The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 569: News of death

Bai En took a deep breath, and a cool breeze blew on his newly shaved chin. While enjoying the long-lost comfort, he gazed far and wide, enjoying the scenery. It was the beginning of a sunny day, and the mist of dawn almost disappeared. Bai En ’s room is located on one of the mage towers, and the high balcony can be seen miles away. The Grand Canyon extends at the foot, with distinct layers, divided into bare valleys. On top is a gray cloudy sky, followed by black rugged cliffs surrounding the lake, then light brown mud, then dark green slopes covered with trees, and finally a zigzag beach covered with gray pebbles. And all this repeated another hazy world on the peaceful mirror-like lake under his feet, upside down in his own world.

Bai En looked down at his hands and spread his fingers on the weathered stone wall. There was no dirt or dry blood in his cracked nails. His hands are pale, soft, and with a little ruddy, so strange, even the blood crust and scratches on the knuckles are mostly healed. The last time it was so clean was a long, long time ago, so long that he had forgotten what it was like.

His new clothes were rough against his skin, free of the usual dirt, grease and dry sweat. Even the black robe was replenished.

Looking at the tranquil lake, clean and nutritious, he feels that he is another person, such as being reborn. He thought for a while how this new white grace was born, but the bare stone on the chest wall looked back at him where his fingers were, as if there was an eye staring back at him, making him recover.

Ye Xiao died, and hearing this news from other populations initially made Bai En stunned for a while. It seemed that when the sword returned to the scabbard again, he guessed it. His friend, companion died, and did not make him as painful as he thought. But when he returned to this room and closed the door by himself, the tears shed uncontrollably again, and he didn't even remember when he last shed tears.

Perhaps Bai En was not so painful, but this incident caused some damage in his heart, and the wound could never be healed. Night Owl is dead, and he is still Bai En, blood robe, forever unless he also suffers death, or loses more companions.

But he does smell much better, which must be admitted.

"Have you slept well, Master Bane?" Wells stood at the door and looked towards the balcony.

"Like a baby." Bai En was embarrassed to tell the CEO that he was sleeping outside.

He tried hard to sleep on the first night here, but turned over and over and couldn't sleep. The comfortable mattress and warm blanket brought strange feelings and made him unable to calm down. Next he tried to sleep on the floor. Although the situation improved, he still felt that the air was blocked and turbid. The ceiling above the high head seemed to be lower and lower, which might crush him at any time. He didn't fall asleep until he lay on his hard balcony, covered with his old coat, and there were only clouds and stars in the sky.

Some habits are hard to change.

"Someone came to see you," Wells said.

"Look at me?"

Timer-Kou's head appeared at the door. His eyes are slightly less sunken, his eyes are slightly less dark, his skin has a little luster, and he is slightly less skinny. All in all, he no longer looked sick and sick to the extent of the walking dead. Bai En guessed that this was Tim Mayr-Kou Ping's state.

"Ha!" Bai En laughed, "You are not dead!"

The apprentice nodded wearily while shaking across the room. He was wrapped in a thick blanket, and the blanket dragged on the floor, dragging his pace. He went to the balcony and stood there, blinking and sniffing the cold morning air.

Bai En found that the reunion made him overjoyed. He patted Timel-Kou's shoulder like he saw an old friend. Perhaps the enthusiasm blanket wrapped around the apprentice's feet. Timal-Kou stumbled and nearly fell. Fortunately, Bai En grabbed his arm and stabilized him.

"It's not completely in combat yet," Timel-Kou grinned reluctantly, and said softly.

"You look much better than when I last saw you."

"You too. You shaved, the smell on your body is gone, there are fewer scars, and you look almost like a gentleman."

Bai En spread his hands: "Unfortunately I am not."

Wells stooped into the door and stepped into the bright morning light of the balcony, holding a roll of cloth and a knife: "Master Bane, can you show me your arm?"

Bai En almost forgot his arm injury. There is no new blood on the bandage. When you untie it, you can see a long red-brown scab, which extends almost from the wrist to the elbow, and is surrounded by newly-grown pink skin. The wound is a little itchy, but it doesn't hurt at all. It was staggered with two other earlier scars, one of which was gray in the shape of a zigzag near the wrist, which was left many years ago while hunting down the antlers on Fatalin Island. Looking back at the matchup, he couldn't help but wrinkle his face. The other scar was on the upper side, shallower, he couldn't remember which injury left.

