The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 635: Commando

Captain Chakul Scarab looked back at his storm commando. This authentic room is full of their sweet smell. His heart was filled with a sense of pride. They are burly, with dark skin, and black fur is smooth and neat. It matches with their exquisite black lacquer armor and rune helmet made of black iron. They are all elites: they eat well, dress well, and have strict discipline. They are much higher than the inferior tribes and slaves, just as he is far above them. He directed more than twenty of the best warriors his clan could send. In the upcoming war, this number will increase to two hundred or more.

He does not need all the troops to complete this task; it is a simple task. Eliminate some pink flesh-just an easy thing. The Prophet Tangul made it clear that this would be the case. Although he didn't like Scolague's replacement, he agreed. He even suspected that to deal with a group of humble humanoid warriors, he even needed only the claws of four storm commandos. Behind him, Tangul cautiously barked out impatiently. The mixture of the mouse and troll accompanying the warlock roared angrily.

When Chakul-Scabu carefully looked at the monster's formidable muscles and claws, there was a trace of fear in his heart. He didn't want to face it in battle. Tangul must have spent a lot of money before buying a batch of qualified magic stone currency from the packaging workers of the 'mint', and according to Chakul, every ounce of magic stone is worth the money of.

But he will not let himself act in a hurry. There are certain etiquettes that must be observed. Face must be kept in front of his army. He did not allow any anxiety to appear in his manners, he controlled the urge to spray fear. He twitched his nose majesticly, then flicked his tail to get their attention. Twenty pairs of pink eyes watched him alertly. "We go to the stinky pit under the city," he told them. "We are going to kill five people guarding the tunnel. They are the enemies of our tribal leader and killed a tribal brother, yes, yes. Revenge and human blood will belong to us. If you fight well, you will Many spouses give birth to cubs and magic stone coins for you. If you do n’t play well, I will use my fangs to crush your intestines and chew your internal organs. ”

"We heard it, Captain." They screamed thunderously. "The glory belongs to the clan. Revenge for our brother!"

"Yes, yes, revenge for our brother!" Chakul-Skab smiled, showing rows of sharp jagged teeth. Among the ratmen, this was a threatening gesture, and his followers were silent. He was happy with the fear he brought to them. Yes, he wanted to avenge Skoreg. They belong to the same family and struggle to the top of the family together. They plot, kill, and assassinate on the road to power. He understands his brother's ambitions, and if he is to be trusted by anyone, he will choose to believe in Skoreg. He wanted the blood of the murderer. This will make up for the inconvenience of having to find another ally in the great game of clan politics.

If the prophet Siya-Tangur did not plan to insert a serrated knife into his back first, he might have done better. Well, only the future can tell us the answer.

He once again protected his teeth with his hands, and the storm commanders were relieved. He looks forward to visiting the underground city again. He likes to sneak around in the stinky labyrinth, which reminds him of the Rat-Man. Since General Scarborough sent him here, he was forced to occupy this terrible barren outpost. He was glad that the stupid man had enough reason to contact them with his questions. These sewer workers may threaten this great plan. Before they occupy the city, nothing can threaten their pawns.

He was n’t sure what this great plan was, but it did n’t matter. He is a simple and fierce soldier. He is not qualified to delve into the order chosen by the great Lord. His task is only to kill the enemies of the Scarab clan. This is what he intends to do.

—————— Bai En was very worried. What worried him was not only the number of mice, but also the way they tracked him. He told himself not to be stupid. The mouse did not follow him. They are there, as if they have been in the sewer. His imagination is playing with him, as always.

He looked around the place where another ditch worker called it ‘Cathedral’. This is the main intersection of several of the city's largest sewers. It was designed as a style, and he thought he could recognize it from Shifengbao's hall. They called this style the dwarf empire style.

He knew that the dwarves who built these sewers were refugees. When their land became too dangerous, they fled the mountains on the edge of the world. They came to the land of mankind, bringing a lot of engineering knowledge and infinite nostalgia for their ancestral home under the mountain. This is how the Dwarves of the Golden Shield came to the Lord Duke of Ruin.

