The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 630: Old friend

Bai En was lying wearily on his grass, staring at the cracked ceiling, so tired that he couldn't even sleep. A loud shout came from below, and Lisa Bate was arguing with one of her seemingly endless customers.

Bai En wanted to knock on the floor and told them to shut up or get out, but he knew that it would only cause more trouble and would not solve any problems. As he did every night, he decided to start looking for another dormitory tomorrow. He also knew that tomorrow night he would be too tired to leave.

Thought is like chasing a playful mouse in a cave in his brain. When fatigue reached this point, his thoughts were even strange to him. In his mind, the strange combination of imagery and the labyrinthine chain of reasoning do not know where it came from or where it is going.

He was too tired to even be angry with Captain Gantt's fate. Sergeant Gantt died while performing his mission and was destined to be sent to a poor man's grave on the edge of Mole Garden. A captain on duty is too boring to pay attention to reports of monsters in the sewer. No family mourned for him, and apart from his drunken clearing members, there were no friends. Gantt is now a cold body. Bai En thought that the same thing would easily happen to me. If that sphere exploded in the wrong place. If Guerrerogan didn't tell us to hold his breath for the first time. If the dwarf did not push him away from the gas. in case. in case. in case. So much if.

What the **** is he doing? Is he planning to spend the rest of his life like this? Chasing monsters in the dark? There seems to be no reason to give it more in his life. It just shifts from one violent incident to the next.

He considered other options. If he did n’t kill the remaining guards of the Black Tower in that rebellion, if he did n’t stay in the Black Tower, if he did n’t participate in those **** plans, and **** wars, where would he be now? He would be like Like ordinary people, find a job and find a woman. Married, guaranteed, stable? Or something else went wrong? Who can tell him? A little black mouse ran quickly through the rafters of the room. When he first saw this attic with only a small window, he thought it would at least be free of rats. In fact, the rats were found in all buildings in the new residential area. He has always deceived himself that climbing so many stairs will give these rodents a heart attack. He was wrong. The rats in the new city are bold and adventurous, and look better than many humans. He saw some big mice chasing a cat.

Bai En shivered. Now he really hoped he didn't start thinking about mice, which reminded him of the mysterious nobleman and the mutant in the sewer. What is the purpose of this secret meeting? What are the benefits of a human being dealing with such strange monsters? How can people wander and sell the flesh on the bustling streets of Heidelberg without knowing that there are evil places less than six yards below their feet Are things digging holes, crawling and nesting? Maybe they just don't want to know. Perhaps, as some philosophers have said, the end of the world is coming, the best way is to immerse yourself in the happiness you can find.

Footsteps came from the stairs. He could hear the rickety old plank creaking under heavy pressure. He wanted to complain that the whole place was a fire trap, but Mrs. Zolin always seemed too poor and too poor, which made him unwilling to bother her.

The sound of footsteps did not stop on the landing below, but was getting closer.

Bai En reached for the sword under the pillow. He couldn't think of anyone who would come to see him at this time of the night, and Mrs. Zolin lived in the simplest place in the new residential area. He stood up silently and walked to the door gently with bare feet. A thorn pierced his feet, but fortunately he immediately stopped the curse he was about to issue. At this time, someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Bai En asked, even though he already knew the answer. Through the thin wooden board, he recognized the old widow's breathing breath.

"It's me," Mrs. Zolin said sharply. "You have visitors, Mr. Bai En."

Bai En carefully opened the door. Two burly men stood outside the door. They had wooden sticks in their hands, and they seemed to know how to use them. It was the person behind them that aroused Bai En's interest. He handed a gold coin to the landlady, who took it with a pleased smile. When the man turned and looked at the door, Bai En recognized him. It's Falheim.

"Come in." Bai En said, opening the door. Falheim stood there staring at him for a long time, as if he could not recognize him. Then he strode into the room.

"You two, stay outside." Falheim said quietly. In his voice, there is a kind of majesty that Bai En has never heard of before. It is the kind of calm, blunt, simple and rough attitude that only leaders use.

Bai En suddenly realized that the surrounding environment was poor: a floor without carpets, a straw floor, a bare wall, a hole in a sloping roof. He saw the whole scene through Falheim's eyes and was not impressed at all.

"I didn't expect you to be here, Falheim?" Bai En asked lightly.

"Your hobby for accommodation hasn't changed much, right? It's still a slum."

"I guess you came from Fatalin Island to discuss my accommodation arrangements. Right?"

"Do you have to hold that sword so accurately? I won't rob you. If I were, I would bring those two guys."

Bai En withdrew his sword into the scabbard. "Maybe I will surprise you two men."

Falheim tilted his head to the side and looked closely at Bai En's face. "Maybe you will do this. You changed, brother."

