The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 394: Lotel

"They want to rush across the hall!"

Hearing the shouts, Sir Lothar turned around and turned the gorgeous tapestry he used to help the bats in the hallway upstairs. He tucked the temporary net into the hands of a servant who was unsure, and hurried to the stairs. The knight can see the hall below. The soldiers and a group of servants continued to drag the benches and tables through the room, reinforcing the huge double doors leading to the courtyard. As Lotel watched, he saw the door trembling and heard the rumbling of the hammer.

People moved a heavy bench from the church and rushed to support the gate. Suddenly, the soldiers put down their baggage and fell to the ground, holding their heads in pain. A wailing wailing echoed in the hall. Lothal stumbled back, because the voice confused him. Even the noise from the corridor above the hall was almost unbearable.

A ghostly figure appeared among the injured guards, a ghostly image of a dark-haired woman, her face turned into a mocking skeleton. The banshee continued to scream in pain, letting this sound torment all the men in the hall. Gisele can only focus her screams on a victim to kill him, but the spirit of revenge is not limited by her power.

The Banshee leaned over and picked up a discarded sword from the ground, her thin fingers gripping the bronze hilt tightly. Giselle was still screaming, leaving the defenders at a loss, helpless. She approached the nearest person who was shy, and thrust the stolen sword into the man's head.

When Lotel saw the ruthless murder, his blood boiled. The angry knight wore a thick scarf on his head to at least relieve the wail of the banshee. He drew his sword and jumped over the railing of the gallery. He stood up, only stopped for a short time, recovered from his jump, and then rushed out to face the murderous ghost.

The banshee turned away from the uniformed groom she had just killed, and the man's blood dripped from her sword. Giselle stared at Lotel, her skull-like face bulged up, and once again became the stunning face of the witch in life. She smiled charmingly at the young knight and waved at him with bent fingers. Lothal grimaced at the banshee and cursed fiercely.

Gisele's face immediately turned back to the squinted skull. The Banshee ran forward quickly, sliding across the hall to meet Lothal's charge. The knight blocked her sword and cut her sword with her backhand. The sword should have cut her from the shoulder to the chest. However, to the horror of the knight, his sword penetrated the ghostly body of the banshee unscathed.

Giselle pressed him hard, pushing Lotel towards the horizontal wall, which divided the lower part of the fortress in half. The knight tried to concentrate, preventing panic from overwhelming his mind. He must remain calm and let instincts and battle-tested reactions continue to fight. The Banshee may be a ghost, but her sword is as sharp as his. This is the target he must attack.

There was another rumble and a crackling sound from the entrance. Several soldiers struggled to walk towards the collapsed fence, but the banshee's painful scream caused others to twist on the floor. If this temporary barricade is not strengthened immediately, it will collapse.

The greater predicament in the castle inspired Lottel, and his responsibility to his father and family eliminated his last fear. He launched a fierce attack on the Banshee, and this time his attention was completely focused on the sword held by the ghost hand. The strength of the knight prevailed, striking the sword in the hand of the weak mourning banshee, striking it constantly, striking it aside like a child's plaything.

Lothal could have escaped. When the banshee shook his body under his attack, he could escape back into the corridor. However, this does not help the defenders. Lotel was determined to stick to his position and pressed Giselle even more tightly, so that the Banshee had forgotten everyone else and focused only on him. If it were not for the banshee's howling that stung their heads, if the barricade door was broken, the soldiers could at least defend the barricade.

The knight's sword again gave Giselle a spin on the floor, spinning like a crazy half-orc fanatic. As she turned, she approached the horizontal wall, a row of torches tied to the bare stone, and with a hissing sound, she flinched back. This was the first time the banshee showed fear.

Lotel quickly caught the banshee's weakness. Another heavy blow pushed her away from him, long enough for the knight to stride through the hall. The Banshee guessed his intentions and rushed towards him frantically. Her sword sparked on the stone floor, and Lotel reluctantly rolled out of the ghost's sword. Before Giselle had time to try again, Lotel took his target in his hand. He took a torch from the iron candlestick and inserted the burning end into the face of the banshee's skull.

The Banshee Ghost issued a different scream, a painful scream, and the ghostly Howl of the Banshee Ghost stopped. When she walked away from Lotaire's torch, her face sizzled, and her sick face was spooky. Gisele clutched the smoking cheekbones tightly, his sword blade crackling on the floor.

Lotel rushed towards the injured banshee, trying to kill her before she recovered from her coma. But when he started sprinting, he knew it was too late. Gisele put down his bony hands and stared at him fiercely. Her meatless chin widened greatly, and a different cry came out of the banshee's mouth. This kind of call was only heard by Lotel's ears. This kind of call was not just torture. And it's fatal.

The knight fell to his knees, his face twisted into a mask of pain. He could feel the scream of the Banshee, like a burning finger digging a hole in his head. Lotel ripped the rag from his head, covering his ears with both hands, trying to block the terrible cry.

Lothal heard the clattering sound of the gate from the ghostly scream, and then cracked, and the hammer hit the gate. He watched as the few guards on the barricade were forced to retreat, they were forced to retreat by the quiet and solemn advancement of the Skeletons pouring into the fortress. Then the knight's eyes suddenly disappeared in the darkness, and he collapsed on the floor.

After a while, Giselle's screaming stopped. An angry rider ran across the hall and knocked down several soldiers who were blocking his way. The Duke of Blood Eagle was wearing crimson armor and a black cloak fluttering behind him. He crossed the hall and rushed towards the cross wall. His gauntlet gripped the screaming banshee's neck tightly ~ ~ Under the touch of the vampire, the ghost's soul became firm. The Duke of Blood Eagle savagely pulled her off the floor and threw her out like a bag of trash.

"No!" The monster growled. "This is mine!" The Duke of Blood Eagle exposed his fangs, posing with hatred. "Durant Du Lancaster, you know, the price of betrayal is death!"

The Duke of Blood Eagle pulled the reins back, and the scrawny horse stood up again, its hooves kicked against the head of the knight lying on the ground.

The Duke of Blood Eagle hadn't had time to crush the knight's head with his horseshoe. A challenging voice rang through the hall.

"Monster!" An elderly knight shouted from the corridor, his face vaguely bitten by the bat's fangs. "Coward! Leave him alone and come face me!"

The Duke of Blood Eagle glanced at the knight lying on the floor in confusion, while the elderly noble met him wickedly from the corridor above. The monster shook his head, trying to sort out the confusion of thoughts and images. Finally, he focused his burning eyes on the elderly knight.

"You should let me die in Elba," the monster said hissingly, his fingers clutching the hilt. "Now I want to remove you and all your people from this land, Durant-Du-Lancaster. I want to delete your name from the record. I want to stone this castle Remove it with a stone. I will open the graves of your father and their father. I want to make your family no longer the myth of farmers. "

The elderly knight was pale with the threat of vampires, and a terrible suspicion rose in him. This is not an unknown monster in the night. This is the most infamous creature in the long history of Aquitaine. This is the Duke of Blood Eagle himself.