Wells bent over to examine the skin around the wound, and Timel-Kou crossed his shoulders to take a closer look. "Healing is very good. You recover really fast."

"It benefits from a lot of practice."

"Are you saying that you are used to being injured?" Wells looked up at Bai En's face, and the wound on his forehead faded to a pink line. "I see it. Would it be stupid if I advise you to avoid the weapon in the future?"

Bai En smiled and said: "No matter you believe it or not, I have been trying to avoid them, but no matter how hard I try, they will always come to the door."

"Okay," the manager said as he cut a new piece of cloth, taking care of Bai En's forearm. "Hope this is the last bandage you need."

"I hope too," Bai En said, extending his fingers, "I sincerely hope." But he didn't think it would happen.

"Breakfast is ready." Wells said to leave, leaving the two of them alone on the balcony.

They stood quietly for a while, silent, the cold wind rolled up from the canyon.

Timmel-Kou shivered and wrapped the blanket tightly. "You can leave me on the road, even by the lake. I will do it if I change it."

Bai En frowned. If it was put in the past, he would do so without thinking, but he changed, although he did not know why. "I left too many people when I was young, and I think I was tired of this feeling."

The apprentice pursed his lips and looked out at the valley, woods and mountains in the distance. "I've never seen so many people die before."

"Then you are lucky."

"So, have you seen many people die?"

Bai En winced. If he is younger, he likes to answer such questions. He will brag about himself, showing off the various actions he participated in, as well as the names or nicknames of those who died under him. But this pride has disappeared, and now he is speechless. The process of disappearing pride is very slow. As the war becomes more bloody, when the cause becomes an excuse, from a proper reason to an unreasonable provocation, as friends fall into the mire one after another, or even buried in the land. Bai En rubbed his ears, feeling the stimulus of pain. He should have remained silent, but for some reason, he decided to tell the truth.

"I participated in two battles," he began to narrate, "Several fierce battles, as well as countless raids, raids, skirmishes, tugs of arms, desperate defenses, and various **** actions. Fighting at midnight and midnight. I fight all the time, facing enemies of one kind or another, and side by side with allies of one kind or another. Except for fighting, I know almost nothing. I have seen people kill people for one sentence, Witnessing that someone was killed for a sentence, an expression, or even for no reason, but it was all in vain. Once, a woman tried to stab me because I killed her husband, and I threw her into the sea . This is far from the worst. Life was as cheap as dust in my eyes. No, it is cheaper than dust. "

Bai En paused, he thought of Ye Xiao's death again. Sadness came to mind again.

"The Church of the Night taught me all this. I have participated in ten duels and won all of them, but from the end to the wrong side, I chose the wrong reason for the fight. If I lose, I will die, but this is not an excuse to say. I am a ruthless but cruel butcher, but also a coward. I stabbed people from behind, burned them, drowned them, stoned them, killed people who were asleep, and people without weapons , Or someone who ran away. I tried to run away more than once, but I did n’t have the courage to do so. I was scared to almost urinate my pants, and only dared to hide under my bed. I once knelt down and begged the people I hate most. I used to cry because I was seriously injured ~ ~ Like a child begging for parents' attention. I have no doubt that if it was me who was killed many years ago, I believe that the world will get better, but I have not , I do n’t know why I have n’t died. "

"But my friend is dead. He is the only person in that black tower who has some kind of faith. He is upright enough but not corrupt. Although he avenged himself, he was still dead. In a sense, he It can be regarded as a good person. The world does not seem to welcome honest good people. "

He looked down at the clean, pink hands on the stone wall: "There are very few people with so much blood on my hands other than those I know, I do n’t know if they There are others. Did you know? My enemies call me 'blood robe' now, and my enemies are so many. There are always more enemies and fewer friends. Blood can only make you bleed more blood, layer after layer A **** debt, it will always follow me now, like my shadow, I will never be able to get rid of it. I will never be able to get rid of it, this is what I deserve, I am self-sufficient, I have made a choice, this is for me punishment."

After Bai En finished speaking, he made a heavy sigh and stared at the lake. He dared not look at the people around him and did not want to see the expression on his face. Who wants to be with the blood robe? He brought more deaths than the plague, but his regret was less.

He felt Timel-Kou patting him on the shoulder. "Hi, it's all over. It's not your fault." Tim Meyer-Kou grinned widely. "You've saved my life, I'm so grateful!"

"I saved a person this year. I was reborn." They both laughed at the same time, they both laughed for a while, and it felt good. But Bai En's heart is still colic.