The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 619: Jail

| | |->-> "Wake up, human!" The low voice sounded in Beane's ear. He tried to ignore it, hoping it would go away and let him re-enter his dream.

"Wake up, human, otherwise I swear to pass and strangle you with these chains." There was a threat in the voice, which convinced Bai En that he had better pay attention. He opened his eyes-I really hope he didn't.

Even the dim torch illuminating their cell was too bright. Its faint light stabbed Bai En's eyes. In a way, this is normal because it matches them with other parts of his body. His heartbeat thumped on his temples, like hitting a gong with a warhammer. His head felt like someone used it to practice kicking. His mouth was as dry as the desert, and his tongue felt as if someone had pasted it with sandpaper.

"This is the worst hangover I have ever experienced." Bai En muttered, licking his lips nervously.

"This is not a hangover. We are under--"

"It's medicine. I know."

Bai En realized that he was standing. He raised his hand above his head and hung heavy weights on his ankles. He tried to bend down to see what they were, but found that he couldn't move. He looked up and saw that he was hanging in handcuffs. The iron chain was attached to a large iron ring on the wall above him. He looked to the side and found out that Gray Rogan was also suspended like this, which confirmed this.

The dwarf hung on a chain like a piece of beef hung in a butcher shop. But his leg was not locked. His body is too short to reach the ground. Bai En saw the shackles on the wall and his feet as high as the ankles, but the legs of the dwarf were not that long.

Bai En looked around. They were in a large room covered with heavy slate. There are a dozen sets of chains and handcuffs on the wall. On the far left wall is a strangely twisted skeleton. On the far left wall is a huge long table, filled with charcoal-burning stoves and other tools for alchemists. A giant pentagram drawn by a strange hieroglyph was engraved in the center of the room. At each intersection of the five-pointed star was a beast skull with an extinguished candle made of black wax.

On the far right of the room, a stone step leads to a heavy door. There was a window with an iron fence on the door, and a few beams of light penetrated through the window into the darkness. At the bottom of the stairs, Bai En can see his sword and Guerrerogen's axe. He felt a short burst of hope. No matter who took their weapons, they did not do it thoroughly. Bane can still feel the weight of the dagger placed in the hidden sheath of his forearm. Of course, he couldn't use it with his hands cuffed, but knowing that it was there was a little comforting.

The air is thick and smelly. Bai En felt that he had heard the screams, singing and beast-like roar in the distance. Sounds like a combination of a lunatic asylum and a zoo. Their situation did nothing to reassure Bai En.

"Why do hotel owners want to give us medicine?" Guerrero asked.

"Obviously he colluded with this wizard." Bai En replied. "Or he is afraid of him, if possible." Bai En shrugged. "It doesn't matter, I just want to know why we are still alive?"

A sharp burst of laughter answered the question. The heavy door creaked open, and two figures blocked the light. When the flint was hit, there was a short flash of light, and then a lantern was lit, and Bai En could see the source of laughter.

"This is a good question, Bai En, I am very happy to answer."

Bai En feels that this sound sounds familiar. His voice was sharp and his nasal sounds were heavy, which was very uncomfortable. He has heard it before.

Bai En narrowed his eyes and looked at the room, recognizing the master of the voice. He is as annoying as his voice. He was tall and skinny, wearing a shabby gray robe, with patches on his sleeves and elbows. An iron chain hung from his skinny neck and a huge amulet. His long, thin fingers wore rings full of runes, and his nails were long and black. His pale, sweaty face was surrounded by a huge turned collar. He wore a cap with silver trim.

Behind the man stood a behemoth. It is very large, one person is twice as tall, and maybe four times as heavy. Maybe it used to be human, but now it is as big as an ogre. It has a lot of hair loss, and huge pustules have grown on the scalp and flesh. Its facial features are twisted and ugly. Its teeth are like grinding discs. Its arm muscles are even more developed than those of Gray Rogan and thicker than Bian's thighs. Its hands are as big as plates. Its callous, sausage-sized fingers looked like they could crush stones. It stared at Bai En with eyes full of mad hatred. Bai En found that he could not look directly at the thing, so he turned his attention back to the man.

The man's face was haggard and wrinkled. His eyes are the lightest blue, with bright madness. He was wearing a pair of steel-rimmed glasses, barely covering his eyes. His nose is long and thin, with a huge wart on the tip of his nose. A snot dripped from his nose. He smiled secretly again, sucked the water in his nose with his nose, and then wiped his nose with his sleeve. Then he restored his dignity, tilted his head back, and strode down the stairs firmly.

He almost stumbled over the edge of his robe and planted it head down, his impressive wizard's majestic effect was destroyed a little.

The last blow reminded Bai En's memories. It brings everything else into focus. "Albert?" He said. "Albert Kruger?"

"Don't call me that way!" The voice of the man in the robe almost screamed. "Call me" Master "!"

"Do you know this idiot ~ ~ Human?" Guerrero asked.

Bei En nodded. Albert Kruger had several lessons with Brian at the caster college on Fatalin Island. He is a quiet young man who works very hard and can often find him in the study. During his two years of studying at the Spellcaster Academy, Bai En probably only said a dozen words to him. He remembered Kruger disappearing. There is a small problem with this matter-it is related to the missing books in the library. Bai En remembers that several of Dean's judges and disciples showed interest.

"He was my student when he was in Fatalin ... one of the students."

"Enough!" Kruger said sharply. "You are my captives, and for the rest of your poor life, you must do what I said."

"We will do as you say, for the rest of our poor life?" Bai En looked back at Kruger in surprise. "You have read too many books about drama, Albert. In real life, no one would say that."

"Quiet, Bai En! Enough. You know, you always make yourself smart. Now let's see who is smarter-oh yes!"

"Don't do that, Albert, joke is joke. Let's leave here. Hurry, before your master comes."

"My master?" Kruger seemed confused.

"The wizard who owns this tower."

"You idiot, Bai En! I am the wizard."

Bai En stared incredulously. "you?"