The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 418: Jeffrey

"Idiot! Damn carrion reptile!" Jeffrey was furious and waved his fists at the motionless zombie. "They are walking towards that tower!" The Necromancer cursed the still motionless zombies, and soon guessed why they were unresponsive. He closed his eyes and attracted the power of the dark Natal to himself, weaving the fallen energy into a spell, putting these zombies under his direct control.

The knights did not wait to see how Jeffrey successfully awakened the undead from numbness. The two of them suddenly ran and rushed towards the tower outside the magic tower. Every step they take is likely to be shot down by the archers in the castle, but at least it is much happier than being killed by hundreds of zombies.

Behind them, Jeffrey continued his anger and cursing. The necromancer knew that the speed of the patrol he controlled would never catch the running knight. He exerted more dark power, forcing the clumsy zombies to run at a magical speed, driving them to work harder and harder. Some of the most decaying sentinels fell first, their decaying bodies broke due to overwork, worm-eaten legs crunched, crisp bones burst, and swollen organs tore dry skin. But there are still enough zombies that are fresh and complete, enough to withstand the punishment of magic.

These zombies are enough to bring down the knights and make them regret their heroic behavior. There was a cold smile on Jeffrey's face, and he thought about what he would do to him once he had the power to rule the knights. He was determined to kill them slowly. If they bow down to their feet every year, these people will die less. But he wants to make them suffer as he used to, and when they can no longer suffer, he injects the illusion of life into their bodies, so that they can serve him and serve him as before. Just as they used to force him to do.

Because the vengeful daydream distracted, Jeffrey failed to support his zombie during the final sprint and brought them close to the knight. When he noticed his mistake, he frowned, watching the zombies regain their usual clumsy pace, and the knights rushed to the bottom of the tower in front of them.

Jeffery was about to inject a new magical energy into the zombies, when he noticed an interesting thing. The steel gate at the bottom of the tower is still closed. There stood a hump-backed farmer, arguing with the captain of the defense, but it seemed that the captain of the defense did not intend to be shaken. The door is still closed.

A cruel smile appeared on Jeffrey's face. There is no reason to waste his energy now. Let the knights run to the tower. Let them beg, plead, cry, and try to get in. They will be trapped there, and when the zombies in Jeffery come to them, they will be trapped outside the wall. Just a few inches away from a safe place, destroying them would be even more heartbreaking.

The Necromancer laughed secretly and raised his eyes to look at the tower itself. Is it safe? Maybe this is the wrong word. In fact, if the knights knew what he had released inside the tower, they might rather stay outside and be bitten by the zombies in Jeffery!


"His Majesty."

The voice trembled with sadness, and the words choked with tension. Somehow, this sentence struggled forward in the dark red forgetting memory of the Duke's heart, and it grabbed the Duke's heart. He struggled to wake up from a **** dream, desperately trying to catch every word.

"I don't know if you heard it," the voice said. "I don't know if you can hear me. But I must tell you, Your Majesty. I must tell you."

This is the voice of Count Durant-Du-Lancaster. He violated his orders, he should keep himself in the Ai Erbai desert. The Duke had a feeling of admiration for Count Durant, because Durant's loyalty made him stand firmly next to his Duke who had been fatally hit. But he couldn't remember now why he wanted to die. He vaguely remembered what he was doing to him when he lay helplessly on the sand.

When the painful voice of Count Durant-Lancaster sounded again, the Duke set aside this weird idea and listened attentively.

"We are back, Your Majesty. We are back in Aquitaine. We have returned."

The Duke's heart suddenly became excited. Aquitaine! Aquitaine! He was desperate to see his home again. He struggled angrily to open his eyes, but he felt like they were tied to iron scales on each eye. Then he suddenly remembered the feelings in the voice of Count Durant. He didn't sound happy, nor cheered at all. His voice hardly resembled that of a soldier who had triumphantly returned from a long knight expedition. The Duke wanted to know what horror he would see if he could really open his eyes.

"Your Majesty." Count Durant choked with sobs. The Duke felt a trembling of fear spread all over his body. He tried to imagine what kind of tragedy such a brave Knight of Burtania would encounter.

"Your Majesty, the Duchess of Hathaway is dead!"

This sentence pierced the Duke's heart like a red-hot knife. But there is more; Count Durant is talking about the death of the Duke of Aquitaine. He said that Mrs. Hathaway did not believe this story at first, but in the end, when all the other cavalier lords came back, she finally accepted the fact that her husband died. She refused to live in a world without him. She climbed the tallest tower in the castle and jumped from the railing. ~ ~ Sudden pain, a kind of pain beyond all, even burning in the blood vessels The poison of the Al-Eba people, which had not caused him the pain, burned in the duke's body. He wanted to scream and beat his limbs to resist the pain, but his diseased muscles did not listen to him. Instead, he scattered his thoughts and tried to withdraw from the horror that attacked his senses.

In his mind, the Duke quickly passed through the dull hall in his castle, passing through some rooms, without Hathaway appearing, these rooms became lonely and desolate. He saw her living room, the happy room hanging high above the outer wall. Is she here waiting for him to come back? Is this also the same here, did despair finally take her life?

The Duke imagined that he could see two men standing in an abandoned room. He recognized them and saw the faces of Baron Huguenot de Naval and Westbrook de Toulouse. He heard them talking, talking about the sick body that Earl Westbrook had brought back from El Ouba. Their conversation became accusations of sabotage and betrayal. The Earl of Westbrook accused Baron Naval of sinking the ship that carried them back to Burtania. Baron Naval, in turn, accused Count Westbrook of failing to complete their contract.

The Duke's heart shrank back from those words full of betrayal and retreated to his paralyzed body.

Count Durant is still talking to him, telling his wife about suicide. But Ennasu Saif now knows better. His wife's despair stems from a lie. This is a lie written by Baron Naval and a lie for someone who can profit from the death of Duke Aquitaine.

All Burtanians know that this man is just King Charles.