Like the original Earl of Ruin, the elector at Heidelberg was an open-minded person. He made full use of the knowledge and skills of dwarves to improve the sanitary conditions of this rapidly developing city. To meet this challenge, they built a place similar to a great temple instead of a sewer.

Huge arches support the masonry building, which has lasted for nearly a thousand years. Intricate stone carvings adorn the arches, showing the traditional dwarf hammer and shield design. This work is not only powerful but also beautiful in style.

Of course, time has eroded most of it. Patchwork made of rough plaster and bricks fills the technical deficiencies of those human repair teams. But this place is almost directly below the Elector's Palace, which is a gutter suitable for the emperor. This allowed Bai En to see the ambition of the original elector, but history has proven that ambition is only ambition, and it has not yet become a reality.

Suddenly, Bai En saw it. He saw how unbearable the ancient masters built the city. He remembered the story of Grerogan about how the Ratmen attacked the fortress built on the mountain from the most unexpected direction-from below.

Sewers provide a way to any important place in the city. A team of assassins or commandos can be traversed by dark-adapted enemies. This path is the perfect shortcut for the ratmen invasion. The high walls of Heidelberg are not an obstacle for them. The watchmen on the roof of the Temple of Midia will not notice anything. Even the goddess of war and strategy believed by the people of the Marnus Empire could not guess that the invasion came from underground.

If the chief of the city colluded with the ratmen, then the danger of the city would be even greater! This fragment is connected little by little. He knew how von Hallstatt ’s enemies disappeared. They were dragged into the abyss by the ratmen. He dare to bet on anything, there will be a network of passages leading to the palace above and the house inside the wall. In addition, even if there is no other way, a small enough assassin can pass through the sewer, although this idea is disgusting.

The question now is why? Why did von Hallstatt do this? What can he get? The destruction of the enemy? No, it's too short-sighted. Become the ruler of the city? No, he is now. Moreover, the Marnudi Empire will not let him go.

Maybe he is a distorted body allied with the dark forces, but his changes are not significant? Maybe he is crazy. Bai En asked himself if he knew what he had done, could he leave now? Can he accept a safe job with his companions and give away the big city of the Marnus Empire to the enemy?

This is furious; he can do nothing. If he accuses the local chief judge, no one will believe him. Are the duties of the trench worker confronting the most influential people in the city? If he reveals his true identity ~ ~ it will only make him into deeper trouble. He is a famous mage, an associate of the mage who killed the King of Bultania and dozens of elite knights. If he disappeared, no one would mind too much, and he could even take Grerogan away. Perhaps it is best to let it go. It was only then that when he made up his mind, he noticed that the mouse had disappeared, and the soft padding sound could be heard behind him.

"Someone is following us, humans." Grerogan said calmly. "Several groups of people. One group is at the back. Two groups are in a tunnel parallel to us. There are more in front."

"Follow? By what?" Bai En was thinking about it and had to say something. He felt his throat tighten and his voice was not much louder than a whisper. "Ratman?"

"Yes. We will be ambushed. Those of us who are in a hurry should be quieter. The dwarf's ears are sharp."

"What can we do?" Bai En thought of something just now, but the dwarf interrupted his thoughts, and he had to try to recall the flashy thoughts.

"Fight bravely and die bravely if necessary, humans."

"It's good for you, you are an oath-breaker. The rest of us don't want to be killed that much," Bai En replied subconsciously.

Grey Logan stared at him contemptuously. Bai En felt the need to make an excuse for his worries. "If it is an invasion? Someone must warn the city. This is our responsibility. Remember the oath we made when we joined the sewer monitor." He could see that this impressed Guerrerogan. Dwarves are always impressed with responsibility and vows.

"You make sense, human beings. At least one of us must leave to warn the city. It's best to talk to other people and make a plan."