cruel fangs. "The moment I took the girl away from her father's castle, she was destined to die. You know this, but you deliberately disobeyed me."

"Please, Your Majesty, please forgive her!"

The Duke of Blood Eagle frowned at his captive. "It's a pitiful thing to have love." The monster booed. He made a gesture with a gloved hand. The followers shuffled out of the darkness, their faces hidden under leather hoods. Between them, the torturer hugged the weak body of a young woman.

The Duke of Blood Eagle watched his men lead the captive to the table, then turned to stare at Kobinin. "Everything a man loves will die," the monster said. "Everything he cherishes must be reduced to ashes. When there is only one thing in a person's heart, he can always be with him. Such as loyalty and honor."

"I admit that I betrayed you!" Kebining wept. "I know I was treated unfairly! But punish me, not her!"

The monster turned around again, watching the tormentor lift the unconscious woman to the table. When the barbed hook pierced her skin, her body flinched. The attentiveness of the men to her earlier was quite thoughtful, but she will soon regain consciousness. The "Demon Finger" will also notice this.

"Do you know this device?" Duke Blood Eagle asked Kirpin. "This is an invention by the Al-Ebai people of the magic kingdom to punish those who offended the royal palace. The criminal was placed on the table and the hook caught the offender's skin. Then the offender's arm was tied to the top of the table On the pulley. When the winch is turned, the offender is dragged over the hook and the skin is peeled off. This takes a long time. Sometimes, if the offender can tolerate the pain well, the Elba people will forgive the offender. But I think I should ignore this tradition. "

Kobinin pounced on the monster again, and the chain on his body rattled, pulling him back to the wall again. "I'm going to kill you!" The knight swears. "Even if I have to climb out of Natal's bottomless pit, I will kill you!"

The Duke of Blood Eagle responded to the knight with a smile. "Pay special attention to her pain because you will be the next one. After you die, I will help you get out of the bottomless pit of Natal. I think once you get rid of the physical interference, you will be more Serve me faithfully. "


"Kebinin!" Shouted the Duke of Blood Eagle, his majestic voice coming from his ruined castle hall. The bat was startled by his voice and flew out of the broken window of the remaining tower. A skinny wolf ran out of a pile of stones ~ ~ bit the mouth of a whispering wolf. "Kebining!" Duke Blood Eagle shouted again.

The crackling sound of the broken gravel is the only sound that can be heard in the ruins. When the attention of the Duke of Blood Eagle was drawn to the ruins, the incredible perception brought by his evil power told him that he had found the long-dead knight. The monster hurried towards the ruins. He could see the outline of the steps protruding from under the rubble. Once, this staircase connected the dungeon below the castle. Ironically, Kobinin was held in those dungeons for the second time, and the Duke of Blood Eagle did not forget this.

"Kebining!" Said Duke Blood Eagle sharply. "Come and see your master! This is my command!"

The rubble continues to move. Soon, the stone rolled down from the ruins and crackled on the stone slab at the foot of the Duke of Blood Eagle. After a while, a tunnel-like hole appeared. A black slender figure protruded his head from the hole, its face was a fleshless skull, and a green evil light was burning deep in the eye socket. A rusty bat-wing helmet wrapped its skull, and the skeleton was covered with rotten armor.

The knight stared silently at the Duke of Blood Eagle. His skinny hands held the sword in his waist tightly. The guy pulled out his sword silently.

The Duke of Blood Eagle stared coldly at this terrifying skeleton, and took no action to defend against the knight's sword. The Duke knew that the undead had no independent will. If anything, it could have dug through here long ago and left freely.

The knight still did not make any sound. He thrust the blade of the sword into the ground, knelt on one knee, and bowed his head in front of his old master. Over the years, it was not enough to liberate Sir Kobinen from his terrible master.