The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 648: task

Sletta walked to the stairs and opened the door violently. So far, so good. Everything is like a typical lubricated Scree clan machine. Everything went according to plan. They entered the tavern without knowing it. Now they simply need to search this place until they find the dwarf and kill him. Of course, they will kill anything that hinders them.

Sletta felt a little annoyed. This is the typical style of his boss, he will accept the easy task. They have found the place where the human ben sleeps, and their leader has personally performed the task of killing him. Of course, this is the only explanation. It can't be that great Zhang Squik is afraid of meeting the dwarf. Sletta doesn't care. When he killed the dreadful dwarf, his credit was even greater. He motioned his partners to go first.

"Quick! Quick!" He shivered coldly, stuttering. "We don't have a whole night!" The gutter walkers quickly ran into the corridor.

Bae and Elisa lay on his canvas and kissed deeply, when Bae suddenly moved uncomfortably. He felt that he heard the faint rustle from the window. He gently untied Elisa's arms around him and suddenly realized how hot they were and how much sweat they were touching. He looked down at the waitress' face. From the point where the student hit her, her left face was a little swollen, but she was really beautiful.

"What's wrong?" She asked, looking up at him with big, trusting eyes. Bai En listened carefully for a while and heard nothing.

"Nothing," he said, and then began kissing her again. Sletta bounced across the corridor. He smelled a dwarf. He followed the smell and whistleed to give orders to the companions in front. Their weak enemies will marvel at the Ratmen's sneak attack combined with stealth, speed, and brutality, which will soon collapse. Is there any chance for an ordinary dwarf to fight against the deadliest warriors of the superior race?

Sletta almost regrets that she has fallen behind, which is the traditional honorary position that any Ratman leader will take whenever possible. It would be great if he had the opportunity to pierce his sword into the dwarf's body first and dedicate his soul to the devil.

They reached the end of the corridor. The smell of the dwarf was even stronger. He must be close by now. Sletta's heart rate accelerated dramatically. Blood ran through his veins. His tail stretched tight and flicked. The paws on his feet stretched out instinctively. As he prepared to fight, he barked his teeth with a grin. The smell is very strong: they must be on the dwarf. His soldiers proudly waved their tails, ready to use their numbers and brutality to defeat their opponents.

Suddenly, a red mist filled Sletta's eyes. It seemed like a giant axe cut Chris Quaker in half, but it was impossible. They cannot be found. It is impossible for a dwarf to ambush a group of sludger walkers.

However, Hisak suddenly screamed in pain and fear. A huge fist strangled his throat. The handle of a huge axe smashed his head. There was a thick disgusting breath of fear in the air now. Krisquik's body had begun to dissolve in a pool of black slime, and the decomposition spell of the Isaacian clan began to take effect. Sletta looked outside, where there was a scuffle, and his six best gutterwalkers were trying to pounce on a mighty dwarf. His pale hairless muscles were more prominent due to the black cloak worn by the gutter walker. Sletta saw the huge axe spinning in a deadly arc. He heard crunching bones and brain splatters.

"Could you try to approach me quietly, please?" The dwarf muttered in Marnus. As he opened a blood-stained path of destruction among the Ratman Assassins, the dwarf continued to swear in his throat. The dwarves roared while fighting, shouting strange war slogans.

Sletta shivered. This sound is enough to wake up the dead, or at least wake any sleeping human guards. He felt that stealth and unexpected advantages were slipping away. He widened his eyes in horror, watching the dwarf finish his **** work, and slashed Sneaker and Blodge with a knife. Suddenly, Sletta realized that he was now alone, facing a very angry and very dangerous dwarf.

Unbelievably, the dwarf killed most of his brothers in seconds. There is nothing in the world, and even the assassins of the Isain clan cannot be so deadly. Sletta turned and ran away, but a nailed boot fell on his tail and nailed him there. Painful tears filled Sletta's eyes. The smell of fear disappeared from his glands.

The last thing he heard was a huge axe screaming at him.

Bai En involuntarily broke free from Elisa and looked around. What is that sound? It sounds like there is a fight downstairs. He was sure he could hear Guerrogan's low battle cry. The girl looked up at him, puzzled, not understanding why he no longer kissed her. She opened her mouth to talk. Bai En put a hand gently on her lips. He leaned forward until his mouth covered her ears.

"Don't make a sound," he whispered. An icy fear flowed all over his body. He must have heard a strange and messy sound coming from the window. Bai En got up from the lying girl and reached for his sword. He slipped back and fell from the mat to the floor of the room, squatting halfway.

He put a finger on his lips, motioned her to be quiet, and then gestured to get her out of bed. She stared at him indefinitely, and then followed his eyes towards the window.

It was then that she screamed.

Zhang Squik watched Noy swing down the rope. He is almost proud of his students. Noy fixed the grappling hook perfectly in the roof gutter, and then slid down the side of the tavern like a big spider. He sprayed a layer of acid on the iron bar outside the window, and then filed it off like a thief. He reached out and gestured to the other players on the roof of the pub. They fixed the rope and were ready to follow Noy. Zhang Sikuike will be the last to join, which is commensurate with this glorious leader of the operation. Noy kicked the wall violently, pulling himself away from the wall and swaying in the air, gaining momentum to break through the window.

