The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 564: curse

With a thunderous loud noise, the gate rocked on the hinge. Bai En thought, once again, such a blow, it will fall. He glanced at Guerrerogan who was using his thumb to test the sharpness of the edge of his axe. On the second night of the siege, the dwarf looked forward to the hand-to-hand combat. If it weren't for the daytime the **** orcs did not disperse, and these few could not face the chase of the Goblin Wolf Cavalry in the wilderness, Bai En had long left this previously abandoned fortress.

Timmel-Kou was a little absent-minded, he was thinking of Kirston. Suddenly felt someone pulled his shoulder. That's Haif. The big man looked scared to death.

"Where is Mrs. Theodora?" He asked. He tilted his head at the door. "That's not a siege hammer. That's the old man's scepter. Unless the witch can stop him, all of our heads will hang on that guy's residence before dawn."

Bai En also heard what the frightened hunter said, but he was not too worried about the shaman, he was even more worried about the Goblin wolf cavalry, orcs he had a way to get rid of them, as for the shaman, they The spells may be weird and powerful, but there are always some well-known disadvantages. However, the wolf cavalry can keep track of themselves at night. Bai En only thought of two ways that these wolves might lose their smell.

But it may not be insured, so unless he is facing the worst, he is more willing to stay in a place with walls, even if these fences are wooden.

Timel-Kou looked at Haif and then other poor guards. He saw the tired soldier, and the injured person could hardly fight anymore. And those young people who can barely hold swords, teenage boys and girls armed with pitchforks and other temporary weapons. The howling of wolves outside was deafening. Only Bai En and the three of them looked calm.

"I don't know where she is. Dissel went to her ten minutes ago." Timel-Kou replied.

"Well, he seems to have spent a lot of time." Haif was not satisfied with this answer at all.

"You should go find her," Bai En said lightly, "You are useless here."

"Okay," Timel-Kou said frankly. "I'll go find her."

"I will go with you," Haif said.

"Oh, no, you won't." Said the dwarf, shaking his head. "I believe this boy will come back. And you will stay here. The orcs will pass our body through this door."

Timel-Kou tried to say something comforting, but in the end he didn't say anything. He tried to leave Baien a few people before and he felt guilty. He left them because he dared not tell them the truth, and now, they may die for his own reasons.

This made him feel very uncomfortable, he could only bow his head to the castle. He knew Kirston was with the witch. If things were as bad as he was worried, he would at least see her before everything was over.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard a crackling sound behind him, followed by the startling sound of the door falling down. He heard the cry of war from Guerrero, and the horrible screams of some soldiers. There is also the sound of a firearm shooting from Bai En. Timal-Kou turned around and saw a terrible scene.

There was a shaman at the door, he was riding a wolf. A red light flashed on his head. It emanated from the tip of his bone rod, making the surrounding faces bloody. White's musket fired a bullet, but before it hit the wizard, it was blocked by some force.

On the side of the shaman are six strong orcs, wearing armor and holding an axe, extremely fierce. In the distance is a sea of ​​green faces and wolves. Guerrerogan laughed and rushed past. The last thing Timur-Kou saw before entering the castle was that the oath-bearer held his axe and his beard erected, and ran towards the terrible light source. Bai En raised his musket and aimed at the heavily armed orcs around the shaman.

The house was surprisingly quiet, and the stone walls covered the roar of fighting outside. Timal-Kou ran across the corridor and shouted loudly to Mrs. Theodora, his voice echoing strangely in the silent hall.

Then he found the body in the hall. Mrs. Theodora was stabbed several times in the chest. Her clean gray dress is now red. There was a surprised expression on her face, as if Death had taken her away suddenly. How did the orcs come in? Tim Meier Kou thought wildly. But he finally understood that this kind of thing was not done by the orcs.

Another corpse was lying by the door. When she struggled to open it, her back was pierced. Tim Meier-Kou felt a tingling sensation rising from the tail vertebrae to the top of his head. He felt that everything was so unreal. He was unwilling and could not believe it. He walked forward, his heart mentioned his voice . He gently turned Kirsten over. When she opened her eyes, he felt a ray of hope, and then noticed that blood kept flowing from her mouth.

"Timel," she sighed. "Is it you? I knew you would come."

Her voice was weak, and there was blood foam on her lips as she spoke. He wondered how long she had been lying there.

"Don't talk," he tried to comfort. "Take a break and you will be well." But his tears shed involuntarily.

"No. I have something to say to you. I'm glad I came here. I'm glad I met you and met you. I love you."

"I love you too," he answered the first time, and then he noticed that her eyes were closed. "Don't die, please," he said, shaking her gently with his arm. He felt her body weak and his heart turned to ashes. He put her down gently, tears in his eyes, and then looked at the door she tried to open, a cold anger filled his whole body. Timel-Kou stood up and ran down the corridor.

