The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 51: Accept

The remaining three slaves were unbuttoned after entering the black tower. The people in the black tower were not worried that they would attack inside the black tower. They were already used to it. Amen Cannon unlocked the magic talisman on the girl's neck, put the talisman away, and comforted the girl. He was very optimistic about the girl's talent and hoped that the girl could become his apprentice. Perhaps because of the part of the blood of the elves in Amen Cannon, the girl is quite obedience.

The black elk pulled the young orc child aside and tried to communicate.

The remaining alchemists who obviously had dwarf descent were surrounded by other people, cold sweat, he felt the eyes stared at by a group of hungry wolves, and their words further proved that the group of **** did not mind draining his Every drop of blood.

"Don't block me! Let him distill the alcohol! The next time he waits for the slave ship to come back and rely on the spirits he made!" Falheim shouted.

"Go away, you monkey without a beard. Of course it's making explosives, mining, mining, construction, which doesn't need ore." The dwarf said as he squeezed Falheim aside.

"Go, go, of course, alchemy remedy, heal, restore, and enhance physical fitness, this is the biggest need." Ye Xiao wielded a long sword with a sheath, trying to get an opportunity to approach the alchemist.

"I think he should be allowed to produce oil and sugar, these two things are also hard currency." Antaratham said lightly while standing on the edge with a staff.

"Please! Are you brainless? Of course let him rub it up!" Bai En called from a table not far away. "Let him rub a hundred constructs first!"

Nicholas Bremen, a once-almost alchemist, was annoyed by the noisy voices of the wizards who demanded themselves and tried to crush themselves.

"Enough!" Nicholas yelled, and then looked at the poor-looking mages to continue. "One by one, I try to meet your requirements."

Poor Nicholas is full of wisdom and dwarven blood, but he also has human weakness and timidity. This is why he became an alchemist instead of a mage.

"Wait, you talk about what you will do first." Bai En asked the question directly.

"Ah ... I will make some potions, alchemy bombs will do, although the effect is not very good. I can also enchant weapons and armor, or engrave." Nicholas said cautiously. "Of course, I will also distill alcohol and sugar. But puppet I need some time to study."

"Oh? So you are very versatile." Bai En said, touching the beard on his chin. "Tell me about what medicine you are best at."

"Ah ... I'm good at making acid. And ... the kind of potion that makes men stick longer." Nicholas said a little embarrassedly.

"Why are you going to the southern continent?" Bai En continued to question, he had a bad feeling. What should be done by apprentices in making acid is that everyone present will spend at least half a year on making acid for the instructors.

"Well ... you know the Kingdom of Burtania." Nicholas nodded when he saw the crowd and continued. "The heir to the Duke of Connaught, because of the medicine I took, died in bed when he challenged ten people in the night battle. When I received the news, I took two apprentices to take a boat overnight to escape to the southern mainland. After we were sunk by pirates, I survived because of the potion I was carrying, and I was met by a slave ship. "

Bai En and Heita did not believe Nicholas's words, to tell the truth. Bai En had seen the anger and hatred in his eyes at that time, while others were habitually not trusting anyone's words.

"I think, in this case, there should be no objection for him to distill alcohol and sugar?" Bai En asked others.

Everyone else understands that an alchemist who relies on acid production and strong potions has limited ability to meet his real needs. I can only expect him to grow in the black tower. Therefore, the others slowly dispersed and returned to their rooms.

In this way, the life of the Black Tower stabilized again. After a few days of doing nothing at first, Bai En began to give language lessons to the children in the village outside Heita. This was his only job. Amen Cannon is busy preparing for the move of the dragon's property to the northwest, selecting personnel, building ships, preparing food supplies and so on. In his spare time, he still had to teach the girl, knowing that Bai En didn't know the girl's name now.

Victor was still thinking about his tower, and after returning to the city of Ao Er-Gorn, after executing a few unreliable elder brother Brin, a part of his elder brother Brin was attracted to his oath Allegiance. Under the guidance of this group of elder brother Brin and the village dwarves, Victor succeeded in owning a taki. As for the tower body, I don't know when it will be built.

Dean and Falheim took turns supervising the alchemist Nicholas. Dean needed a lot of acid, and Falheim needed him to purify alcohol. Basically, the two turned Nicholas's life into getting up and eating and working for Dean; eating lunch and working for Falheim; eating dinner, they could do something and sleep. These three parts make Nicholas's life very regular, and basically see no one else all day long.

The black elk is busy teaching the young orc common language and some rules in the black tower. Others cannot understand the black elk, but no one in the black tower dares to say who he really knows. Bai En didn't know the name of the orc boy and didn't care much, but he had seen the boy a few times in the black tower, and he could feel the fear inside the boy, just like all the children who had been in the black tower.

There are too many things in the black tower that are not suitable for children. Amen Cannon protects the girl very well, and shows the truth of the black tower in front of her little by little ~ ~ The black elk does not have this awareness . Whether boys or girls, they occasionally come to listen to Bai En's lecture outside the Black Tower. But once, when Bian was on a corner of the Black Tower corridor, he saw the boy and the girl together and whispered something.

This is normal. Presumably, they both thought on the slave ship, and girls are the few people who can use orcish language to talk to boys. It was just that when the boy and the girl discovered that Bai Eun noticed them, the two deliberately pretended that nothing had happened and slipped away. This reminds Bai En of the past, but he can't help but pouting, the young people now.

The remaining few people are also doing their own things. Amen Cannon's request, two people must act so that everyone has not had an accident. The dwarf Olsen-Red Pine and the Deformed Dewarin were basically in the village all day long. Devalin was busy. How to say, three of the five women he brought back were pregnant, of course, not all of them.

The dwarf Olsen and the group of dwarves built a stone house. After that, they also built a simple crusher and screener, and finally built a large furnace. The dwarves seem to have their own plans and ideas. Their stone house surrounds all these things. Bai En looks like a small fortress in any way. But they did turn the ore dug by the kobolds into metal ingots, which were stored separately.

Ye Xiao accompanied Victor to Goblin City, and checked the work of Big Brothers and whether they had any small movements. Flynn followed Bean and was responsible for the education of the children, but he asked the dwarf to forge an extra-long metal rod with a ring on the tip of the rod. Every day holding a metal staff to run around.

Generally, life is very comforting, the guy who is not open-minded is quickly resolved, everyone is busy with things that make them happy, this is really a happy place.