The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 486: Charlie

The battle outside the ancient oak is fierce and brutal. In the sunlight, the bodies of the forest elves were scattered on the glade. The snow has melted and their blood has soaked the sacred land. The dead were collected by their loved ones, placed on the shield, and then weaved with branches into a coffin, and then carried into the forest.

The only trace left where the servant of Ganratsa fell was piles of rotten branches and leaves. No one deals with them. Clusters of rotten logs, bones, and dead wood were all that was left by the tree clan who had rushed to the battlefield. At the end of this unnatural winter, they were abandoned by the goddess deep in the forest. A small group of larger figures scattered on the open ground. These are the withered trees without leaves. They were guided by the evil intentions not long ago. Each time they waved their wooden branches, they overturned the forest elves and horses. Ground. Now they are just empty, still shells, which will soon fall down, fall on themselves and be forgotten.

The ferocious carrion birds, winter wolves, and other vicious creatures that came out of the wild woods to participate in the slaughter have dispersed, sneaking back into the dark areas of the forest, licking the wounds.

The horn of hunting echoed in the distance, and the wild knights chased the last remnants of Ganratsa, drove them back into the shadows, and slaughtered the enemies who ran too slowly and surpassed them.

Felwood returned to its original color, and the forest was filled with new life. Birds and butterflies fly on branches, blossoming flowers bloom, and their faces are facing the rising sun. The ivy climbed up the trunk like a snake and grew quickly. Ferns cover the ground, and their leaves sway gently in the spring breeze.

The ancient big oak tree had new leaves on its fingers, which stretched the branches up to the sun. The squirrels jumped on the branches, and flocks of flower fairies and goblins hovered among the branches. The eagles screamed in the eagle nest above the oak tree to greet the spring, the war eagle hovered above the canopy, and the forest elf knights maintained a perfect balance on their shoulders. Dozens of their tribes were killed in battle. They were grasped tightly by a powerful eagle and took dead bodies of the same kind back to the distant mountains.

The majestic white stag also fell and was pierced by the blade-like branches of a dozen tree monsters. The lady with the veil now took the veil off her face and knelt on the ground of the forest, just outside the huge arch leading to the ancient oak tree, holding the beast's head in her arms.

When a shadow fell on her, she looked up. Tears ran down her heart-shaped face.

"Hello, female prophet." Charlie said as he stepped out of the ancient oak and looked down at her.

His eyes shone with the sacred witchcraft fire, he was surrounded by a halo of halo, as if the morning sun was attracted to him. He stood much taller than before, and the wrinkles around his eyes were smoothed out. This effect is not so much to make him look young, but rather to make him look old, and his eyes can see things that mortals don't know.

"My majesty, the lady's light is burning intensely in your heart," said the female prophet. "You drank the wine in the Holy Grail."

"Yes," Charlie nodded. "Now we are all the ladies' permanent servants. Our lives are no longer our own."

"I believe your father will be proud." The female prophet said.

"He will," Charlie agreed, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

There was silence on the open ground. The forest elves knelt down to the ground like a man, bowed their heads respectfully, and paid tribute.

Charlie turned around and knelt on one knee, lowering his head.

"Get up, Charlie of Lancaster." Said a soft and sweet voice.

Charlie raised his head and watched these two sacred lives emerge from the ancient oak tree.

They walked together, shining brightly on their bodies. It was the goddess who was sleeping on the stone platform. Although her cold face was now full of the warmth of spring, her midnight black hair was now golden, like honey or sunlight. She was extremely slender, her movements graceful and graceful, exuding a calm and serene breath.

She is a few heads taller than Charlie, but her facial features are upright and her looks are beautiful. She wears an imperial crown made of silver wire and ivy. In the center of the crown is a large green shiny stone. She held a pale long-handled wooden staff in her right hand, and her left arm rested on the arm of her partner, her king.

