The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 634: belief

Von Hallstatt was tired. Even the sumptuous dinner he usually eats does not please him. He was full of anxiety and high-level concerns. He looked at the diners around and smiled, but deep in his heart, he despised them. A group of shallow and lazy cattle. Dressed like a nobleman, but with the heart of the shopkeeper. He knew they needed him. They need him to control chaos. They need him to do the job, they are too weak to do it themselves. They are not worthy of his contempt.

This is a difficult day. The young Helmut Slasinger did not confess, even though von Hallstatt personally supervised the sentence. Strangely, some of them maintain their innocence even to death. Even if they knew he knew they were guilty.

His secret informant told him that Slazinger belonged to a secret Srevis worship organization. The jailers failed to find any tattoos that usually marked the members of the rally, but that did not mean anything. His most trusted informant, the Ratman, let him know the secret. Fearing his ruthless reform movement, his hidden enemies have begun to use magic tattoos that only other members of the assembly can see.

Oh my god, how sinister are the demon mutants! Now they may be everywhere; they may be sitting in this room with their membership tattoo on their faces, but he does n’t know. They may now sit there and laugh at him, and he has no choice. The thin, tall man in unfit clothes may be one of them. He did study von Hallstatt very seriously for a long time. Think carefully, there is something quite evil in him. Perhaps he should be the next target of the official investigation. No, control yourself, von Hallstatt told himself. They cannot hide forever. Logical light can penetrate false darkness. So his father always told him that he must be beaten again for his sins, whether real or fictional.

No, his father is right. Von Hallstatt did something wrong. Even if he couldn't figure out what the reason was. The whipping is for his own good, and it is to get rid of sin. His father is a good person and does justice. That's why he smiled when he punished him. He doesn't like it. He told him over and over again. This is for his good. In a sense, this is a good lesson. He already understood that for the sake of the big picture, it was often necessary to do painful bad things.

This makes him uncomfortable. But it enables him to do what he has to do today, free from the weakness of those with lower status. This allows him to maintain justice. This makes him a person that his father is proud of, and he should be relieved. He is strong and not malicious. He is like his father. He didn't like to torture the young Slasinger. He was not happy about the Ratman's report that the young nobleman was a fanatical admirer of Srevis. Although he had to admit that it was a lucky coincidence because of rumors about Slasinger and Emmanuel. A more vicious lie: a pure person like the countess would not, and could not have anything to do with a person like Slazinger.

This bug is a notorious prodigal son, a kind of young and handsome playboy. He thinks that he is a legal servant who publicly opposes the country and criticizes the harsh measures needed to maintain law and order in this place full of sin and corruption. very smart.

He pushed Slashinger away from his mind and put his mind on other things. His agent in the guard room brought him a report of the Gantt incident-no action was taken. If you want to thoroughly clean the sewers under the old city, it will be too expensive, and it will also reduce the captain's income from the financial allocation in his area. Well, even corruption sometimes has its uses, von Hallstatt thought.

But his agents told him that Gantt's patrol had been searching near his death area, which was even more worrying. They may occasionally encounter some more ratmen doing their thing. They may even find the small boats from the dock to Van Niek's mall. However, he suspected that they might never find out that this shop was just a guise of the government, responsible for transporting the magic stone from outside the city to the Ratmen to pay for their services. Thinking of this, he smiled.

This is an arrangement with a somewhat pleasant symmetry. He paid the ratman the money they wanted. They do not seem to realize that this is useless and dangerous. Those magic stones actually caused mutations. The ratman claimed that they used it as food. This is a relatively harmless way to deal with an extremely dangerous substance, but also provides him with a good source of information. Yes, this is indeed a pleasant symmetry. It is a pity that he failed to deal with those evil things in a safe way, so as to let everyone know his contribution to the empire. For all mankind, it was a lucky day: von Hallstatt lost his way in the sewers and found those ratmen inadvertently; more fortunately, they realized that he was a man who could do business with them People.

He must get more. Just tonight, he had to get in touch with another mouse scout to ensure that the sewer monitor was in an accident. He regrets those who are merely performing their duties, but his safety must be the first priority.

He is the only one who understands the real dangers facing Heidelberg and the only one who can save the city. He knew it was not just vanity; it was fact. Tonight he will contact the new Ratman leader, Siya-Tangur, and order him to destroy the enemy. He shuddered at the thought of using his power secretly. He told himself it was not pleasant.

"I told you that I saw him last night," Bai En insisted. Another trencher stared at him in the dark. He heard the roar of the wheels overhead, while a large car was passing through the sewer manhole. "In the golden rose. He was standing less than twenty feet from me. His name was Fritz von Hallstatt, and that was the person we saw dealing with the ratmen."

"Of course," Rudy said, glancing back anxiously. "He is having dinner with the Countess Emmanuel and the magician Drakenfels. Anyway, what are you doing in the Golden Rose? That ’s where noble lords will go. Unless the clothes of a trench worker are It ’s made of gold, otherwise they wo n’t let him in. Do n’t expect us to believe you are there. ”

"I ... an old friend took me there." Bai En shook his head, his stupidity upset him. "He is a businessman. I tell you, that's where I saw the person we were looking for, von Hallstatt."

"You are not from Heidelberg, right, Brian?" Khrov said calmly and kindly, as if his real concern was to eliminate the misunderstandings that the new sewer workers might have. "Do you know who Fritz von Hallstatt is?"

"He is the head of the secret police in Heidelberg. This is him. It's a disaster of scumbags in this city," Spade said. A convulsion moved far behind the twins' chins. "Moreover, the head of the secret police does not deal with the mouse."

"Why not?" Bai En did not realize that the twins turned out to be full admirers of von Hallstatt ~ ~ because he was the head of the secret police, and the head of the secret police It is not possible to do such a thing. This is a matter of course, isn't it? "Rudy continued.

"It's irrefutable logic, Rudy. But I tell you, I saw him with my own eyes. It was the man who came out of the sewer." Bai En felt his anger rising, and he was arguing with this idiot.

"Are you sure you are not mistaken, humans? It's very dark, and people's eyesight is not good in the dark."

"I'm sure," Bai En said. He wasn't sure if Guerrerogan was going to make a clearance for him or question him the same. "I have never been so sure in my life."

"Well, Bane, even if you are right, I am not saying that you are right. Listen, what can we do? It is difficult for us to come to the Countess Emmanuel and say: 'By the way Your Majesty, do you know that your most trusted advisor is fooling around with a group of talking rats in the sewers below your palace? '"Khrov didn't even smile when he said this.

"She will ask you how many strange things you ate, and then order her Kaslov lover to throw you into the cell," Spade said.

Bai En understood what they meant. What can they do? They are just ordinary sewer guards. The man he said is the most powerful person in the city. Maybe it's best to forget all this. Tonight he will see Falheim again, intending to have a good meal in his townhouse. Soon he will stay away from here, and this will no longer be his problem. But this idea has always troubled him. What did the terrible master of the Countess' secret police do with the Ratmen? How did they control him?

"Okay, guys, enough." Rudy said. "Go back to work."