The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 577: Female dwarf

Bai En heard the approaching footsteps. There was a knock on the door, and the door creaked open. The female dwarf who stood beside Prince Iruba in the castle appeared outside the door. "I'm here to warn you," she said in a low, sweet voice.

"Warning us" Gray Rogan asked briefly.

"There are terrible things deep underground. Otherwise why do you think we live in such a fear"

"I think you'd better come in." Gray Logan said.

"I am Magda Schneider. I am responsible for keeping the" Memorial Book "in Veolia's shrine. I am speaking in Veolia's voice, so you will know what I said is the truth." The dwarf said .

Bai En has heard of this goddess. It is said that she is the goddess of the church's rune spells and healing techniques. Even according to the legends of different dwarf tribes, she also taught the dwarves to brew and forge. But the most important duty of her priestess is to compile and preserve the "Book of Remembrance", which records in detail the various events that occurred in the dwarf kingdom to which the priestess belongs.

Bai En also learned from the historical documents I read before that book is the most complete historical data of each dwarf kingdom. It is also one of the most important books in any dwarf kingdom that still exists. Amen Cannon had always hoped that the remnants of the Golden Shield Dwarves could lend their "Book of Remembrance" to the Fatalin Association for transcription and research, but it has been rejected.

"Accept," Guerrerogan nodded. "Then tell the truth."

"In the dark, the uneasy soul is walking." She paused and looked around. The staring gaze stayed on the **** of oaths, unable to hover.

"When we first arrived here, we had five hundred people and several human allies. The only danger we faced was the orcs and their followers. We cleared the fortress and some of the upper cities as a re-exploitation of our ancient The prelude to the mine. "

"Then we marched deep to find the tombs of our ancestors, and we knew that if we could find them, the news would spread among relatives and more people would gather here."

Bai En understands this strategy. A news of the discovery of the treasure will attract more dwarves to come here. In fact, it did succeed. It brought himself, Morris and Guerrerogan here.

"We sent the expedition deep to find the ancient place. Everything is different from the ancient plan of our race childhood memories. The tunnel collapsed, the road was blocked, and the dirty new channels dug by the orcs and ourselves Are connected. "

"Has the dwarf Grimm led these expeditions?" Grerogan asked.

"Yes," Magda replied.

Grey Rogan looked at Bai En. "Then what he said is true," the dwarf said.

"Grim is the bravest, he explores deeper and farther than everyone else. Didn't he tell you?" Magda asked curiously.

Grerogen lowered his head and studied his feet for a while. "He said he met the most powerful monster he had ever seen and ran away."

Dwarves are not good at lying, Bai En thought. The priestess seemed impossible to see what he concealed. But Magda didn't seem to notice anything wrong.

Ban recalled that night in a distant village, at the Shifeng Hotel, Grimm drunkenly told his story to Guerrerogan. The dwarves were drunk and drunk, and seemed to have forgotten the presence of human beings. They spoke excitedly, sometimes in common language, sometimes in dwarf language, and occasionally mixed with Bill Pali. At that time, Bai En thought that the dwarves only wanted to outdo each other in speaking big words, just as when humans were drunk. Now he is not sure.

"So this is what scares him. We think it should be a ghost." Magda said. One day, he came back from the ground. His beard turned pure white. Without a word, he left. "

"You mentioned the terrifying incident underground." Raven Hart interrupted the priestess.

"Yes. The people we patrolled below soon talked about the ghosts of ancient ancestors they encountered. The ghosts wept and begged us to save them from the chaos. Soon, our early success was reversed What dwarf can bear to see relatives in the souls of their ancestors

Ripped in our arms and lost confidence in our army. Prince Irub led a powerful expedition to find the root of sin. The power he led was destroyed by those lurking deep. Only he and some trusted cronies came back. They never talked about their findings. Most of us who have survived have chosen to return to their own hometowns. Now only one hundred of us have chosen to continue to guard the castle. "

After listening to Gregor, the blood on his face disappeared. Bai En has never seen this oath-saver show such fear before. Grerogan can face any creature bravely, but the ghost talk has drained his courage. But Bai En also understood that their worship of ancestors was very important to his people.

"I have warned you," the priestess said. "Do you still want to go down"

Grey Rogan stared at the fire. All eyes in the room were fixed on him. Bai En feels that if Grerogan gave up his pursuit, then even Gal Kepler may give up. The Templar seemed to be convinced that the oathbreaker was the dwarf he predicted.

Bai En doesn't particularly care about whether to continue, there is no detailed content about his prediction, the East is a vague target. And Bai En does not want to believe in the so-called soul, yes, he believes in ghosts, ghosts, or other similar things, but he does not believe in souls. Bai En believes that if there is a soul, then when a person dies, the soul will disappear. Otherwise, why has nobody in this world ever really resurrected? All the stories about the resurrection after death are either rumors or some kind of monster with only partial memory or no consciousness at all.

If there is a soul in the world that inherits all the memory and character of a person, Bai En would like to see him in person.

Grerogen clutched his axe tightly, his knuckles turned white. He took a deep breath. He seemed to be speaking. "I'm not afraid of being human or ghost, living or dead." Although his voice was calm, he was not convincing. "I'm going down. I'm going to meet a monster."

"Good talk," Magda said. "I will take you to the entrance of the area below."

Grey Rogan bowed. "It's my honor."

"Then tomorrow," she finished, getting up and leaving.

Grey Rogan helped her hold the door. After she left, he sat on the chair. He lowered his axe and grasped the handrail tightly, as if worried that he might fall. He looks scared ~ ~ We have to be prepared too, "Brian turned away from Guerrerogan and turned to Morris." If the following is really a ghost, we Requires silver weapons, magic potions, your magic is also good against ghosts. Then go to see if the dwarves have anything like silver thread, preferably a net. Weave a silver thread into the net in your clothes, how much can defend against ghost attacks. "

"The priestess may have holy water." Morris nodded and added to Bian.

"Well, yes, to get some, it is best to prepare more." Bai En said. "Then it's better to get a silver ingot and ask the dwarf if there is mitral silver, just a little bit, I will try to make the dwarf help us make a whetstone, at least to allow silver and mitral silver to be attached to the weapon surface.

"Help us also get some." Gal Kepler also said after hearing it.

"Of course." Bai En nodded at random.

"We still need a long enough line," Rubes-Hegrid said. "The dwarf's underground kingdom may not be difficult for them, but it is undoubtedly a huge maze for us."

"Marker," Master Ravenhart added. "The line will break. We need a marker. It's better to get a few more."

Bei En still nodded and agreed with their suggestions.

Only Guerrero sneered at their words.

"Humph," Guerrero groaned disdainfully. "Line and marker."