Diesel's body lay at the door of the baron's room. The side of the big man's head was sunken. Timal-Kou imagined him rushing to the door in anger and being attacked from the side by his enemies.

Timel-Kou jumped over him like a tiger, rolled up when he hit the ground, and then jumped up. He looked around the room. The old baron was lying on the bed, a knife was inserted into his heart, and blood had soaked the bandages and sheets on his chest.

Timel-Kou glared at Frederick, who was sitting on the chair, his sword stained with blood on his legs.

"The curse is finally fulfilled," the playwright said in a tense voice with hysterical sharpness. He glanced up at Timal-Kou, which made him shudder. Frederick's face seemed to be a mask, something else stared at him through it, something strange.

"I know that I am destined to fulfill this curse." Friedrich said flatly, as if killing time. "I knew it from the moment I killed my father. When he started to change, Gottfried put him in prison. Locked him in the old tower and was responsible for delivering all his food. Except for Gottfried and Mrs. Theodora, no one else was allowed to enter the tower. No one else had been there until the day I went. Julick knew that I wish I never knew about it. "

He grabbed the hilt and stood up. Tim Meier-Kou looked at him and was completely blindfolded by his hatred.

"I found my father there. Although he has ... changed, we are still a family. He recognized me and called me" son "with a harsh voice. He begged me to kill him . He is too cowardly to dare to do it himself. So is Gottfried. He thinks he is helping my father to keep him alive. Keep the aberrant body alive. "

Friedrich began to slowly approach. Timal-Kou noticed blood dripping from his blade, making spots on the floor. He felt dizzy and tired. This crazy young nobleman became the center of his world.

"When I felt my father's blood flowing on my knife, everything changed. I saw things so clearly for the first time. I saw this chaotic power defiled everything, twisted everything, corroded Everything is like my father's body. I know that I am his son, in my body, in my blood, there is the mark of the devil. I am the agent of chaos, the product of chaos. I am a child of darkness .. I am destined to destroy the blood of von Herder. Just like what I do now. "

He smiled when he finished speaking. "Exile is a perfect opportunity, a great opportunity. An avalanche is a good start for me. When I released the undead in the cave, I thought I had failed, and they did not successfully destroy my uncle and his Followers. But there is nothing to save you now. The darkness will take away all of you. The curse is done. "

"Not yet." Timel-Kou said, his voice full of hatred. "You are von Herder, you are still alive. I haven't killed you yet."

Crazy laughter sounded. Timmel-Kou once again felt like he was staring at a living devil.

"Mr. Kou, you really have a sense of humor. Very good! I know you will be interesting. But how can you kill this dark child?"

"Let's figure it out together." Timel-Kou said, jumping. Frederick's sword was raised at a lightning speed to resist, and then started to fight back. The two swords flashed like lightning between them. Steel to steel is like a bell. Timmel-Kou's arm with a sword became numb by Friedrich's blow. The young nobleman now has madness.

But Timal-Kou will not surrender. Normally, the fear of Frederick's insanity and cruelty would paralyze him, but now he is full of anger and hatred, and there is no room for fear. His world is empty. He lived just to kill the killer who killed Kirston. This is his only remaining wish.

Like two madmen fighting in the baron's room. Friedrich stepped forward gracefully like a cat and smiled confidently, seeming to be amused by some mild jokes. His sharp blade was woven into a steel mesh, slowly wrapping Timel-Kou tightly. UU reading books his eyes flashed cold, dehumanizing light.

Timer-Kou felt the stone wall behind him. He rushed forward, slamming Frederick's face. Frederick ducked lazily. They stood face to face with their blades locked, their faces only a few inches away from each other. They do their best and everyone is looking for favorable conditions. Timel-Kou ’s neck muscles were very prominent, his arm was hot due to fatigue, and Frederick slowly and relentlessly pushed his arm back and touched Timel with his sharp blade- Kou's shoulder, and then continued down the chest to press down.

"Goodbye, Mr. Kou." Friedrich said casually.

Timer-Kou felt that the blade had cut his skin and cut off the flesh and blood at his chest, but anger and hatred filled his mind again, which reminded him of an opportunity, even if it was a chance for his death. He slightly loosened the bladed hand. Putting all your strength on one leg, stomping Frederick's instep with your heels, and stomping his feet with all your strength and weight. He felt the bones under the boots shatter, and he saw the young noble's face twisting in pain, feeling the pressure on the blade of the sword lessened. He swung the sword forward and made a cut in Friedrich's neck. The playwright stumbled back, and Timal-Kou raised his sword and pierced his heart straight.

Friedrick knelt down on the ground, raised his head, his eyes empty, and looked at Timmel-Kou with his puzzled eyes. Tim Meier-Kou pushed his boots against his chest, pushed him to the ground, and spit on his face.

"The curse is now fulfilled," he said.