The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 496: Battle of Camranfield

"He's here," Sir Richard reported to his father. The Duke of Aquitaine laid his command post on a hill overlooking Camranfield, next to the cemetery. The position of his command will prove to be poetic justice or cruel irony, and only the final result of the upcoming battle can prove this.

"He is coming, and there are more people than we are worried about." Sir Richard continued. "We must consider that, in addition to his existing troops, he will add those who died in battle, those who died fighting against his forward troops."

Duke Gaels shook his head, and he felt sad to think that those who bravely sacrificed to defend his territory were now enslaved by the monster. However, he cannot blame Richard's decision to abandon his body. It takes more life to retrieve their bodies, and, as his son said, the Duke of Gals needs every healthy person he can find.

"We have taken precautions to prevent further looting of the corpse by the Duke of Blood Eagle." Duke Gales said, his voice as hard as steel. He pointed to the opening of the tent. In the cool air in the morning, groups of farmers can be seen working in the ancient cemetery. They are a diverse group of people, including older men, haggard women, and malnourished children, who seem to bring together the least powerful workers in Aquitaine. These farmers were considered too weak to take up arms to fight the monster and his army of undead. Therefore, the Duke of Gales found another way for these people to help them defend the land.

The peasants are digging graves with shovels and hammers. From nobles to civilians, no grave is inviolable. Each corpse was pulled into the sun and dragged to the burning fire in the center of the cemetery. The nuns of mercy and healing goddesses and the priests of Mohr held ceremonies when the body was thrown into the fire, begging for the forgiveness of the dead and the understanding of the gods, because this act of blasphemy is compelling.

In every village and town in Aquitaine, the same scene is being staged. "Everywhere my messengers can reach, they have been ordered to burn their dead bodies," said the Duke of Gales. He lowered his eyes and an ashamed blush enveloped his face. "Even the hidden catacombs of Aquitaine Castle were smashed open. I would rather the bones of our ancestors turned to ashes rather than their bodies being blasphemed by the witchcraft of the Duke of Blood Eagle. Only the tomb of Duke Roland Lossless. The female prophet Aniston worried that if the tomb was destroyed, the soul of the Duke of Roland would leave, with the blessing of the lady. But all other tombs must be destroyed. "

The gathered General Aquitaine nodded sullenly and expressed support for the desperate behavior of Duke Gaels. They knew how difficult it was for their emperor to make such a decision, and how heavy the burden it put on his personal honor.

"We have to stop him here!" Duke Gales growled, punching the oak table with his fists.

"Whether winning or losing, we must maintain a calm state of mind and mind." Aniston, the female predictor, blamed him. The female prophet stood up from the velvet-trimmed chair she was sitting on, and turned her gaze to the knights who gathered together. "Do n’t expect the Duke of Blood Eagle to walk into our trap blindly, just like Sir Richard was by the river. When he was alive, he was the greatest military leader beside King Charles. You have to do the tricks that the monster might do be prepared."

"Can't our female prophet predict the monster's battle plan?" Sir Roger, the guard elder of the Duke of Gaels, asked the ungodly idea that every knight had in mind.

The female predictor Aniston looked at the old knight severely until he turned around. "The madness of the Duke of Blood Eagle is his shield against my abilities. From now to the past, his madness leads him on a path that only he can see. Taking him back to Camranfield is a small victory in itself. , But whether it will bring the final victory, only the lady herself can say. "

When she finished her last sentence, the female prophet Aniston turned her eyes to Sir Raymond and Viscount Melson. The former enemies are now standing side by side, united in order to eliminate a more powerful enemy. However, she could feel the tension hidden beneath the surface, as well as the suspicion and resentment caused by the ancient feud.

"We must be loyal to our goals and never forget that we are not only fighting for Aquitaine, but also for the lady." Aniston the female prophet said while watching the two knights, these two The fate of a knight provides her with the only substantial clue to the future of that monster. No, more than one, she shuddered at the thought of this. There is another possibility that the monster has been haunting her since it was released. This possibility is destined to her own final destiny.

Duke Gales withdrew his long sword and placed it across the table. He swears, "Unless it's in the **** monster's black heart, my steel will no longer be stuffed into the scabbard." His words aroused protests from the nobles who gathered together. He angrily threw their objections aside and retorted loudly. "Am I still the Duke of Aquitaine?" He growled. "Or did the monster already have my power? This **** monster plundered my land!"

"But you can't risk yourself, Your Majesty," a baron from the wine country insisted. "You are the heart of Aquitaine. Who will guide us without you?"

"If you can't defeat this monster, there will be no Aquitaine!" Duke Gales retorted. "Do you think I will hide here and watch others fight for my territory? No ~ ~ I would rather die on the battlefield than experience such a shame! Maybe I am old, but I There is at least one battle to fight! "

Sir Richard announced: "Then I will also fight." The young knight's injured arm was tied to his chest and wrapped in a strong wooden splint. Even the oldest nobleman of Aquitaine had never seen such a broken arm. Many of them believe that the amputated limb will eventually necrosis and require amputation, although they are so smart that they will not mention it to the Duke of Gales. Sir Richard would bring such a wounded horse to the battlefield. This idea was a pathological absurdity to them.

The Duke of Gales did not agree with them. He could see his determination in the face of his son. There was admiration on his cheeks, and tears of excitement rolled down his cheeks. He could cultivate such a man with such courage and firm conviction. "You come to command the left wing," he said to Sir Richard. "Be my shield, my child. If today will witness our final ending, then let it be an immortal ending in the songs and hymns after us."

Sir Richard bowed his head and thanked his father for his honor. He turned away from the Duke of Gales and walked towards Sir Raymond and Viscount Melson. "I know your heart is strong, your courage is great. I will not order you to ride by my side, but if you agree to follow me to fight, I guarantee that your sword will be used soon . "

Sir Raymond knelt on one knee in front of the heir to the duke. "Adult, I am honored to serve you as best as I can."

Viscount Melson did not accept Sir Richard's invitation as enthusiastically as Sir Raymond. "If it brings me close to the Duke of Blood Eagle, I will enter the chaotic abyss with you."