The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 596: Mountain top

The mountains are connected to the mountain peaks, and the long curve of the uplift reminds Bai En of the waves. Above them, towering hills stood layer by layer, blocking the horizon with their jagged body.

Bai En had worried that it would be difficult for him to find a path to the black volcano, but the path was obvious. It was just a simple extension of the direction he and Guerrero followed the day before descending from the foothills of the mountains.

From a visual point of view, that place called Heiyan Mountain Pass is not too far away. But the pressure on the back of his thighs and calves began to show, because the road continued to rise. It needs to climb along the side of the mountain and climb up a distance that is not known how high and how far. Bai En wondered if the alchemist had ever walked this road, or if this road was rarely traveled. Some of the markings carved into the rock were in the shape of a rough skull; but he did not know whether this was a warning from the orcs, or the territorial declarations left by those aberrations.

Guerrerogan seemed to enjoy the process. He hummed a piece of intermittent music for himself, striding toward the **** with great strides, without any effort. He walked along the smooth path without difficulty and found a foothold that Bai En could not see. Soon, Bai En found that the easiest way is to follow the footsteps of the dwarf. Guerrerogan is in an environment that he has adapted to, and it seems the wisest choice for him to lead.

Sweat rolled down from Bai En's back and his breath became heavy. He thought he had become strong after a long trek from Billy Bally to Shifengbao, but the effort to climb these peaks was painful. The injuries he suffered along the way, plus the beating last night and the alchemist's treatment exhausted him. He was very worried about his climbing ability. If the dark clouds turned the threat of rain into reality, the situation would be even worse.

The harsh scenery, the prominent rocks and the ground blown by the wind matched his gloomy mood. Baine is full of hatred for Wolfgang Rammel. He hated the easy cruelty and arrogance of the wealthy young businessman. In the days of Black Tower and Fatalin, Bai En knew many people like him, but he never had to endure their cruel treatment. His magic and social status saved him from poverty. But when he was more honest, he had to admit that maybe he also behaved a bit like Wolfgang. Now he sees injustice from the perspective of the weak, and he doesn't like it.

He now understood why Greta was so upset. He tried not to think about what happened between her and Wolfgang, but he was mad at the thought of Ramel forcing the girl's thoughts across his mind. He vowed to wait for Guerrero to be cured, and let the boy pay the price. He cursed to himself to keep going. He suppressed the urge to yell at the dwarf so that he could stop the **** hum.

Guerrerogan disappeared on the ridge. Bai En cursed again, his foot slipped on the gravel on the road, fell, and his hand was cut in the small stone. The pain stung him. He climbed over the hill and found himself lying on the soft grass.

Bai En is wondering why Sungrass grows on the highest **** below the snow line; why can't it grow in the foothills with other flowers? After a while, he shrugged. In his life, he found few things to be easy. Maybe alchemists use these ingredients just because they are difficult to find to increase the mystery of their craft. If so, he would not be surprised at all.

He sat up and tried to take a piece of potion given to him by the alchemist to relieve his headache. It was only then that he had given the last pill to the old woman who was about to die. Bai En sighed and realized that it would be a long day.


Hardy evergreen trees line the steep slopes of narrow valleys, like the stubble of a giant's raised face. At the height on the right, a waterfall made a series of spectacular jumps at a height of one hundred feet, and finally planted a small lake in the middle of the valley. The mountains surrounded the valley, and Bai En had to stretch his neck to see the peak. Overlooking the valley, just like overlooking the crossbow, the sight is focused by the distant gray mountain.

Here, the pungent aroma of roses is mixed with honeysuckle and bitter rose. The cluttered shrubs compete for space with each other, and the flower heads are like the colorful helmets of the fighting army. He wondered if there was a sungrass, and then remembered where Claytonman told him where the magical raw materials had to be picked.

At this moment, the flashing light attracted his attention. The head of a huge elk, as tall as a human, emerged from the bushes, overlooking a rock fifty yards away. It looked at the bottom with caution, as if judging whether it was safe to take water. Bai En looked at the huge antlers with respectful eyes.

When the clouds spread out, beams of sunlight lit up the valley. The chirp of the bird reached his ears, and there was also the sound of running water. He stooped to pick up a pine cone and admired its rough scales with jagged edges.

The beautiful scenery fascinated him for a while. Even his thoughts of revenge on the businessman's son disappeared. He felt relaxed and calm, and the pain in his body disappeared temporarily. He was glad to see this place, and every step of the long journey took him here. He knew he would be one of the few people who had seen this valley. This idea pleased him.

The existence of elk is correct. It makes the scene look like a perfect composition landscape painting. Then he suddenly noticed ~ ~ that the deer raised a horn to his lips with a thick, human-like hand, which seemed strange. Then a loud noise echoed in the valley, and before the sound disappeared, a thought flashed in Bai En's brain: he did not see the elk's head. That's a deformed head.

He threw the pine cone in the direction of the lake, pulled up his cloak, blocking the growing bitter cold, and hurried up behind Grerogan. He looked around for signs of enemy chase, but saw nothing. Even the mutant with the elk head was gone.

Bai En could only scold and continue to go up when he reached the top. Now Bane is sure that someone is following them. Looking back along the winding path, he could see their trackers, a group of mutants. Throughout the long afternoon, as he and Grey Logan climbed onto the flank of the mountain, they gathered behind them. The road back to the border town was blocked.

Bai En stopped and let his breathing and heartbeat return to normal. He wanted to count the number of people chasing them, but found it difficult. The dusk of the evening merged the monsters with the gray on the rock surface. But the densely packed enemies are like moving spots, letting him know that the situation is critical.

He always knew he would die in a remote place. When he chose to participate in the dwarf mission, this was inevitable. He just didn't expect it to be so fast. All this is so stupid. Grerogan will not even get his heroic death. The oath takers were busy staring blankly at the sky, not even noticing their danger.

At first, it was easy to pretend that nothing had happened. The distortion of the trumpet was just a lonely creature. Perhaps it was too scared to deal with two heavily armed travelers. But over time, there are signs that this is not the case.