The window collapsed, and a rat man in black fell in from the outside. It rolled and fell on the floor, rolled up, and turned into a fighting squat posture, with a long curved blade shining an evil light in each claw. Bai En did not wait for it to have time to determine its position. He thrust forward with his sword, almost stabbing the thing suddenly. When that thing dodged, Bai Yan's sword was held, and Mars flickered, causing Bai En's sword to deflect, leaving only a trace on its cheek.

"Run, Elissa!" Bai En shouted. "leave here!"

For a while, he thought the girl was too scared to move. She lay on the straw mat, her eyes widened in horror, and she suddenly jumped up. This distraction almost killed Bai En's life. The moment he stared at her was the moment he didn't stare at his opponent. When the Ratman's blade galloped against his skull, a fatal wailing warned him. He lowered his head, the sword brushed over his head, very close to him, and shaved off his hair. Bai En returned instinctively. The Ratman jumped away.

"Bai En!" Elisa shouted.

"Run! Go find someone to help!" Over the narrow shoulders of the mouse, he could see other mouse people outside the window. They seemed to be trying to squeeze in, and everyone blocked each other's way. The windows were covered with dirty, scarred rat faces. Things don't look good.

"Dead! Dead! Stupid human stuff," the skinny guy twitched, tweeting. It pretends to attack with the right edge, then slams with the left edge. Bai En grabbed it above his wrist, making it immobile. The tail of that thing wound around his legs viciously, trying to trip him. Bai En knocked the hilt from behind the coward's ear. It fell forward, but just as it fell, its blade stabbed at Bai En, and Bai En had to jump away. He took a step back, reversed the blade, and pierced the thing's head downward. The dirty thing was dead, and blood came out of its lips. The air was filled with weird stench. The ratman's flesh began to bubbly and rot.

Bane heard Eliza pull the latch open. He took a risky look at her. She turned around and looked at him with a look of fear and confusion, as if she didn't know whether to leave him or stay.

"Leave here!" He shouted. "Go find someone to help. You can't do anything here."

She disappeared from the door, and Bai En was relieved somehow. At least now he doesn't have to be responsible for her safety. He looked back and found that the ratman he had killed was gone. It left only a pool of black slime and rotten clothes. Bai En wants to know what magic is working.

A sizzle of air blowing out warned him of another threat. In the corner of his eyes, he saw several shiny objects rushing towards him. He rushed forward, aiming at the bed, hoping it could withstand his fall. When he landed, his mouth was full of straw in the mattress. He groped for the old wool cloak with his left hand and pulled out the mass with his left hand. It's time. More flashing objects swirled toward him in the air. He raised his cloak, and those things were tied in a thick pile of wool. A sharp object just passed through the cloth between his fingers. Bai En glanced. He saw a dart painted with something red, which was undoubtedly a poison.

Two more ratmen broke free from the group outside the window and slipped into the room. They rushed towards him at an alarming speed. It was a black shadow of a group of human-sized mice. Their yellow fangs reflected the light under the lantern. He understood that he couldn't even look at the door now, let alone run away. He couldn't reach it without being stabbed on the back.

Why is it me, he asked himself? Why should I stand here naked and face a group of ratmen assassins? Why do these things always happen to me? This kind of things never happened to the legendary heroes!

He threw the cloak and threw it on the head of the oncoming mouse ~ ~ It wriggled in a mess of wool folds. Bai En pierced it with a sword. His sword pierced the flesh like piercing butter. The black blood stained the cloak. Bai En struggled to pull out his sword. The second Ratman jumped forward while he was fully absorbed, and both swords were raised high, waving like a butcher's kitchen knife. Bai En fell backwards; with a terrible sucking sound, the sword in the ratman's hand was released. He lay flat on his back, clutching his sword tightly in his hand. He raised the tip of the sword, and the flying ratman plugged in. When it fell to the side, its weight took the sword from Bai En's hands.

Damn, he thought, and then stood up. He is now unarmed, and the tip of his sword is clearly visible, sticking out of the ratman's back. If he wanted this sword, he would have no choice but he would not touch the dirty beast with his naked body. When the ratman rotted at a terrible rate, his cloak had begun to flatten out. Too late! More ratmen jumped in from the window. There is no time to think about others. He picked up the ratman's long and narrow sword and rushed forward. His fury surprised the Ratman. Before he could react, he split one of the skulls and opened the other. It tried to grab its sticky gut with one paw, and when it tried to grab Bai En with the other paw, it fell down.

Bai En cut it again, cutting off its limbs. He hacked around him angrily, feeling that every blow made his arm with a terrible impact. Despite this, he was slowly squeezed into the room by more and more ratmen. Every step of the way, he was desperately defending himself, and soon he was forced to the wall.