The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 615: street fighting

| | |-& Gt;-& gt; Justin rushed into a pile of corpses around the middle entrance and attacked violently with her **** blade, killing one person with each blow. Her horse stepped on the wounded soldier with a hoof, and her nostrils were full of blood, sobbing triumphantly. She steadily rode on the saddle, knowing that nothing could stop her.

"Follow me!" She shouted, and the horned beasts gathered around her to form a wedge and drove their human opponents back to the streets of the city. Behind her, reinforcements poured in continuously, flooding alleys. She felt victorious. Tonight, your soul will scream for the King of Slaughter.

When her horse screamed like a beast, her sense of victory weakened slightly. She looked down and saw an arrow sticking out of its eyes. Even when dying, the animal did not flinch and tried to throw her down. It was with incredible self-control; instead, it squatted down, giving her time to jump off the saddle.

She was full of anger. The shadow took her along the polar wilderness, and it was not easy to find another horse. She vowed that no matter who killed it, she would use her life to pay for it, even if she had to kill all the creatures in this poor dunghill. Then she smiled, revealing her long, pointed teeth. There was a burst of laughter in her throat. She just vowed to do what she had decided to do long before the battle.

Bai En stopped in the shadow of a building, staring around in despair. He gasped. His clothes were soaked in blood and sweat. His arms with swords were numb. Where is Guerrero? They separated early in the fight, but he did not realize it himself, because the fierce fighting made him notice nothing but the current enemy ’s actions.

Now, he has room to breathe, but the dwarf is gone. Bai En knew that it was important to find the dwarf. With the help of the big axe, his chances of survival would greatly increase. If all this fails, he feels obliged to be present when the dwarf made his last resistance, fulfilling the oath he vowed to see with his own eyes, even if he himself would die shortly after.

The surrounding buildings were on fire, and the flames added **** to the scene. In the thick smoke, the battle continued. Bai En saw the hazy horned beast and the ghost of the human warrior fighting in the fog. He could hear the roars of monsters, the screams of dying people and the collision of weapons and weapons. In this scuffle, all formations disappeared. Kill or be killed, in a cruel, desperate fight.

Somewhere in the distance, he seemed to hear Guerrerogan's cry. He summoned the courage and strength, forcing his legs to move in the direction he thought he heard. He made a short, hopeless prayer to the unknown **** who had always protected himself, begging the **** he still didn't know the name to protect himself, Guerrerogan, Kate and all others. For a while, he wondered where that girl was.

In this crazy battle, Kate lost her way and could not escape. She didn't want to stay in the temple because she knew it was doomed to failure. She needs a place to avoid beasts. She still didn't find it.

She flashed aside and squatted behind a rain bucket. Nearby, two young men are fighting a beast. One person is holding its leg, and the other person is hitting its head with a big stone. Kate has never seen anything like this. This purely insensitive brutality is shocking. All the participants seemed to have a crazy feeling that drove them to perform terrible cruelty and crazy bravery.

No one gives forgiveness. No one asked for mercy.

Groups of warriors were driven by their own rage and bloodthirsty, sweeping the streets. The air was filled with screams of dying people and horned beasts. The collision of steel and steel sounded in the burning night. The hooves and feet of the thugs stirred the muddy soil, covered with blood.

A beast put a man on the tip of his spear and gave a roar of victory. When the man's friends chopped it into pieces, its cry became a roar of anger and fear. A group of people surrounded a giant bull. When it reaches for one of them, the other person will jump out of its blind spot and stab it. Soon, it bleeds from dozens of small wounds cut; with a violent roar, it rushes to the nearest fighter, knocking him to the ground with his own weight, rushing out of the circle, mixing in Among the thugs.

Kate almost screamed when she saw a woman in black armor striding through the crowd. She was afraid that the evil warrior would come to her. Then, Guerrero came out of the shadows to challenge. The woman growled, showing blood-stained fangs, and swooped at the dwarf. The blow was almost too fast to keep up with my eyes, and I could only see a blur of things. She didn't know how Grerogan stopped the axe on the way to the attack, but he did. Black steel and blue star iron collide with each other. Red sparks were flying in the smoke.

Grey Rogan returned the woman's blow with her own punch. The axe slashed at her with irresistible force. The woman leaned over to avoid the blow and then rushed forward. For some reason, the dwarf's axe was there, blocking the blow. They stood there facing each other, close to each other, and the blade against the blade, fighting against the power of demons with inhuman power. Neither side gave in. Guerrerogan's arms and shoulders bulged with muscles. Sweat ran down his face, his neck and forehead bulging with blue tendons. The woman stood motionless, like a ebony statue. Her armor seemed to be fixed. Her pale face was a mask of bones, a solidified image of bloodthirsty. The whiteness of her eyes disappeared; her eyes glowed red.

The time passed one second after another, and the two of them were in a huge stalemate, and neither could move each other. Kate glimpsed a group of beasts approaching from the corner of his eye. They rushed to the battlefield, apparently bent on killing the dwarf. Kate screamed without warning and issued a warning. Urogan The horned beasts approached him, and Guerrerogan glanced aside. At the last moment, he took a step back and blocked an attack that would split him in half. Kate worried that the woman would take the opportunity to stab him, but she didn't have to worry. The tide of battle began to surround the two soldiers, and the warriors of the **** of evil and oathbreakers were separated during the scuffle. Kate breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she noticed that the woman was staring at her. She stared straight at the red eyes, her heart almost stopped beating. She wanted to scream, but when she opened her mouth, there was no sound. The female soldier in black armor came over.

The murderer roared in Justin's mind. The darkness rooted in the depths of her soul threatened to swallow her completely. Madness boiled in her veins. Bloodthirsty filled her like medicine; she was ecstatic about the massacre. She wanted to find the dwarf and kill him. Of all the enemies she encountered, he was the most powerful. It is a generous gift to the Lord of Killing. Just at the last second when she was about to push his axe to the side and kill him, fate intervened in the image of her own stupid followers and separated them. She wanted to find him again to end the duel.

Then she saw the girl. As if reluctantly, she saw the frightened little face protruding from the hiding place. She knows what to do. It is time to put an end to all this once and for all, let her embark on the road of eternal life and seize the opportunity of her glorious destiny in front of her master. The dark thing that grew longer in her heart knew how her time had finally arrived, and howled with pride.

She forgot the dwarf and walked towards her destiny.