The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 639: revenge

Bai En got up early in the morning. He ignored the billowing smoke from the shantytown near the poor neighborhood and walked along the muddy streets of the new city. He guessed it was another fire. Okay, fortunately, the wind didn't blow the flame to Mrs. Zolin's apartment. If so, he may die in his sleep. He can't die yet. He still has something to do.

He turned left into the riding track and came to the cobbled commercial street. Before the day's work, when the merchants went to the cafe, the coach drove past. He found his way to the archives, and then went to the office of the planning department responsible for the sewer.

He knew he would find what he needed there. He spent nearly an hour looking at many long-dusted documents and plans. After two intimidations and one bribe, he proved himself right. Bai En was very satisfied with his performance. He walked towards the guard room of the sewer monitor.

As soon as they returned to the guardhouse, they were immediately sent to help the remaining guards in the burned area: bury the dead and find survivors in the rubble. They went to the shantytown to take a look. The fire destroyed many small houses, and there were charred corpses and torn corpses everywhere. A little boy blackened by coal smoke sat next to an old lady who was sobbing alone. "What happened here, boy?" Asked Bai En.

"It was done by the mouse," the boy said. "I saw it with my own eyes. I killed the people who lived there and took them down to enjoy it. My mother said that if I didn't listen, it would come to me."

Bane and Guerrerogan exchanged glances. From the dwarf's eyes, it can be seen that he is interested in the boy's words. "Children, there is no mouse in the world. Don't lie to us, we are guards."

"Of course. I have seen it with my own eyes. It is taller than you and heavier than that big dwarf. The leader is a small mouse with gray hair and eyes that seem blind."

"Have anyone seen it?"

"I don't know. I hid. I thought they would take me away."

Bane shook his head and went to see the ruins of the houses of Khrov and Spade. The poor building left only charred remains and a woman's charred body. "No trace of Khrov or Spade?"

Guerrerogan shook his head and pointed at his gray and sharp object lying in the ashes with his toes. "This is Khrov's knife."

Bai En bent down and picked it up. The metal was still warm because of lying in the embers. Bai En looked at the body. The smell of charred meat filled his nostrils.

"Gilda?" Bai En said.

Bai En shook his head. Sadness and anger filled him. He likes these two brothers. They may or may not be good people, but they are very kind to Bai En. Now he wants revenge.


"You used to be an engineer, Gray Logan. Tell me what these mean."

Bai En ignored the dwarf's suspicion. He cleared a place on the desk in the duty room and spread out the drawings. Rudy watched with curiosity as he smoothed out the cracked old parchment and used an empty teacup to flatten each corner.

The dwarf turned his attention to the drawings again. "This is a drawing of a sewer, human. The dwarf planned for the old city."

"Yes. They show the area under Chief Justice von Hallstatt's mansion. If you look closely, you will find that it is not far from where Ganter was killed. I bet if we go to see, There must be a way from the sewer to his house. "

Rudy's brow furrowed. "You are suggesting that we break into the home of Fritz von Hallstatt! If caught, we will be hanged. We may even lose our job!

"That's a shame." Bai En couldn't understand the strange brain circuit of this big man, why lost his job would be put behind being hanged. But this is not the focus of his attention. "What do you say, do you join? Rudy?"

"I do not know."

"Grey Logan?"

"Yes, humans. But there is a condition."

"What conditions?"

"If von Hallstatt is the guy we saw in the sewers who worships evil, loves mouse rats, and has runny noses, then we will kill him."

A horrible silence enveloped the room. The dwarf's words left a deep impression on Rudy's mind. Rudy felt his mouth was dry. The dwarf's proposal was murder, plain and simple.

No, he thought of Gantt, and of the dead in the new block. He decided that this was not murder, this was justice. He will agree. "Ok."

"Then there is no way out. Rudy?" Bai En noticed that the bald man looked shocked. His face was pale and his eyes were full of fear.

"You don't know what you are suggesting."

"Are you going with us anyway?" Bai En was annoyed by this guy's words and asked directly.

Rudy didn't wait a second, he answered. "Yes," he said finally. "I'm going. I only hope you are wrong, nothing more."

"I'm not wrong," Bai En said.

"That's what I worry about." Rudy murmured.


Sewers have never been so unlucky for Bai En. The shadow danced with the light. Whenever he heard Rudy's heavy footsteps behind him, he had to restrain the urge to look around. Guerrerogan's sound of hitting the wall with a small axe kept him upset. He knew that Gray Rogan did this just to see if he could find a hollow place, but that did not make him more acceptable.

There is something outside. But he knows now. Something killed Khrov and Spade, and their daughter, if they let it go now, it would definitely kill the rest of them. The unknown is the most terrible. I don't know what is hunting them. do not know why. I do n’t know how many ratmen will appear, nor how many demonic followers they will have. The brothers were formidable warriors, but they were all dead.

To make matters worse, half of this shantytown on the poor street has disappeared with them. No matter what the dark thing asks them to do, it kills many people without hesitation in order to get what it wants ~ ~ there is no doubt about it. He asked himself why he did not simply escape the city and return to the warm room on Fatalin Island.

Even now, he can go on the road at any time instead of crawling around in this dark and stinky cave. Why should he be subject to this **** impulse to interfere with things that have nothing to do with him?

He already knew the answer. He had to show his position somewhere. Because if he did n’t, he would pretend to be like everyone else in the city, as Falheim told him, to pretend he did n’t know what had happened; make a deal with the darkness and let it go away from him, so he He will not be hurt; when he knows that the world is not good, he pretends that everything is fine.

Bai En smiled, and he understood that it was very similar to the situation in the Black Tower. He knew that something was wrong and meant that he had to do something to change it, even if the only reason for doing so was to maintain his self-image and make him feel superior to those he despised. If it makes him feel more like the heroes he read when he was younger, it would be better. Thinking about his reasons for doing so kept his mind busy and made him forget his fears. He focused himself on what he knew. His only clue is that he knew that the secret police in this city were in the same group as the ratmen. He saw it with his own eyes. He didn't know why this happened; he only knew it was like this. This behavior should be stopped.

"Don't daydream, human. We have been here for a few hours, but we still haven't found the secret entrance you said. The sky will soon be dark, and we still have no further progress." Bai En's Attention returned to the glance at the wall. Along the way, the sound of Guerrerogan hitting the brick wall with his axe continued.