The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 610: Freeman

An old man sat cross-legged on a straw mat at the door of a wooden house, smoking a long curved pipe. He and a little boy were playing board games with small stones on the board and scratches on the ground. He raised his head from the game, looked at Bai En with a familiar suspicion, and then blew a few smoke rings into the air. Messner waved to him as a short salute, and the old man returned him with a puzzling and complicated gesture. Bai En wants to know, is he avoiding evil eyes, or is he communicating in some sign language?

He studied the town with great interest, paying particular attention to the strong men carrying two big axes. Their faces are covered with colorful scar tattoos. Their eyes are narrow and alert. They wore raw high-cut boots and walked through the muddy streets with the arrogant confidence that only those noble knights had on their faces. Sometimes they stop to chat with a fat businessman wearing a fur hat, or to wink at a girl with beautiful chestnut hair who carries a bucket of water from the river.

A big-bellied man shouted at the pile of fur on the wicker mat in front of him. They are obviously prey of a certain hunter. Messner shook his head amicably and went on. He stopped just to let the bare-footed children chase a pig in front of him.

They passed a smoke chamber with large ham and half boar carcasses hanging in front of the door. The smoky flavor of the meat made Bai En drool. A leash tied around the eaves hung around the neck of the chicken. Bane thought of those who were hanging on the gallows outside Count Klein's castle, and he looked away again. Hey, one less! Like to invite everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan updates the fastest.

"Yeah, the old duke warned me to do my duty," he said. "Maybe Flensburg is safe."

Bai En thinks this may be the case; of course it makes sense. It is very strong here, with nearly 800 people nearby. Flensburg is located near a river bay, not so much a village or town as a huge logging camp. It has walls on both sides, as well as a ditch and a wooden fence. The bend of the river protects the other two sides. Bai En believes that they propped the pier, raft and piles of wood into the river and floated to the market they only knew-perhaps Heidelberg. By the way, there is another less! Zhai Shuyuan, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

As soon as he walked through the heavy, fortified gate, he found that the people of Flensburg were like their towns: gloomy, simple, and practical. Most people wear fur clothes; they have dull faces and dull eyes. They watched the stranger alertly. Their vigilance seems to be innate. Most carry heavy logging axes. Some people wear ranger clothes and carry bows and arrows. The women wore bright clothes, thick multi-layer skirts, and padded jackets; their hair was wrapped in scarves with red dots. Housewives walked the muddy streets with baskets full of agricultural products, followed by a group of children, just like mother duck led a group of children.

The people near the southern border of the forest are shorter than those in the central city of the Marnus Empire. Their hair is mainly sandy-brown, with a darker complexion and a darker tan. Bai En knew that they were notoriously pessimistic, god-fearing, superstitious, poor, and illiterate. Looking at these people, he can believe this, but he knows that his prejudice on Fatalin Island can only explain half of the problem.

He did not expect them to be proud and fearless. What he expected to see was the oppressed and torn down serfs in a noble manor. But here, he found some people staring bravely into his eyes, standing tall in the terrible shadow of the big forest. He thought Messner was an exception, but he could see that he was a typical figure among the villagers here. Bai En thought that he would only see serfs here, but found a free man, which for some reason made him happy.

Grey Logan looked at the walls and the bunker, then turned to Messner. "It's best to call your men and tell them what will happen. These are not good enough." Day, there is no way to watch and there are fewer paragraphs! One second to remember, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Bai En looked out from the lookout tower, crossed the open space around the village, and looked at the woods in the distance. Now that he had gotten rid of their shadows, the trees seemed threatened again: huge, strange, and vigorous, their gloom provided shelter for something harmful. He watched the last group of people who left behind during the day come in through the gate. Beside him, Messner watched with his cold grey eyes.

"The situation does not look good, this is for sure," he said.

"I thought you often have to deal with horned beasts living in the forest." Bai En said lightly.

"Yes, we will fight them and the expelled people and other things from time to time. But this is always a small-scale conflict. When they steal a child, we kill a few of them. They attack the pigs, and we hunt them down. Sometimes, when the attack became too violent, we had to send people to the old duke to recruit the army and launch an expedition. I had never seen such a thing before. Something must have stirred them up, this is definitely."

"Maybe that woman, the warrior of the evil body?"

"It seems very likely. You have heard of them in ancient stories-dark stories, evil defenders-but you never expect to encounter them."

