The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 491: Raymond

After seven days of hard work, Sir Raymond and Viscount Melson finally came to the Morso River. This is a dangerous journey, the speed of travel is so fast that it exhausts people and animals. Without the rotation mounts provided by the Duke of Gales, the Cavaliers could only stagger through their return route, and they knew they would never complete the mission.

The evil forces belonging to the Duke of Blood Eagle pursued them day and night. Swarms of bats tortured them day to night, they swooped out of the shadows, patted their faces with tough wings, or bit their eyes with sharp teeth. These attacks were so frequent that the knights had to pull the helmet mask low, even though the weather was almost unbearable.

However, bats are the least worried about them. Shortly after leaving the territory of Hunting Dragon Mountain and the Ancient Horse King, their small team was surrounded by a new enemy riding on the back of a skeleton horse. Leading by a dark knight, Sir Raymond realized in horror that he recognized the identity of the monster: Sir Dane-Gattler-Whitman, guarding the Paladin in the Chapel of the Gillell Village. The once noble Aquitaine warrior was corrupted by the evil Duke of Blood Eagle and transformed into a vampire as an evil mocking of his past life. It was this dark knight who led their chase. He drove his prey in front of him, like a lord chasing the fox in his manor.

The two heroic knights traveling with Sir Raymond and Viscount Melson were injured by the vampire's blade and were killed by the undead monster in an ambush. When Sir Whitman ’s rotten warhorse could n’t keep up with the speed of Sir Raymond ’s living horses, the vampire ’s warhorse burned with a blasphemous energy that allowed him to chase when the sun receded from the sky Get on them. They can only use force and call the name of the lady to drive this vampire knight away. Although it was painful for them to do so, they had left their bodies behind, and even dared not stop to do the short prayers needed by their companions.

Finally, the Morso River appeared in front of them, extending from the back of the forest to them, like a glittering ribbon woven from crushed sapphires. A sense of triumph surged in the hearts of the knights. They drove their horses through the last forest and spurred their horses to walk towards the stone bridge across the river. When the fierce bats abandoned them and flew back into the darkness of the forest, it surprised them all.

When they approached the bridge, there was another unexpected thing waiting for them. A large group of knights, at least thousands of them, lined up at the end of the bridge. When Sir Raymond rode closer, he could see that the knights' shields were not decorated, but painted plain backgrounds of those who had not won their coat of arms. These are Rangers, young warriors are eager to prove themselves on the battlefield. Sir Raymond has never seen so many fledgling knights gather in one place. The luster on their bare steel armor was almost blinding. Their spears hung colorful pennants, crackling in the breeze like a blooming flower.

A knight guarding the bridge rode forward, and Sir Raymond and his companions marched in the direction of the river. Six or seven knights quickly surrounded the lonely knight. Sir Raymond was surprised to see lilies printed on their shields, and their servants draped their warhorse horse armor coats. These knights are not humble ranger knights, but knights who have given up their titles and status in search of the Holy Grail. They will wander in this land, correct mistakes, fight various ugly and evil monsters, hoping that through such chivalrous acts, they can be directed to the Holy Grail by the lady ’s female prophet and be considered worthy from the holy container Sip.

Their leader, the man surrounded by the knights, did not start looking for the Holy Grail. He still wears the family coat of arms, which is the color of the Duke of Gales family. When Sir Raymond rode towards him, Sir Richard raised his hand to salute him. His gaze stayed on King Charles' banner, then turned to Sir Raymond. He did not miss the joint problem in his eyes.

"The plan was successful." Sir Raymond told him. "The minions of the Duke of Blood Eagle have followed us for seven days and nights."

"Even if we kicked our boots into the honeycomb, we wouldn't receive a more rude reception than this." Viscount Melson said as he rode to Sir Raymond's side. "The monster went crazy as soon as it saw the king's banner."

Sir Richard sighed and scratched his chin when he heard the news. "I had hoped that the Duke of Blood Eagle would be more cautious," he said. "Every hour he goes forward, we have more time to get help. After you leave, Duke Gaels receives news from Cornwall and Betford. The knights from the two Duke ’s domains will ride on horseback Come help us against the Duke of Blood Eagle. Within two weeks, there will be a thousand more swords around us. "

Sir Raymond shook his head. He said to Sir Richard, "I'm afraid we don't have time to spend time. When we met the Duke of Blood Eagle, his army was advancing towards the Dragon Hunting Mountain. Without a doubt, if he was allowed to move freely, he would be buried All the ancient deceased in the tomb heap called to fight for him. "

Sir Richard stated: "There are other ways to stop that monster."

Viscount Melson shook his head and said. "Do n’t expect King Charles, I said he has more important things to deal with. Although I believe that as soon as he comes back, he will definitely win. But I doubt if we expect him to come back with his army to save us, to Aquitaine no longer exists. "

"No, my solution is to rely on ourselves." Sir Richard gestured towards the bridge behind him. "The female prophet Aniston told us that this was the bridge that the Duke of Blood Eagle crossed the Morso River. She was n’t sure if he would use it," said the young knight leader. Pat his chest, "But I bet he will use it."

"What are your plans?" Viscount Melson asked with concern.

Sir Richard laughed and was obviously happy to explain the advantages of his plan. "I intend to keep the bridge and prevent the Duke of Blood Eagle from passing by. If he remembers the past as you said, then he will stay and fight for the bridge instead of other routes. We can leave him here Until the reinforcements on the Camranfield battlefield were in place ~ ~ Visitor Melson shook his head. The elderly nobleman still showed good form after sitting on the saddle for seven days, but he refused to cover up His own doubts. "It can be dangerous to expect that monster to act in his previous pattern. He may be attracted to the same place, but don't blindly rely on him to do what he has done before. "

"I wouldn't do it," Sir Richard said. He gestured to the bridge again. "We only need to stay here for a few more hours. My father has sent a team of engineers to demolish the bridge, and they will be here before nightfall."

Sir Raymond frowned when he heard Sir Richard describing the bridge being destroyed. "If the Duke of Blood Eagle is unable to pass through here, he may soon return to reality."

Viscount Melson patted tiredly on Sir Raymond's back. "If this really happened, we would have to ride back to him and wave the flag under his nose again."

This solemn joke attracted the faint laughter of the knights who survived the Dragon Hunting Tour. Despite their bravery, no one wants to repeat this experience.

"You can let your horse rest on the other side of the river." Sir Richard announced as he looked at the exhausted people. "You better sleep for a while. You are as tired as you are now. If the Duke of Blood Eagle is about to attack, I suspect you can't even handle a dozen zombies.

Sir Raymond agrees with Sir Richard. Even Viscount Melson did not deny the young knight. This time, the old noble's amazing endurance was consumed beyond the limit. Even his desire for revenge couldn't support him. This small group of knights solemnly rode their gaunt horses across the ancient stone bridge.