The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 602: forest

"I hate trees. They are like elves, white grace." Grey Logan said. "They made me want to cut them with an axe."

Bai En stared nervously at the dark forest. The surrounding trees looked unhappy and heralded an ominous presence. Their branches crossed the path, entangled like the fingers of a praying giant, blocking the sunlight until only a few individual beams illuminated the front road. The branches were covered with moss, and the scaly bark on the trunk reminded him of the dead snake skin. There was silence all around, like a vast virgin forest, only occasional movement in the bushes. These sounds spread through the silence, and finally disappeared mysteriously, like ripples on the surface of the pond. In the ancient evil center of this forest, no bird dared to sing.

He was forced to agree with Grerogan. He never really liked the forest, even when he was a child. He has never been as keen to leave the Black Tower as his companions. He always likes to stay in the room with his books. The forest on Fatalin Island was a terrible place for him, a haunt of beasts, trolls, and nightmare creatures from the darkest legends. And here, they are the places where those who show evil characteristics are exiled. Deep in their hearts, he always imagined a brutal struggle between werewolves and witches, and mutants and other exiled followers of evil forces.

In front, Grerogan overturned the log that ran across the road, and then turned to help Kate climb over the log and easily picked up the child with one hand. Bai En stopped in front of the obstacle and saw that the tree had rotted, and some strange fungus was contaminated on it. A segmented insect hurried along it, blindly burrowing into the stinky mold. Bai En felt a shivering feeling the wet wood under his feet, ready to jump. His boots almost slipped on the damp moss on the other side. He was forced to stretch his arms to maintain balance. When he did this, his finger hit a spider web. He quickly pulled his hand away, trying to get rid of the sticky thing. Hey, one less! Like to invite everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan updates the fastest.

He remembered his experience as an apprentice in that house. During the day, it would n’t be too bad if he did n’t leave the building too far, but at night, his overactive mind would allow a group of terrible residents to gather in the open forest. The imaginary fairies and demons found a ready home under the swaying tree.

He envyed and pityed the lumberjacks in furs who guarded the industries of the Black Tower Masters. He envied their bravery and regarded them as a terrifying hero in the wild. But he also pity them because they have to be vigilant all the time. In his view, people living in the woods live in the most dangerous environment imaginable. By the way, there is another less! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

He still remembers the children who searched for special materials that appeared only at night for the instructor in the evening. Many of them disappeared and never appeared since. For this kind of thing, if you have experienced enough, everyone will adapt. Bai En remembered that it didn't take much time for the apprentices in Heita to stop mentioning these missing children.

But even in the forest on Fatalin Island, the forest hut is only a dozen miles from the Black Tower, and regular cleaning almost made the land tamed. It is completely different from the dense and chaotic forest where he is now.

Guerrerogan stopped suddenly and sniffed the air. He turned to look at Bai En. Bai En tilted his head and asked aside. Grey Logan made a quiet gesture, frowning, as if he was paying attention to the distant voice. Bai En knew that the dwarf had better hearing and smell than him. He is looking forward to the other party's answer. But Guerrerogan shook his head, then turned around and continued on. Is the evil in the forest even the nerves of the oath takers like steel?

Everything he saw this morning was enough to excuse anyone's fears. These forests have indeed sheltered forces that are harmful to humans; Kate's story confirms this. He looked down at his hands and found them shaking. Bai En thinks he is a ruthless person, especially the Black Tower experience makes him feel that he has seen enough cruelty. But what he saw in this ruined village even made people shudder. Japan, I ca n’t read it, and I ’m short of it! One second to remember, Zhai Shuyuan ().

There he saw what he knew he would see again in a nightmare. The bonfire in the village square was filled with tall skulls. Melted ribs protrude from the burning ashes, like unburnt wood. Some come from children's bones. A disgusting burnt flesh filled his nostrils, and he tried not to lick his dry lips because he was afraid of what the ash from the wind would contain.

In the silence and desolation of this deserted village, he stood there in amazement. Everything on him was gray, or black like soot, and flickered everywhere except for sporadic fire. When the roof collapsed on the destroyed city hall, he flinched in horror and quickly drew his sword in an attempt to find a non-existent enemy. This seems to be an ominous omen. He felt like a tiny sand in the endless desert. Gradually, the memory of that moment was engraved in his mind little by little.

On the top of the high mountain stood a charred castle, like a stone spider holding the top of the mountain with its black feet. In front of its broken door, the hanged man swayed on the gallows, as if the flies were entangled in its single wire net. The village below is like a playground for demons, and these idiot giants are tired of their toy city and kicked it into pieces.

There are gadgets all over the street. A broken pitchfork, its tip was covered with dry blood. Among the ruins of the collapsed church, there is a half-melted church bell. A child's wooden rattle and broken cradle. The untranscribed pages fluttered in the breeze. There were traces of corpses on the dirty street, and all the corpses led to the central fire. A beautiful dyed dress, never worn, lying on the street uncoordinated, no one asked. A human femur and bone marrow are cracked.

He has seen violence before, and he has seen violence of this magnitude, and he has also seen such arbitrary violence. But all together? Bai En is a little uncertain. The massacres he had seen were all battles, and each had its own reasons. And here is just a simple massacre, a senseless massacre. He had heard of such massacres, but in the face of solid evidence, the situation was completely different. The reality is that this kind of thing will happen, and indeed it will happen, but the scene in front of him implies that this kind of thing will always happen, which makes him afraid. Which of the gods can allow this to happen?

He was also uneasy because Kate survived. Looking at the little girl walking in front of him, her shoulders were draped, her hair was dirty, and her clothes were covered with soot, he wanted to know how she survived. This also doesn't make sense-why is it that she alone survived all the residents of this quiet village?

Was she a kid who was stolen by a goblin, a deformed monster, or a dark slave, tempting them to perish? Did he and Guerrero bring something evil to see the next group of victims? Normally He would think that such an idea was completely ridiculous; obviously, she was just a frightened child and luckily survived where others died. However, in the depths of this dark forest, this suspicion easily arises. The silence and silence around them stimulated his nerves, causing him to be vigilant and distrustful of strangers.

Only the dwarf seemed to be indifferent to their plight ~ ~ He bravely moved forward, avoiding the roots of the tree that would trip him, his easy pace was devouring miles. For such a short and heavy person, the dwarf moved surprisingly quietly. In the shadow of the forest, somehow, he seemed to be in his own house; he stood taller and looked more alert. His habitual laziness disappeared, perhaps because he had adapted to the feeling of darkness and closure when he lived in the mountains. He had never been like Bai En, he stopped to observe the bushes when he heard the rustle. He seemed confident in his ability to discern any threats.

Bai En sighed, remembering the argument he had to use to stop the dwarves from further investigating the village. The girl at least proved to be a useful excuse to move on and find a safe place to hide. It is this possibility, and the possibility that these creatures may advance to the next village, persuaded the oath taker to take the road to Flensburg.

Bai En stopped suddenly, and there was an instinct deep in his heart. He stood motionless, trying to hear what was unusual. Perhaps this is just his imagination, but in his view, the silence of the forest itself has a threatening nature. It implies the existence of ancient evil, waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the victim.

Anything may be lurking in those long shadows, and now he knows there must be something in the air.

It's getting colder. The darkness deepened slightly, suggesting that the night was falling on the leaves like shrouds. Bai En glanced back. He was worried about silence, but more worried about the sound of being tracked. When he looked back, Kate and Grerogan had disappeared, disappearing into a corner on the road. There was a wolf howling somewhere in the distance. Bai En hurried up.