"You too." This is true. Falheim is still as tall as before, but his chest is much wider. He gained weight, at least twenty. His chest thickened and his hips widened. His soft belly was stretched tightly against his wide belt. Bai En guessed there were a few chins hidden in his thick golden beard. His cheeks are fuller and seem to be bloated. His hair is still lush, but there are bags under his eyes. He became like that old man. "You look old."

Falheim smiled bitterly. "Sad but it's true. I'm afraid I've lived a great life. You look like you need some. You have become too thin."

"how did you find me?"

"Please, Bane. How do you think I found you? We have agents, and we want to find you. How many tall, dark-haired men in the Marnus Empire do you think travel with dwarfs? Be two mercenaries When the report that meets the description is sent to my office, I think I ’d better investigate it. "

"Your office?"

"I am doing business in Heidelberg now."

"To find me?"

"Haha, it's so important that you look at yourself." Falheim said with a smile. "You are an incidental reason."


"Obviously not." Falheim paused, seeming to be thinking whether he should tell White. "We think the association is not politically popular. Amen Cannon tried to change this, and the assassination of the emperor of the Marnus Empire gave us a chance."


"Yes, Emperor Otto Strand is dead."

"Who did it?"

"Who knows, the official statement is the wizard and the dark elves. But the rumors are made by the elves, but Strand still needs the elves' support, especially the elven soldiers."

"I didn't hear anything at all." Bai En said with a sigh.

"It's normal, in fact, this thing has been happening for a long time. But it still only spread among the nobles." Falheim took out a short-handed wand and a glowing stone and chanted to his feet. With a spell, the light of the stone expanded momentarily, enclosing Falheim and Brian.

"Do you need to be so cautious?" Bai En asked looking at the mask. He knew that the mask did not have much magical effect. In fact, there was only one function, that is, someone tried to cast a spell on the mask. The mask will immediately change color. A spell prop to prevent eavesdropping and prying eyes.

"Cautiousness is not a bad thing, isn't it?" Falheim looked at the mask for a while, and after confirming that there was no problem, he said again. "The emperor's collapse has made the nobles with the right to be elected ready to move, and the nobles with the right to vote are also looking forward to greater benefits in this handover."

"The right to vote? I thought only the grand dukes would have the right to vote." Bai En thought for a while and continued. "It seems that the people who made this set of election rules are much smarter than I thought."

"Of course, he is a **** after all, at least for now." Falheim pouted, "The Grand Duke of the fifteen provinces can participate in the election of the emperor, but there are nearly 200 electors, all of them The nobleman above the earl, and the earl occupied most of it. "

"The largest aristocracy can go further, and the aristocracy in the most critical position will not have nothing to do." Bai En instantly understood the benefits of this program. "Vegeants rarely betray the vassals, but they are also given the opportunity to retaliate. I guess the Grand Duke will promise a lot in order to win the veterans who have the right to vote."

"Yes, so Amen Cannon thinks this is our opportunity." Falheim said, scratching his beard.

"So, what are you going to do?" Bai En asked curiously.

"In fact, I don't know. I only set up a small stronghold here and talked to the local businessmen about some business matters." Falheim sighed. "The countess has a very capable secret police. Nothing happened in Heidelberg these days."

"What does it mean?"

"If something happens, I may be able to participate, and then take the opportunity to get close to the countess."

"Maybe you can consider lure."

"Heidelberg is only part of the Marnus Empire, brother."

"But the Countess Emmanuelle rules here. She is the most frivolous woman in the empire, at least people say so." Bai En still persuaded.

"Von Hallstatt, her chief judge, is very efficient. He is the real ruler. He hates distortions ~ ~ There are rumors that anything that has begun to show characteristics People will disappear. "


"That's what I said. But please believe this, brother: Heidelberg is a place that should never be suspected of being a mutant. Such people have disappeared."

"But people say it is the freest city in the Marnus Empire."

"No longer." Falheim looked around in horror, seeming to realize that he had said too much.

Bai En shook his head sadly. "Don't worry, brother. There are no agents here."

"Don't be so sure, Brian." Falheim said quietly. "Now, in this city, there are ears across the wall." When he spoke again, his voice was loud, with a false sincerity. "Anyway, I'm here to ask if you would like to eat with me tomorrow. If you want, we can eat outside."

Bian frowned, he heard Falheim's meaning, and it was not safe to speak here. But Falheim said a lot before, and used that magic prop. Maybe he shouldn't have said those words here, but the meeting between them made him a little excited, but he didn't do it carefully enough.

"Yes, I'm happy." Bai En nodded.

"Very good. I let my carriage pick you up."

"After I finish my work." White added, if Falheim is really worried about something, then maybe he should maintain his daily work and rest habits. Falheim shook his head slowly, and finally stopped. "Of course, Bai En. Of course."

They said goodbye. It wasn't until Falheim left that Bain began to wonder what could scare a person like Falheim so powerfully and powerfully that he would worry about someone in a place like Mrs. Zolin's house Eavesdropping.