The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 361: Moradron

"Okay, we can really talk now." Moradelun turned his face, facing Bai En and the night owl. He stretched out his hand and pushed his wet hair back. The corner of his mouth flicked slightly. "Hi, two of you, I'm having some trouble."

"We guessed it," Bai En said lightly. "What is needed and what can be provided."

"I had long been prepared to face a lot of unexpected situations after becoming a noble." Moradron gestured to the two to keep up with themselves and then continued. "But I'm a bit scary when it comes to assassination."

"On the issue of guards, you should try to increase the frequency, not just keep the number. I believe I have said that most threats can be eliminated by increasing the guards." Ye Xiao said.

"Trust me, it's not such a simple thing," Moradron sighed. "There are several jealous nobles in the Principality of Ron. I can't deal with these people now, because I'm not sure if this is some kind of test or test. There are too many people paying attention to me now, even if you let you do it I will eventually doubt my head, and in the aristocratic circle, 'doubt' is basically equal to certainty. "

"It doesn't sound very tricky," Bai En said, tilting his head.

"These are not important, the important thing is that the Church of the Night is staring at me." Moradron squeezed his forehead with his hand. "They sent a 'squad.' I'm not sure what they will do next time, but I think Penetrating into my court is a simple matter. I need some manpower to guard the periphery, as long as it provides me with some early warning and guarantees that it will not be easily penetrated. "

"So you need people who don't belong here, such as the Fatalin Association?" Bane can understand Moradron's concerns. Soon after the city was conquered, anyone Moradron hired from here might be able to sell he. Although the people of the Fatalin Association may also have this problem, the probability is much smaller. "I can promise this. Of course, you should talk to the person in charge of the association about the price."

"Very well, I need ten to fifteen spellcasters. If it can be better," Moradron said. "It's better to have fifty more guards, so that it can 'motivate' my subordinates."

"Can't your ten claws do these things?" Ye Xiao asked curiously.

"Of course, but they also cherish their lives. If I say" learn to bark "to them, they will say:" That kind of dog, Lord Moradron? "But at the same time they turn their heads and they will save their daggers to save their lives. Across my neck. "

"I know. Please forgive me." Bai En asked. "But I think the night owl means that you can't control your men now?"

Ye Xiao answered Moradron before he spoke. "He's scared, Bane. Really completely scared." Ye Xiao turned his head and faced Moradron. "Even in the Black Tower, you don't seem to be so nervous. I'm curious what are you really worried about?"

"Yes, although the bodyguards are well hidden, there are at least two casters around you at any time, and at least fifty bodyguards are scattered around in the distance. I guess that Duke Ron is not so tightly protected."

"... Listen, you don't seem to be able to help me in solving this problem," Moradron said sullenly. "Okay, this question has something to do with the current situation."

"War?" Bai En asked.

"That's right." Moradron nodded. "King Margarita is a wise man. He tried to use diplomatic means to unify Istania. That's good ... at least for me."

Moradron paused and continued. "But King Bill Barry was not a man willing to surrender. He took some other measures to consolidate his throne. One of the ways is to get a strong ally through marriage."

"Who is he married to?" Ye Xiao asked with a sigh.

"King Charles of Burtania."

"Damn!" Said Bai En and Ye Xiao at the same time.

"Yes, if King Charles decides to agree to help Bill Barry, then Margarita will definitely not be their opponent. They will pull the army back, hold the key position, and expose me and my city."

"And your city is full of remnants of the Ogborn collar, everyone may wish to cut your throat," Ye Xiao added.

"Yes, King Margarita will mobilize everyone he can find in order to complete the reunification of Istana before the marriage between Bill Bally and Burtania is completed." Moradron sighed Said. "So I'm sitting on a gunpowder barrel that can explode at any time. And in this war, only you can retain troops to a certain extent."

"How many people does Diamantre City have?" Bai En asked suddenly.

"Thirty thousand, or forty thousand, no more than fifty thousand. After the war, many people came to the city, and many people escaped. I am not sure of the specific number." Moradron replied helplessly .

"How many people can you leave to guard the city?" Bai En continued to ask.

"Three hundred, the most. I need to make sure to send enough troops to keep my position."

"Three hundred? Even if we send someone to help you guard the city, if there is a riot, you can't keep it." Bai En shook his head and said.

"Even if all the forces in my hand are defending the city, I can't keep it, so I don't have to think about completely controlling the city," Moradron said of his plan. "My plan is to only guard the castle, and the city delegates power to a few major forces in the city. They will become the underground rulers of the city after the war."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to get the right back from them." Ye Xiao commented.

"I didn't plan to get it back, they will pay taxes, and I will use tax to develop myself slowly. So I don't even need to send tax officials, and they control the amount of tax. You can take the opportunity to kill him. "Moradron explained.

"It sounds feasible, but I'm afraid there are many problems with the details." Bai En doesn't think the plan will go smoothly.

"I can only do this. I have no loyal staff, not even enough staff. No family like the other nobles can be used. The night church is staring at me, the enemy is staring at me, and the 'self' Hold me. The nobles think I do n’t deserve this title, and the citizens of the city very much want to see my head stuck in the spear. "Moradron sighed again.

"Well, are there any details in this plan to tell us?" Bai En asked.

"I hope the Fatalin Association can set up a transfer point for soldiers and loot here," Moradron suggested. "Soldiers can be more high-key when they come in, and low-key when they leave ~ ~ I think it ’s difficult for the forces in the city to confirm our actual strength. As for the loot, I hope you can display the artwork from Main Street Transport them to the dock. "

"This should be easy to handle, but if you do this ..." Bai En hesitated and continued. "Are you going to stay in the city, instead of following the army of the Duke of Ruon?"

"Yes," Moradron nodded. "This is an agreement between me and a few nobles. I will not go to the battlefield to take credit for them. They will also recognize my status. Moreover, I really need to devote my energy to maintaining my status now, rather than Get some more land that cannot be managed at all. "

"So that's it?" Bai En Zhao Yexiao gestured, asking if he had any more questions.

"That's the case, the situation is terrible, but it's not that there is no chance. We will go back and have a more detailed discussion to see what else can be provided." Ye Xiao nodded and then raised his head to ask. "King Margarita intends to take advantage of the other party's attack before getting married? Right? How much time do we have?"

"Is it true?" Moradron said with an eyebrow raised. "About a few months, the princess of Bill Bally is said to have traveled to Burtania. A normal royal wedding will take at least one year, but I think King Bill Bally did not plan to wait that long. So, counting the distance, they are very May be married in winter. Counting the summoning of vassals and the preparation of supplies, at least next year ’s soldiers in Burtania can set foot on the land of Istania. "

"That is to say we have at least half a year, maybe one year. It seems that the time is still abundant." Bai En said, pinching the beard on his chin.

"It can only be said that this is the case," Moradron perfunctoryly turned around, then gestured to the two to keep up. "Come on and see what I have gained here."