The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 441: Charlie

Charlie found a crack in the cliff, which looked slightly wider than the other cracks. He climbed up in despair and went to check, leading Garibal to the narrow crack. Its width barely tolerated the fully equipped warhorse, but he continued to move forward and prayed to the lady. The water flows down the steep hillside, and the ferns cling to the hillside.

Soon the passage narrowed, and Charlie began to worry that he had to go back. Garibal grunted unpleasantly, but when Charlie continued to comfort her to go down, she did not resist. After about twenty steps, the canyon turned into a tunnel, a narrow passage deep into the rock.

Charlie glides past Garibald, covering their footprints with a fallen branch, covering their footprints on the snow as much as possible, and then bringing the team into deeper darkness.

The roar of the waterfall echoed in the tunnel, and they went louder and louder. The first few steps were almost dark, but the road ahead gradually became brighter. A string of luminous crystals is attached to the rock wall and emits a light phosphorescence.

Charlie stopped beside one of the strange circles. It was a pile of dagger-like fragments, many of which were as long as his forearms. They emit blue and white light and are beating like a heartbeat. Charlie got closer and looked closely. He saw small creatures like spiders patrolling the crystal layer and working in groups like bees in the hive. Their bodies are pearly and chitinous, and the light emitted from them is also very strong. .

As it moves on, the crystal structure becomes more and more complex and impressive, until the winding tunnel leads to a spacious, well-lit cave. It's like walking into a glass chapel.

A huge crystal column rises from the floor to the ceiling, and the huge structure hangs down like a delicate chandelier, gleaming coldly with shimmer.

A silent roar echoed in the cave, and Charlie wandered in the cave hall with awe, Galibo and the unconscious forest elf. He came to a big gap, like a huge arched window, although instead of glass was a layer of sparkling water curtain. It turned out that they were behind the waterfall.

Recently, another group of people used this place as a campsite. Charlie found ash and charcoal in a hole in the floor, and there was a pile of dry firewood and firewood in the corner. A few low shelves protruded from the wall around the fire pit, and some leaves were tightly tied to it, indicating that they were used for covering.

He didn't know who used this place as a refuge, or whether they would come back, but he put aside all concerns and thanked the lady who took him here. He lowered the unconscious forest elf from the saddle and put him on a pavement. His skin was cold and gray, and blood oozed from the wound. His heart was beating fast, but it was weak, and his breath was short. Charlie knew that he needed to keep the temperature of the forest elf, so he started to fire.

Within a few minutes, his flames were burning, and he turned his attention to the forest elf ’s wound.

His tattooed body was covered with scratches and scratches. Most of the wounds were concentrated on his upper body and torso. There are almost no traces on his back, indicating that the forest elf is facing his attacker. The skin and muscles of his hands and forearms were torn apart, as if he was trying to resist the attack. Dozens of inches of hook-shaped spines are embedded in his body. They leaked a pungent, thick green juice.

Some wounds are shallow and undoubtedly painful, but not fatal, but there are also many wounds that are deep enough to cause serious concern. Charlie twitched as he probed a particularly serious wound.

The broken ribs protruded from the jagged wound on the elf side like broken branches, and blood flowed continuously from there. If no one is taking care of him, he will definitely lose too much blood and die. But even if bloodshed was stopped, it was not certain that he could survive.

The most worrying thing is that there is a discoloration that looks harmful around every laceration. They spread under the skin, like the roots of trees. These evil, snake-like creeping tendrils are dark green. Anyone can see that he is poisoned.

Charlie decided to get rid of the barbs immediately. He first focused on the most severely injured torso wound, washing and stitching the wound as much as possible. In a small bowl, he grinded the herbal mixture he carried on the journey with the last bit of honey in a crystal jar he bought six months ago in the Marnus Empire. These herbs have medicinal properties and combining with honey can help prevent infections. Charlie applied the sticky plaster to the jagged wound of the forest elf. He cut a strip of cloth from a spare tunic and fastened it.

He spent at least an hour caring for the forest elf ’s wounds. His patient shouted loudly during restless sleep, but Charlie couldn't understand him. He woke up a few times, but his eyes were dull and blank, and he didn't notice Charlie's existence at all.

The forest elf still wears his horn-shaped headgear, and even shows a savage nobility even unconsciously. Glow. It is difficult to guess his age. He may be twenty or two hundred years old, because the forest elves are considered a long-lived race, and may even be immortal. It is said that their longevity even exceeds that of dwarves.

The cave is now warm and the fire is burning. Charlie knew he could do nothing more for the forest elves, so he looked after his warhorse. He pushed her to the ground and checked her leg and hoof for injuries. Only when his horse is fed with water and food will Charlie relax. He leaned his long sword and shield against the wall and sat down on the cover of a cave. Galamont's sword lay on his lap. Its familiar weight is comforting. His thoughts flickered as he ate corned beef while looking at the waterfall.

Many years ago, when he was young, he also put down his spear to pursue the answer. He swore in front of the goddess and gave up all material wealth. At that time, Charlie had nothing but what his male servant was wearing or carrying. He rode from Aquitaine Castle, determined to either succeed or die on the way.

The years on the road made him strong, like a sword exercised in a blacksmith's shop. He experienced all kinds of hardships and difficulties, and finally won, and his spirit, body and soul became stronger. But he still couldn't find the answer he wanted, and the journey he pursued was far from over.

The troubles in the world have swallowed him up, and he needs to take responsibility and be responsible for Burtania and her people. Over the years, he seems to have not changed in the real sense except for his growing old. He longed for himself to finally complete the journey he pursued.

Now, he prayed that his journey was coming to an end.