The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 425: Aniston

Since Aniston became a female prophet, she has witnessed too many deaths with her own eyes, but the corpses have not piled up under her feet. This is the difference. During the period of siege by the Duke of Blood Eagle, this difference was enough to support her belief in revenge.

But Aniston also knew that she could not repeat the same mistakes, and the Duke of Blood Eagle could not be eliminated by revenge. However, now, on the road to the top of the mountain, the illusion once again came to her mind-the scene filled with empty armor appeared again to her eyes, gnawing at her soul.

The peasants ran towards her, fleeing the terrible plains and seeking refuge. As a result, it was a fatal wrong choice, once pushing them into desperation. The Duke of Blood Eagle didn't care about their life and death, but she did. She is one of them. In the previous battle guarding the magic tower, they faithfully protected her like a crazy dog ​​against the enemy.

And this time, at this time about the war of magic, she should be the protector. The purpose of the female prophet Beckinsale is to care for each other, and only mutual care can ensure that everyone survives as much as possible, so it is the legend of the female prophet Beckinsale. Farmers seek asylum, that is their right. They came to seek refuge from her, but it was death that greeted them.

What if I sacrificed myself? Use my sacrifice to rescue them, instead of relying solely on the magic tower to protect myself? She can only survive because of her self-protection instinct, which has nothing to do with self-denial. In war, that kind of person cannot survive.

When he was about to reach the top of the mountain, Aniston came to the conclusion that living and living well is not a concept. While thinking about her, she rode and looked at her outside. For a person who has lived for 19 years, her private property is really scarce. The oak box contained her bright magic book, wrapped properly. A small set of alchemy equipment was scattered in a box on the other side of the saddle, and the rest was a mess of things.

At this moment, Aniston was rescued from the illusion by the voice from the front.

"It seems that Duke Gales has received your letter," Sir Raymond said to Viscount Melson.

The two knights had just climbed to the top of the vine-covered hill overlooking Oquine Castle. Behind them, riding a pony, holding a huge horse, oat rods and female predictor Aniston walked at the end of their team. The team reached the castle of the Duke of Gales after several days of hard work.

They dare not stay on the journey, nor can they take out the supplies and replacement horses from the castle they passed by. No one knows how long it will take them to stop the Duke of Blood Eagle. Worse, no one can tell them where the crazy monster will send his undead legion next. Every castle they passed may have fallen into the hands of the Duke of Blood Eagle and was used by his skeleton warriors as a bastion against living people.

Although the female prophet Aniston promised that she had seen the Duke of Gaels assembling his army in her reflection pool, the two knights felt that they saw the assembled team better. This is an impressive force, gathering a group of knights like never seen before. Even the most luxurious knight competition, compared with the warriors gathered in the square outside the castle of O'Quinn, was overshadowed.

A tent or larger tent seemed to grow on each piece of open space, and the colorful pennants on the tops of dozens of magnificent tents crackled in the wind. A series of weapons, shields and coats worn outside the armor are arranged on the wooden frame outside the tent. The shields and coats are decorated with the coats of arms of more than one hundred families. War horses of various colors and patterns walked anxiously in thousands of temporary stables. Their brave spirit was awakened by the breath of war.

If he had n’t seen the army of the Duke of Blood Eagle himself, Sir Raymond would have said that nothing could withstand such a large rank of knights. But he saw the legion of the monster, a group of walking dead who would neither be afraid nor tired. Even such a powerful army may not be able to deal with such an enemy

"You must be brave, don't let your spirit shake," said the female prophet Aniston, riding to the top of the mountain beside him.

Sir Raymond moved nervously on the saddle. He did not want to believe that the female prophet Aniston would use her magic to read his thoughts, although he knew that it would be easy for a woman with the magic that the lady endowed.

The female predictor Aniston apologized to him with a smile. "I must understand the thoughts of those who will defend this land," she said. She turned around on the saddle and glanced at Viscount Melson. "In front of the evil of the Duke of Blood Eagle, you are more determined and more determined than anyone. Because the only hope that destroys him is burning on you." A sad expression appeared in her eyes, frowning frowning Over her face. She glanced at the two knights and did not completely hide her worries.

Viscount Melson patted his hilt. "That monster will die," he swore. "Whether it's because of what he has done ~ ~ or more crimes he will commit in the future.

"Don't let revenge defeat your honor." The female prophet Aniston blamed the old knight. "You can't win without a pure heart. Revenge is the plague of the soul." She stared at Raymond and looked at him intently. She warned, "The desire for glory is not much better."

The words of the female prophet Aniston surprised Raymond, which made him more sad than he thought. His purpose is noble, to atone for everything his uncle did, to redeem the honor of the De Toulouse family. This pursuit is not shameful. Obviously, this is not a vanity business based on pride and arrogance.

The female predictor Aniston continued to watch him. She glanced subtly at Viscount Melson. Raymond immediately guessed what she meant. He has not yet told the elderly nobleman why the Duke of Blood Eagle attacked Lancaster Castle, killing his family and Sir Lotel.

Raymond shook his head and lowered his eyes. No, he didn't want to talk about some things. Not just about Du Lancaster. Now that Burtania is too dependent on them, Raymond does not want them to fall over because of a feud. Of course, there is no reason for people in the Du Lancaster family to know that they have tarnished the great shame of the De Toulouse family.

The expression of the female predictor Aniston became severe. She pointed to the tower of Oquinn Castle. "We have to go quickly," she finished, and finally glanced dissatisfiedly at Sir Raymond. "When we spoke, Duke Gaels was meeting his generals. We had better talk to him before they filled his ears with their own strategies and tactics.

"After all, we know the enemy better than the Duke's generals." The female prophet Aniston finished his eyes, still looking at Sir Raymond.