The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 446: Charlie

As Charlie went deep into the Felwood, thick boots creaked on the snow under his feet. He looked around with a watchful and surprised look, with one hand always on the hilt of the sword of Galamont. Not far behind him, the ‘corpse’ that he picked up, who was alive again, but probably a forest elf who was probably alive soon, Gucerros, was unconscious on his horse armored battle.

Charlie tethered him to Garibal's saddle to ensure that he would not fall sideways, but he would also look back regularly to ensure he was still in place. The health of this forest elf is deteriorating. A few hours before dawn, Charlie was not sure if the forest elves could recover consciousness. If Gucerros still has a ray of life, then he must get help quickly. But Charlie only knew to take him to the forest, but he didn't know where to take it.

But it ’s not without good news. Just a few hours ago, this forest seemed impenetrable, dark, full of all kinds of dark horror threats; however, now it is so bright, the woods are full of voids and freshness air. Not long ago, this forest seemed to be dissatisfied with the appearance of Charlie, causing him to turn around and disorient him, and every step of the way he tried his best to hinder him, but now, it shows itself completely In front of him, guiding him as if he was urging him to move forward. Although Charlie did not know where he was going, he thought it was a good sign.

As he led the horse, Charlie's gaze kept floating upwards, and the scenery there surprised him. He was surrounded by towering trees, unbelievably high, and the trunk of the silver bark glittered. Their scale is extremely amazing, he doubts whether the trees in other parts of the world can reach the scale as here. He would never believe that any tree can grow so high or so straight; every tree here is five hundred feet high. They are like huge pillars supporting the ceiling of the world.

The quality of the light shining between their branches and crowns is even more incredible, and the moonlight shines through the crown of the head. Let the original, uncontaminated snow on the ground shine like crystals.

But there are also concerns about Charlie. In the hours after he left the safe cave, Charlie neither saw nor heard any signs of pursuing himself. Despite this, he remained vigilant because he knew that there must be danger in his surroundings, even though he had not yet noticed it.

Despite the unusually cold weather, Charlie glimpsed the rich life in the forest. He guessed that they were here before, but he has not seen them until now, or was allowed to see them.

The owl skimmed the woods, and the rabbit and mink wandered in the snow, unaware of the danger above. He heard a lone fox yelling in the distance and glimpsed a pair of eagles perched on a branch. He saw a herd of deer eating grass in the distance, although none of them could match the magnificent sight of the white deer that led Charlie into the forest. From a distance, he saw a huge bear woke up early from hibernation and walked around with his feet.

For a moment, Charlie glimpsed a huge white cat in the woods in the distance. Its body is smooth and powerful, and its ears are sharp like a knife. It turned to look at him, his violet eyes gleaming in the moonlight, and then disappeared gracefully and gracefully in the forest like a ghost. Charlie never thought there would be so many creatures in the Felwood, especially after Charlie had heard so many horror legends about the forest.

All of these creatures are similar to the creatures Charlie saw outside of Felwood, but they have a peculiar, extraordinary quality that makes them unique.

Other creatures are less familiar.

A group of glowing flower fairies once fell around Charlie, flying up and down around him. From a distance, they look like fireflies, but when they get close, Charlie finds that they are completely different things.

Each of them is the existence of tiny light, and each has a perfect and exquisite shape, lifted in the air by transparent, tulle-like wings. They were curious about him, they would fly towards him quickly, take a closer look, and then ran away quickly when Charlie turned to them. However, they soon stopped guarding him. They knotted his hair and pulled Garibal's ears, annoying her, and at the same time the air was full of their smirk with sharp high notes. As they kept turning around Charlie, Charlie waved his fists at them.

Fortunately, most of them soon became tired and left, but one of the little guys stayed with him. Charlie has given up the idea of ​​driving it away. At first, when he waved his hand, it sprang out furiously, sticking out his tongue and making a face, but now it seemed content to sit on his shoulder, chattering in a harsh, incomprehensible voice.

However, in the end, even the little elf finally became quiet ~ ~ There was a pious silence in the forest. It started to snow. Every heavy snowflake is slowly falling, with quiet elegance. Only the crunchy snow and the harsh wind.

There was no sign of the attack.

Charlie glanced back to make sure Guceros was still on the saddle, and a thin rope loop slid onto his head. Before he could react, the rope was yanked around his neck, he was dragged into the air, and his legs kicked uselessly under him.

Charlie panted desperately, trying to grasp the tight noose, trying to stretch his fingers under the rope to relax the tension on his neck, but to no avail. The rope pressed his trachea, and his vision began to blur. The glowing flower fairy attached to him flew frantically around him, and the glowing teardrop rolled down his cheek.

When he turned helplessly ten feet above the ground, Charlie saw a blurry figure on the branch. Their faces are hidden under a deep hood, and everyone draws a bow.

Some spots appeared in Charlie's eyes, and he groped for his knife. The little hand of the glowing elf guided him, and his fingers finally held the handle of the knife. He quickly pulled it out and cut the rope that caught his trachea.

Charlie fell heavily on the ground, and he pulled the lasso hard, panting. Then he stood up unsteadily and pulled out the Sword of Galamonte. A dozen figures with bows and arrows emerged from a hidden place under the snow around him. The flower fairy hovered over his shoulder, spitting, glaring at the newly emerged people. Charlie raised his head and saw at a glance that there were as many people on the tree as there were on the ground. They were all crouching on the branch above Charlie's head, with arrows pointing at him.

"Forest Elves." Charlie said to himself.