The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 405: Bane

The Douro River ran down from the mountains in the south, and flowed northward into the sea. This river is the dividing line between the Ogborn collar and Bill Barry. At the estuary, the Douro River also has numerous branches, some of which can supply nearly unlimited fresh water to Bill Barry.

Margarita did not think about blocking the water source or poisoning, but the wide branches and the flow rate of the river made these plans unproductive.

No one in Istania will question the wishes of King Bill Bally or King Margarita to unify Istania, but the scale of the conflict has far exceeded people's expectations. The Habsburg family of Margarita and the Avis family of Bill Barry can gather manpower and resources on an unprecedented scale, and can find economic means sufficient to support these operations.

Bain and Bilbao did n’t know enough, but Margarita ’s war engine was the royal palace in Margarita. King Margarita enlisted a large number of non-hereditary nobles, mostly barons As vassals of the king, they were able to collect taxes with considerable efficiency, recruit troops, dispatch ships, organize supplies, manufacture equipment, cannons, and produce gunpowder.

This kind of high efficiency that totally relies on manual labor seems incredible to Bai En. The logistics and resource allocation of the huge army is extremely complicated and meticulous. What's even more amazing is that Bill Barry is no less impressive. This is completely a struggle between the two tigers eager to unite the two kingdoms of Istana. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

Correspondingly, the trend of war has become more and more strange.

Fatlin ’s army was deployed on the northeast coast of Billy Bally City, which is not the most important and core battlefield. Fatalin ’s army only needs to ensure that it is not defeated by the Bill Bally army who occasionally slips out of the city, and at the same time cooperates with the sea fleet to block the dock. Not a good job, but not bad.

Of course, the weirdness is not here, but a few days ago, because most people had little hope of taking down Bill Bally City, the offense became extremely sloppy, and the offense and retreat like a routine seemed to stimulate King Margarita. The king announced a grand dinner to entertain the generals while encouraging morale.

After hearing this decision, Bai En couldn't believe his ears. On the battlefield, a banquet was held under the eyes of the enemy. This is not as good as surrendering directly to the other party. Bai En was very nervous on the night of the dinner, fearing that he would be attacked by Bill Barry at any time. Although he planned several escape routes in advance, the plan always couldn't keep up with the changes, did he?

Fortunately, nothing happened that night, the lively noise at the dinner party spread quite far, but none of the Bill Pali soldiers chose to take a look. Fortunately, the next morning, the king announced that he had captured a fortress in front of the city of Billbury.

The reason was that the soldiers of the fortress seemed to be attracted by the dinner in the Margarita Barracks, forgetting to close the gate of the fortress. So at dawn in the morning, Margarita's scout discovered this and took the opportunity to take the fortress.

But unfortunately, the fortress and even Bai En were abandoned before they could visit. The two strongholds outside the city gate of Billy Bally are half shorter than the other side of the city. The army in the city will directly face the shelling on the walls of Bilbao.

Therefore, the commander of the Margarita Allied Forces had to order the slaves to demolish the fortress walls and prevent them from being reused by the Bill Pali.

In the end, one of the first two fortresses that could support each other in Billy Barry City was destroyed, and Billy Barley was not stupid. They quickly hung a row of corpses on the wall, written in Margarita text. "Traitor".

The war once again came to a standstill, and Bane couldn't see anxiety or worry from the faces of King Margarita and the coalition commander. Bane only hoped that the two men were really confident, not just a calm face.

However, a confident commander can indeed change the atmosphere of the army. Except for the gunner who is responsible for the daily shelling, everyone in the military camp felt some kind of restlessness. The soldiers were stimulated by the commander's self-confidence and were full of anticipation to break Bill Bally. Within the Margarita army, some believe that King Margarita will bring the end of history to Bill Barry, and may even restore the glory of the old empire.

Even within the army of Fatalin, there are many prophecies. It is generally believed that Dennis Aves and Margarita Fernando Habsi of Bill Barry will fight for the entire Istana. Between the two, one will surely become the master of Istana.

Fatalin ’s army is trapped here, but Fatalin ’s fleet does not need to stay here. Bane wrote to Captain Netska, ‘suggested’ that she robbed the coast of Bill Barry. Soon Netska left only the transport fleet as a guise, and led her main fleet from the temporary port to the east. Netska was fiercely and efficiently completed the task.

Soon afterwards, Bane received a reply from Netska. She led the fleet to storm a strategic fortress, and the soldiers ravaged the nearby coastal area. A fleet serving King Billy Barry tried to recapture the fortress, but was hit by Netska and doubled the shame of King Billy Barley.

Novalino in the north sent twenty paddle sailboats to try and block the Netska fleet, but Netska easily broke through the blockade and squished their farts. Then Netska continued to go east, devastating all the coastal villages that supported Bill Barley, burning down the village, destroying the ships, and capturing men and women throughout the village as slaves.

In addition to this letter, Bane received news from other places about Captain Netska and the Bloodsail Pirates ~ ~ These messages are much cruel than what Netska wrote. The large-scale landing of the Bloodsail Pirates was so rapid and terrifying, the fast-moving and fierce sailing warships encircled the undefended coast, and their impact was so powerful that their surprise attack was creepy.

Novarino's fleet can only stay in the port, watching the bloodsail pirate fleet used like a tide. Even the reef island not far from the opposite shore had to be abandoned when the enemy approached. Netska captured six transport ships there and then burned the town on the island. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

Netska also burned an earl's seaside castle and captured more than 800 people from the castle. Afterwards, an eighteen oar sailing ship was burned in an earl's port. Then she slipped past Novara's fleet blockade, looted a small fishing village, and landed. Fifteen miles into the interior, a beautiful countess was captured and all women and children in the castle were taken away.

The notoriety of the bloodsail pirate even convinced the people in the city of Novarino that this duke ’s city would also be looted, and many people even began to flee the city. However, they did not expect that Netska had already begun to return. Before the Novalinos reacted, the Fleet of Bloodsail Pirates had left, disappeared in the blue sea in the north, and made a circle to return to Billy Bally. Temporary pier built by Fatalin outside the city on the coast.

Netska brought back a lot of wealth, most of it was obtained by looting nobles and churches, more slaves, and even thousands of them, some of which, including the beautiful countess, were given away in private King Margarita.