"Sometimes I think those old stories contain a lot of truth." Bai En said, "I saw some strange things on the trip. These days I am not so easy to doubt."

"Yes, Mr. Bai En. I am glad to hear that an educated person like you admits this. I have also seen some strange things in the woods. There are many old legends about my father, and I am not Doubt. It is said that there is a black altar in the woods. A place devoted to dedicate everything to the God of Darkness, where human beings are sacrificed. They say beasts, orcs and other ... things ... worship there. "

They fell into disturbing silence. Bai En felt a melancholy enveloped him. All these talks about the forces of darkness disturbed him and deeply disturbed him. Especially as he gets more contact with this world and learns more about it, the more he discovers more and more evil forces in this world. Thinking of something like that, he glanced into the open space again.

The women and children have stopped working in the fields and returned to the safe wall, their baskets filled with potatoes and radishes. Bai En knew they would take them to the warehouse. The village is preparing for the siege. Other women collected nuts and herbs in the woods and came back a few hours ago when the alarm sounded.

The rangers and lumberjacks are inside, checking if the bucket is full, cutting the stakes, and tying the metal head to the spear. Behind him, he could hear the continuous swish of the archery practice and the sound of the arrow hitting the target.

Bai En wants to know whether he stays here or slides into the woods, which is more meaningful. Maybe he can ride down the raft. He didn't know which situation was worse—whether he was alone in the forest or was trapped here, letting evil forces approach. He tried to think of these thoughts as meaningless thinking, to remember Grerogan's words about defeating fear, but the fear trapped in the maze-like trees had been lingering in his mind.

When he looked out, a group of rangers hurried across the field; Bai En could see that they were carrying an injured person. One person kept looking back, as if expecting someone to chase him. The remaining two women stepped forward to help him.

"That's Mikar and Dani," Messner said. "It seems to be in trouble. It's better to see what happened. You stay here, open your eyes wide; if something happens, blow the horn."

He put the big guy in Bai En's hands, and before Bai En had any time to raise any objections, Messner jumped from the trapdoor and climbed to the waist half of the ladder. Bai En shrugged and stroked the smooth metal horn with his finger. Although he wasn't sure if he could make such a sound, the cool weight of the horn made him feel at ease. He glanced down at the forest officer's head, and for the first time noticed the bald spot on his head. His attention returned to the field.

Those people walked forward with their companions. The door opened with a crunch, the villagers rushed forward to help them, and Messner walked ahead. Bai En saw them all jumping up to obey the order of the forest officer. At the large public gathering held in the village square that afternoon, it was already obvious that Messner was a leader in this community. The stout lumberjack and the old man, the obese housewife and the slender girl, all listened to his gentle and pleasant voice as he described the imminent danger.

No one argued with him, and no one doubted him. With Messner's guarantee, people no longer have any doubts about the story of Gree Rogan and Baine. They even listened to Kate respectfully, even though she was just a child. Even now, after they stop talking, he can still remember what they said and done. Silence, people's faces sternly thinking about their fatal expression, and the warm afternoon sun shone on his neck. He still remembers how the women with the children turned around ~ ~ and took them to the Temple of Marnus in the center of the town. The crowd separated without words and let them pass.

The soldiers are divided into two groups, one is the archer and the other is the axeman, who also said nothing. Obviously, what Bane saw was a set of well-trained routine plans designed for this possibility. Messner gave the order calmly as usual. There is no shouting, and there is no need to shout. For them, discipline is the only means of survival in this harsh land.

In a way, he envied their sense of group and missed this feeling; they secretly depended on each other. As far as he knew, no one doubted the ability or loyalty of others. He realized that this must be living on the other side of an isolated community. Just like the companion of Baien in the Fatalin Association. Everyone here knows each other for most of their lives. The bond of trust must be strong and strong.

Bai En wants to join them, but unfortunately, this is not Fatalin Island. For a time, Bai En felt that he was the only person not suitable here, but then he noticed Kate. She also stood a little further away from the crowd. Among the children present, her strange hair was as eye-catching as her dirty clothes. He had a strong sympathy for her at the time, not knowing what would happen to her. Judging from her conversation with Messner on the road, he concluded that she was an orphan. Bai En's mother died when he was a child, which strengthened his sympathy for her.

Does he want to know that she is important to that evil female warrior? The horned beast he fought against was just an ordinary scout, or were they always looking for Kate? In his life, he found himself wishing that Lots of information about darkness and evil.

When they carried the wounded into the gate, he heard him moaning below.