The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 443: Charlie

Charlie cursed in his heart that he had misjudged the situation in front of him; before jumping, he was convinced that he could disarm this weak forest elf without harming any of them.

This wrong decision almost threatened Charlie's own life, but he also noticed that the other party had some obvious problems. This made him decide to continue to implement the goals set before due to wrong judgment.

The forest elf squatted on the ground, leaning low, and he could see his calf trembling from time to time. Charlie also noticed that the forest elf began to have difficulty breathing, and then Charlie could see an increasingly red stain on the bandage on his chest, which made him confirm that his decision was correct. It was obvious that the wound on the forest elf's ribs had cracked again.

There is no doubt that the strength of this forest elf is declining. His golden eyes were shaded, and his legs were shaking. Charlie made up his mind to put an end to this as soon as possible, and he rushed forward before the forest elf regained strength and composure. But the forest elf hasn't even recovered yet. With his unconscious response to the situation in front of him, he swung the sword towards the knight who was rushing towards him.

Fortunately, the speed of this forest elf was not as fast as when he started fighting. Charlie grabbed the sword swinging toward the inside of his left abdomen. Although he caught it, the sword was cut deep and hard Pierced the armor on his left abdomen, and the sword penetrated the outer metal plate and the chain link of the chain mail below, but almost did not hurt his forearm. Then he wrestled with the slender forest elf, and they fought for control of the two-handed sword.

This forest elf is about the same height as Charlie, but much thinner. Despite his fragile appearance, the forest elf has a strong strength in his limbs, which is not commensurate with his fragile appearance. His skill and response are also far beyond Charlie's expectations. If the opponent is not fighting in an injured situation, he must be a very difficult opponent.

Charlie tried to ensure that he kept the distance between the two, and did not give him any chance to use the sword again. However, when the two men hugged tightly together for a while, their eyes met.

Charlie smashed the opponent's face with his forehead, breaking the deadlock. The forest elf's legs softened, and the heavy two-handed sword fell out of his hand with a clatter. Charlie kicked it away with one foot, then kicked the forest elf to the ground, pressing his back with his knee. The Forest Elf struggled to resist and tried to continue fighting with Charlie, then suddenly he wilted.

After Charlie carefully confirmed that he would no longer resist, he picked him up from the ground and placed it on a lower berth. The forest elf's breath was shallow and rapid, and his heartbeat was quickening. Zha understood the bandage of blood on the ribs of the forest elf. The deep wound opened again, and Charlie tried to stop the bleeding. However, he was powerless to stop the spread of this sinister poison in the forest elf, and he was surprised to find that his condition had worsened in the past. Vessel-shaped tendrils under the forest elf's skin are crawling towards his heart.

Check haircut oath. Without the treatment of the therapist, the forest elf will die soon, but he is also convinced that if he leaves here to seek help, he will never find a way back to here.

Charlie's eyes fell on the curved hunting horn he took off from the forest elf's shoulder. If the forest elf has friends nearby, they may be able to help. Charlie picked up the horn and prepared to walk towards the passage to the forest.

A trembling voice stopped him.

"No," said the forest elf. "You will bring Salma fever over."

"Do you speak Burtanian?" Charlie asked in surprise.

"know a bit".

"How did you learn?" Charlie asked again.

"One of them ... your people live ... for a while ... Ananas ... my home."

"How long ago was that?" Charlie noticed that the forest elf spoke an ancient form of his language, which had not been used by people for hundreds of years.

"Many seasons."

"My name is Charlie of Lancaster, and I am ... seeking the lady ’s help and the pursuit of the true answer in my heart brought me here and to your forest kingdom. She brought me to you . "

"Then you are a fool." The forest elf said weakly. "The forest ... will claim you. You won't ... see your land again."

"Are you a prophet?" Charlie asked suspiciously.

The wounded elf warrior stared at him, his golden eyes gleaming.

"I don't ... need to be a prophet ... to understand the fate waiting for you." The forest elf said slowly, but firmly.

"What's your name, Forest Elf?" Charlie decided not to struggle with the problems of prophets and prophecies, but to focus on more practical problems.

"I'm the Gusros-Mitra-Jin-Dahak of the sacred Allahasin family," said the forest elf.

"I believe it was this lady who brought me to you, Gucerros." Charlie said that even though the forest elf said his name and family, most of that sentence for him was He can't understand the language. He finally spelled out the name of the forest elf. "You are saved by her will."

The elf warrior doesn't seem to recognize this ~ ~ When he was about to speak, he was interrupted by a cough. When the poisonous blood flowed, he left spots on his lips.

"You said, if I use this horn, I will bring something to us." Charlie said, handing the curved horn to the forest elf. "What is outside? What kind of animals are hunting you?"

"Salma fever." Gucerros said, picking up the hunting horn and holding it tightly to his chest like an amulet. "Winter maid. They will ... search."

"Winter maid?" Charlie was even more puzzled. He had never heard of this title.

"The traitor ... the minions of the forest spirit, the servant of the ghost tree monster."

Charlie frowned, and he was about to express his doubts, only to find that Gucerros had lost consciousness. Charlie had to sit next to him, thinking about the best way.

After a while, the forest elf gasped and woke up again. He was sitting upright, grabbing Charlie's arm, his eyes flashing with anger.

"The contract ... must be fulfilled. The king ... must rise in the woods."

"Lie back," Charlie said to the forest elf. "Watch your wounds."

"No," Gucerros refused, his voice very hoarse, but he fell on the cover. Anyone can see that his power is weakening, he is getting weaker and weaker, and his eyes are beginning to close.

Of course Charlie can also see that his physical strength is declining rapidly. He sighed, approached the forest elf, and grabbed the forest elf's shoulder.

"You have a poison that I can't contain." Charlie said to him. "You need treatment. What about your people?"

"Forest." Gucerros said softly. "Take me to the forest."