The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 416: Raymond

Viscount Melson does not understand what the Duke of Blood Eagle is doing. The monster had let his undead legion do a lot of logging and assembling siege devices, but hundreds of skeletons were idle on the battlefield, passively standing there, watching the archers in the tower continue to attack they. The monster's cavalry spread out in all directions on horseback. Viscount Melson couldn't tell what the duties of the other black knights were, but the black knights he saw from the woods were just racing in two large, lifeless dead places.

Headman Horford believes that there may have been villages in these places a long time ago. Those death knights are probably looking for the cemetery that once served the long-lost tribe so that their dirty and evil masters can resurrect those who were buried, make them skeleton warriors, and expand the ranks of his huge army.

The elderly noble looked at the monster camp with longing eyes. The tent of the Duke of Blood Eagle was made of black cloth and looked like it was stitched with a shroud. There are only a few heavily armed undead guarding their master's den, but since there are hundreds of zombies standing around the tent, there is not much demand for them. Viscount Melson dismissed the idea of ​​going directly to the Duke of Blood Eagle. Even if he rides a war horse, he knows that when the number of undead soldiers far exceeds him, he can never cross between them. Viscount Melson felt physically uncomfortable when he thought that he had to die before taking revenge for his family and Sir Lotel.

No, he would wait, waiting for an opportunity, when he was sure that he could deal with that monster alone.

"As an excellent strategist, the Duke of Blood Eagle showed a failed siege." Sir Raymond said, "I've seen orcs use better tactics."

Viscount Melson turned away from his vision and carefully put down the branches of the bush behind him to avoid making any unnecessary noises. "He blocked this magic tower very well," Viscount Melson said. "He does n’t need all his army to lock up a lonely woman and her servants. In fact, he may have deliberately left such an obvious hole in his deployment, hoping to lead Aniston out, and then try Attacked her while running away. "He nodded somberly, thinking it was a cunning strategy. "Duke Blood Eagle's undead may be looking for any clues that someone is trying to escape"

Raymond did not agree with the view of Viscount Melson. "It didn't take us a long time to get so close to this tower. This shows that the army of the Duke of Blood Eagle is not vigilant."

"Maybe," Viscount Melson said. "Or maybe it's just that our direction of advance doesn't appeal to them. The monsters of the Blood Duke seem to need someone to tell them exactly what to do. They don't have any initiative to transcend orders. Remember those standing on the battlefield. Skeleton? When the archers in the tower kept firing at them, they did n’t even move a finger. They did n’t even have enough power to get out of the range, they just stood there and were hit, waiting for someone to tell them What to do. "

"Then do you think we might be able to enter the tower?" Sir Raymond asked curiously. "Even if the army of the Duke of Blood Eagle is camped around that tower?"

"If they are not told to stop anyone from going to the tower," Viscount Melson replied. "If we can avoid encountering any undead creatures under the Duke of Blood Eagle who can think independently, I think so."

When Raymond saw the zombies walking on the cordon around the tower, he made a grimace and pulled a branch back to block himself. There were many gaps on the route to the Magic Tower, large enough to allow a Tyrya sail warship to pass, but Viscount Melson warned of traps, which made him see a threat, not the monster ’s immortality Creatures are deployed in strange ways. If the guess of Viscount Melson is wrong, they will be slaughtered.

The young knight raised his eyes and saw the balcony on the tower. He could see the distant figure of a woman in blue leaning on the balcony railing. Despite the distance, and under the shelter of the forest, Raymond could feel her looking straight at him.

"We must give it a try." Sir Raymond made up his mind and punched his open palm. "There is a reason for the Duke of Blood Eagle to besiege this magic tower. Many years ago, the female prophet Beckinsale used her magic to deal with him and helped King Charles when he failed. Maybe he wanted to make sure The female prophet Aniston cannot do the same. "

"Then the female prophet must know the secret of destroying this demon," Viscount Melson gritted his teeth, his voice full of excitement.

"Even if she doesn't know, we can't abandon a woman facing such a crisis," Sir Raymond said. "The law of chivalry does not allow the knight to act in such a rogue manner. At all costs, we must rescue her from the Duke of Blood Eagle." The young knight turned and stared at the oatmeal, Horford And archers.

"Honor requires Viscount Melson and I to help the female prophet Aniston ~ ~ Raymond said," If we do not grasp the opportunity to reach the magic tower, then we will definitely go to death. But as a farmer, you will not offend us by staying behind. If you want to stay out of the business, I will understand. "

Headman Horford nodded vigorously. "Thank you, my lord," he said. "What you say sounds like lunatic nonsense. Me and my friends will also be happy to stay here."

The oat straw left the other farmers and bowed awkwardly to Sir Raymond. "I may not have the honor of a knight, Lord Lord, but there is a burden on my soul, and I have to make a compensation and atone for it. Please allow me to accompany you. If this means death, then at least I can help release against me Died when he was evil. "

When he heard the oatmeal, Sir Raymond felt a chill. He was moved by the peasant's fortitude, but was horrified by the words he made when he made a mistake. He turned his gaze to Viscount Melson, looking at the elderly noble ’s reaction to the words of oat straw, but Viscount Melson only felt the oatmeal ’s remarks about the evil released in this land. Surprised.

The chill hit his spine, blending with the nausea rising in his stomach. He knew that Viscount Melson would remember what the oatmeal had said. Viscount Melson may not need to explain now, because they are preparing to launch a possibly suicidal operation towards the tower outside the magic tower, but this request will come at any time. When things happen, Raymond must recognize the role of Earl Robert in the process of freeing the Duke of Blood Eagle from the grave. If this does not reignite the grudge between De Toulouse and Du Lancaster, then nothing will happen.