He was a handsome man with natural power and strode naked next to his queen. He is almost twelve feet tall, and his skin is as green as a newly grown forest. His skin was engraved with swirling patterns, his legs had fur, and his feet had hoofs. A huge antlers came out of his temple. He had a huge hunting spear in his hand, and every time he took a step, the spear slammed on the ground. Charlie recognized the huge curved hunting horn at a glance, which hung on his back. He glared at the glade, his eyes full of rage and anger.

"Ms. Tyrande," the female prophet said after greeting the two. "Master Malfurion."

No matter from what aspect, this couple is the opposite of each other. Tyrande reflected peace and peace, and everything Malfurion showed was violence and aggression.

"Felwood Forest owes you a favor." Tyrande said directly to Charlie. "Ancient Ganratsa has been expelled back to the dark areas of the East, and winter has been replaced by spring. The balance has been restored."

Charlie bowed deeply.

At this moment, Malfurion walked away from Tyrande and strode to Charlie, his eyes full of irresistible anger. He stalked around the newly-reborn holy grail knight, staring fiercely at him.

"I remember you," Malfurion said. His voice was deep and powerful, full of authority and magic.

Charlie looked at the face of this living **** with great revenge and saw something familiar.

"Gucerros?" He said.

Malfurion tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes.

"The man with that name is gone," Malfurion said, "but some of his things are still in my heart. His memory and thoughts are still there."

In Malfurion ’s eyes with golden spots, there was a wild danger. For a while, he seemed to be furious, but the moment passed, and the living **** turned around and swept back. To his queen.

Tyrande said: "To thank you for your service, what can we do for you?"

"I only need your wise advice, and I have nothing more to ask for, the goddess of the forest." Charlie said, his voice unwavering, although Malfurion stared at him intently. "Gan Lacha said my home was shrouded in darkness. She said that the battle of Bill Barry had begun and that the blood of my kingdom had flowed out. I was worried that everything she said was not a lie. I needed to know the truth. "

"Ganratza is telling the truth, Charlie of Lancaster," Tyrande said. "Balance on the blade".

Charlie nodded his thanks, although his expression became dull.

Malfurion made a gesture, and Charlie's Warhorse Garibal was brought over by a forest elf. The loyal war horse rubbed his nose against him. He stroked her nose. He still frowned when he thought of the battle at Bill Barry.

Another forest elf came out, holding a spear wrapped in thick cloth in his arms.

"You don't ask for any favors, but I won't let you leave our kingdom empty-handed," Tyrande said.

Charlie took the spear in his hands and was amazed by the art of its design. It is made of white wood inlaid with silver, and its curved hand guards are carved into the shape of a dragon head. When he held it, he felt that there was a powerful magic in it, and he was amazed by its lightness and power.

"It's name is Dawn Strike." Tyrande said. "A long time ago, it was taken into the forest from the distant Teldrassil. It will treat you well, Charlie of Lancaster."

"Forest Goddess, this is too expensive." Charlie refused.

"Accept it as our gratitude." Tyrande said with a smile. She turned her eyes to the female prophet still sitting on the ground, holding the noble white deer in her arms. "Have you decided, friend of the forest?"

"Yes," the female prophet said.

"You don't go back, do you? I mean back to Burtania." Charlie asked, and the female prophet shook her head.

"My home is here, now," said the female prophet. "I have nothing but the forest."

Tyrande turned to her partner King and put a slender hand on his muscular, slightly green arm.

"Remember I said we owe you a favor?" Tyrande said to Charlie. "If you need it, we can repay it now. We can help you send your army to the other side of the forest."

"How?" Charlie asked doubtfully ~ ~ It's time, my lover, "she did not answer Charlie's question, but said to her partner, Malfurion nodded, His eyes shone with natural magic.

He pulled out his huge hunting horn and raised it high in the air. He seemed to think about it again, glancing down at Charlie, then stopped and blew a powerful horn.

"Charlie of Lancaster, would you like to go with me?" He asked. "Would you like to participate in wild hunting?"

"I will, Highness." Charlie said.

Malfurion grinned rudely at him and raised the horn to his lips.


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