The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 417: Oatmeal

Under Sir Raymond's worrying heart, the three said goodbye to Horford the leading man and crept to the edge of the forest. They could see a group of skeletons closest to them, only a few hundred yards away from them. These undead were trying to grind the wood into poles and beams, and then assembled them into trebuchets. The sound of hammers and saws overshadowed the sound of their own heart beating.

The pale oat straw turned and said to Raymond. "Let me go first, sir." The lame farmer asked. "If they ... if they follow me, you can find another way into the tower."

The oat straw proposal was very logical, and this led Raymond to agree to the plan, although he was ashamed to allow a farmer to accept danger on his behalf. However, during this period of despair, unusual measures are often required. Because if they fail, let Aniston fall into the hands of the Duke of Blood Eagle, it will be a greater shame.

The knights watched the oat straw walk towards the center of the field in a slow and hobbled pace. The farmer bent over and shivered in fright. As he approached the frightening skeletons, he heard a horrible moan. Once or twice, the oat straws stopped and stood motionless, only feeling the limbs trembling. However, the farmer did not look back once. The guilty man is determined to be like a knight, with a knight-like determination, this guilty person continues to move forward.

Raymond has been observing these skeletons, waiting for them to respond to the appearance of 'oat straw'. But the undead did not even raise their heads, thinking about the tasks assigned by their evil masters. It didn't take long for the farmer to pass by the worker and walk towards a gap in the sentinel line.

"He walked through them," Raymond said breathlessly, which relieved him, and his shoulders relaxed.

"The real test will be whether he can pass those patrols and sentries," Viscount Melson said. "This will tell us whether this crazy idea will work."

Both men watched silently as the oat straw approached the immobile formation of the zombie soldiers. Even under the cover of the forest, the knights could smell the rotten smell of animals, and they could see the pieces of rotting flake off their rotting bodies. As the oatmeal approached the gap between the zombies, he stopped, wiping his sweaty palms with his breeches, and gestured to the lady with fingers in the air.

Then, the farmer moved forward again, and his pace became steady and calm. On several occasions, he stumbled and stretched his arms awkwardly to maintain balance. Raymond guessed the reason why ‘oat rods’ moved in this strange way. The farmer closed his eyes, fearing that he would be shocked when he saw the zombie. If the Undead Patrol noticed him, he did n’t want to know that either. He didn't want to see death come to him.

It seemed that after a long period of time, the oat straw had already passed the row of rotten sentinels. The zombies didn't even move a muscle. One of them even let the crow pick up maggots from its scalp, but there was no sign that it was aware of the hungry bird. Oatmeal is about to succeed! He is about to reach the tower! Zombies will not stop him!

When he suddenly realized this, he opened his mouth wide. The undead may not be able to stop them from reaching the magic tower, but the people inside can! The archers in the fortress look out from every window. It is impossible for them to know that Oat Rod is a friend, or whether he is another slave to the Duke of Blood Eagle. In fact, as he stumbles and blindly advances, they may even mistake him for an undead!

Sir Raymond expressed his concern to Viscount Melson. The old knight cursed that he had not taken this issue into consideration, and patted the injured right arm with his left hand in anger, using the painful sparks on his body as a warning to himself.

"We must leave here and go out," Viscount Melson said to him. "If the people in the tower see two knights coming towards them, they may hesitate."

"Unless they think we are more like the undead creatures of the Duke of Blood Eagle," Raymond pointed out.

Viscount Melson grimaced at the suggestion. He said, "We just need to make sure we cross the field with our eyes open."

The two knights left the forest and strode into the open space. Their gait was brave and bold, but it became stiff due to a confidence that neither person really felt. They may die, but it is this destiny that inspired their courage. If they are going to die, then at least they will die with dignity like a real Burtanian knight.

They walked past the skeletons that built the trebuchet, without even looking at the monsters. Both eyes were staring at the tower, watching the oat straws blindly stumbling towards the fortress. The knights thought that this brave lame peasant would wither in a rain of arrows, but he could move forward step by step without fear, without any arrows to stop his advance.

As the knights were walking through the open space between the skeleton workers and the guard line, they saw that the ‘oat rod’ finally reached the bottom of the tower. They saw the peasant stumble on the rocky foundation of the fortress. After a while, he got up from the ground. At that moment, he must have widened his eyes, because the knights could hear the roar of victory in the distance and see the fists of oat rods waving in the air. The farmer glanced around and saw the iron gate leading to the tower. He climbed over the messy pile of stones around the base of the tower ~ ~ and walked towards the huge steel door.

Raymond had no time to see how the oatmeal rod continued to move from that place. Viscount Melson whispered sharply, drawing his attention back to the cordon. These people are less than twenty yards from the nearest zombie. The undead soldiers stood stiffly, their rotting faces staring straight at the magic tower. Each rotten zombies had rough spears or rusty halberds in their hands; many of them even wore worn water bottle helmets or long striped armor. Raymond was surprised to find that not all zombies are men, but many of them are women and children. When the Duke of Blood Eagle enlisted the dead into the army, the monster took away everything that could raise his weapon.

Unconsciously, the knights slowed down their pace, because they passed the threatening team of undead. Everyone held the sword tightly, guarding against any action of the zombies. But these creatures did not notice them, but stared at the tower they were told to guard without blinking.

The knights breathed a sigh of relief after passing the cordon without being challenged. As the Viscount Melson predicted, these monsters were ordered to prevent people from leaving the tower. It does not specify what to do if someone tries to enter.

But all this has changed too fast. A sharp shout came from behind the cordon. At the same time, both Raymond and Viscount Melson turned their heads to find the source of the shout. What they saw was a gaunt, pale man wearing a long black coat. He stamped his feet angrily, waving his hands over his head.

This is not the undead creature under the monster's mind, but a living person, he is an allied with the Duke of Blood Eagle, and thus exchanges his cursed soul.