The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 671: source

As they followed the jumping plague monk through the misty cemetery, Bai En noticed that there were other ratmen. Judging from the empty cage they carried, they all came for the same evil thing and are now returning to their den. Some ratmen walked limping and were overwhelmed by the weight of the decayed corpses-these corpses were obviously dug only recently, as can be seen from the clothes they still stuck to the dirt in the grave.

Bane and Grey Logan were forced to move carefully, hiding behind the tombstone, hiding in the shadow under the tree, and moving from one bunker to another. In some ways, Bai En believes that this is actually unnecessary. The plague monks do not seem to be as alert as ordinary ratmen. They seem crazy, but they often don't feel the environment around them. Perhaps their brains, like their bodies, are corroded by the diseases they carry.

Sometimes, they will stop for a few minutes, scratching themselves until they bleed, or wait for their purulent scab to crack, and then they will taste the pus that has stuck to their paws. Sometimes they stop and stare at the empty sky or the wall for no reason. Sometimes, dirty feces spew out from under their tails, and then they lie down, wriggling inside, smirking wildly. Bai En felt goose bumps all over. Even by the crazy standard of ratmen, these creatures are obviously abnormal.

Now, they finally walked towards a huge mausoleum deep in the garden, which was buried deep in the noble area of ​​the garden. They walked along the paved path and walked between the well-tended gardens. Some statues vaguely appeared on the sundial not far away, but it was of no use at this time. As the two progressed, more and more plague monks appeared, and Baien and Guerrerogen hid more than once in the arched entrance of a tomb of a noble family. Only when those ratmen walked past, they rejoined the nightmarish sneaking ranks and walked deep into the ancient area of ​​the cemetery, which is the largest and most ruined place in the cemetery.

Eventually, they stopped in a corner, and Bai En leaned forward to observe. He noticed that the plague monk disappeared at the entrance of one of the largest and oldest mausoleums. This building is almost like a temple, with an ancient Tyrian style, the roof of the foyer is supported by pillars, and Bane believes that the builder put the statue of the family of the cemetery owner in the niche between the pillars. Huge shadow. The two of them waited in this corner for a while, and only after the last ratman in sight disappeared did he and Guerrerogan move towards the stairs leading to the entrance.

Under the moonlight, Bai En can see this mausoleum in disrepair. The stone carving has collapsed, the stone pillar has been eroded by wind and rain for centuries, and the face of the statue has been peeled off, replaced by moss. It looks like the horrible disease of the stone itself. The garden around it is almost all wild vegetation, overgrown with weeds. Bai En is not sure, but he suspects that the family that built this place may have perished. This place looks unattended, as if no one has been here for many years. Even during the day, this place is scary enough. And at night, Bai En didn't have the urge to look inside.

However, Guerrerogan jumped up the stairs at the fastest speed his short legs could carry. The rune on his axe shone in the moonlight. He grinned at the thought of confronting these ratmen in their old den. For a time, Bai En suddenly realized that this dwarf, like other dwarves, had his own crazy way-perhaps the best thing he could do now was to escape and let them die.

Bai En sighed and followed. When they walked to the door, Bai En tried to restrain the urge. He was surprised to find that there was no way to go, only a blank stone wall in front of him. Grerogan stood in front of it with an axe in hand, puzzled for a minute, scratched his tattooed head with a thick finger, and then reached out to touch a stone face on the side of the arch. As he did this, the wall in front of them slowly and silently rotated, revealing an entrance.

"Poor job." Guerrero grumbled dissatisfiedly. "If it is a dwarf's craft, it will not be so easy to find."

"Yes, yes." Bai En replied impatiently, "This is definitely not the dwarf's craftsmanship." Then followed Grerogan through the entrance of the tomb. When they entered, the door closed quietly behind them.

It smells bad inside. The wall is covered with dirt. When Bai En fumbled forward in the dark, he could feel it creaking with something under his hands. Recalling the disgusting behavior of the plague monks he witnessed with his own eyes made him want to vomit. Despite this, he forced himself to follow the faint rune light on the dwarf axe ahead.

Guerrerogan acted quickly and firmly, as if he could see things effortlessly even in the absence of light. Bai En guessed this might be true, and the dwarf might see as well in the dark as he saw during the day. He had followed the dwarf through dark places before, and he was sure that Guerrerogan knew what he was doing. Nevertheless, he still hopes to light the lantern in his hand.

Somewhere in the distance, he heard a slight scratching sound, so he changed this idea ~ ~ Maybe lighting a lantern is not a good idea after all. It will definitely warn other ratmen about their existence. Bai En is convinced that in the face of the large number of ratmen here, their only chance of survival is to use the advantage of sneak attack to quickly launch an attack. Perhaps the leader of the ratmen can be resolved first, and look forward to The remaining ratmen will run away as before.

However, he thought that if he was going to fight, he would need light at some point. After all, he didn't have the night vision ability like a dwarf, and here is completely different from the outside, even a hint of moonlight. He secretly prayed to an unknown **** who had always protected him, hoping to have a chance to light his lamp before he entered the battle.

While exploring, Bai En tried not to let himself think about what he had touched on the wall. At the same time follow the rune light on Guerrero's axe. Suddenly when he put his center of gravity in front, he almost lost his balance and there was nothing there. He touched the hilt nervously, and then he saw the rune light on the axe became lower, and then jumped lower. He recovered and found himself on the stairs going down. He lamented that this is indeed a huge mausoleum. The person who built this place must have spent a lot of money, he thought. Why not? They plan to live here forever, eager to enjoy the luxury life before death after death, at least they think so.

Bai En explored the stairs with his feet step by step, and then followed the dwarf down the stairs. Now he could hear a loud murmur in front of them. It sounds as if the rat-man is engaged in a blasphemous ritual. When Bane came to the bottom of the stairs, a pale green, sickly gleam lit the front corridor. It seems that they are going to confront this group of mice in the mouse hole.