The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 676: Method

Bane looked at Falheim across the table. He had just taken a shower and hurriedly put on the worn and washed clothes before the fire. He felt embarrassed. His hand carelessly played with a copper ball incense burner hanging from his neck. He really hoped he never came to this warehouse, which is where Falheim's office is located.

Falheim stood up from behind the heavy oak desk and walked slowly to the window. He put his hands behind his back. Bai En noticed that his right hand was holding his left wrist. This is an old habit of Falheim. When their mentor asked him to answer the question, he always did it.

"Did Lily not come with you? I haven't seen her in these meetings." Bai En asked without any question.

"Bai En, why do I only see you when you need it?" Falheim turned to stare at Bai En, until Bai En looked away embarrassedly before finally asking.

"Everyone is busy." Bai En felt guilty for a while, but he didn't show it on his mouth. Falheim made sense. Recently he only stayed with his friends when he needed help. Just like what he does now. He considered this question. He is not disliked Falheim. It's just that they have nothing in common. Perhaps, Bai En was worried that he would invite him back to Fatalin Island again, and he had to refuse again.

"I have been busy all the time," Falheim said lightly.

"Look, just like I said." Bai En said with a smile.

"How about you?" Falheim asked rhetorically.

Bai En tilted his head and thought about it. He didn't just struggle in the cemetery, but earlier, he razed the academic institutions of Heidelberg City to fight the monster while killing people. If he can, he can tell his companions how much. Fortunately, Falheim did not give him a chance to answer, because he also had some suggestions.

"Shooting around and participating in conspiracies, I think so. Maybe there is also hanging out with the girls in the tavern. Splurging on the costs I lent you to repair the sacrificial knife. Yes, your adventurous life does provide some help to the association , Those notes and the drawings you brought last time. But you should be here to help the management association and follow our goals. Or at least help me. "

Ban couldn't tell whether Falheim was angry or just injured. He tried to control his feelings. He stretched out his legs and pushed the chair back until it was supported by two hind legs. He noticed that a huge portrait looked down at him from behind Falheim ’s table. It was a portrait of Dean deliberately drawn into old age. In addition to the deliberately painted surroundings and big beard, he stood behind hundreds. High tower. Even on that, Dean's expression managed to pretend to disagree.

"It's a beautiful painting, I don't know that Dean still likes to keep himself on the painting, especially in this way." Bai En said with a lip. "Do you know your Countess Emmanuelle?" This question interrupted Falheim's long talk, which was the intention of Bane. Falheim stopped and turned to look at his friend severely.

"Don't just care about the people above, look at the scene behind him." Falheim said angrily. "You know, that's Amen Cannon's dream, and he thinks that you are ... Heir of the Black Tower. As for the portrait, that is Dean's idea. He hopes to attract the attention of some people who pay too much attention to us. This non-existent person, or at least transferred to him. "

"My question is not that." Bai En keenly noticed that Falheim did not answer his question, but tried to change the subject.

"I met her at the last grand banquet held for Verena when I was invited to the palace dinner. She looked like a lively and frivolous young woman."

Falheim paused and turned away from the window. He sat back in the comfortable chair again and opened a large account book. He marked with a feather pen. This action reminds Baien of Dean. Only Dean likes to record various things and establish related documents. Thinking of this, Baien couldn't help laughing. For a moment, Falheim frowned intently. He dipped the feather pen in the ink bottle and wrote something on the ledger. He didn't glance at Bai En and said, "I heard some rumors about her."

Bai En leaned forward and almost touched the table neatly arranged by Falheim. The front legs of his chair fell heavily on the stone floor. "rumor?"

Falheim cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly. "She should be a little ... wild. In fact, it's not just a little. This is not uncommon in Emmanuelle's court. We can say that they are not very moral.

"Wild?" Bai En asked. His interest was aroused. "In what way?"

"It is said that she is the mistress of half of the young nobles of the Marnus Empire. She particularly likes the prodigal son and the duel. Obviously, there have been some scandals. Of course, there are some gossip. , Just like someone who is afraid that what he says will be suddenly heard. "What do you ask about this?"

"Wild? Ha ha," Bai Enguai laughed, "I think it is more appropriate to indulge?"

"I will not use that word to describe a city-state ruler." Falheim shook his head and said.

"I guess the wanderers also include those young handsome men with beautiful faces ... merchants?" But Bai En did not intend to let him go, and continued to ask.

"Cough," Falheim coughed quickly, perhaps because of a cough, or an illusion, but Bane felt Falheim's face flushed.

"Let me guess again, maybe the countess has taken a fancy to a foreign businessman, maybe he has refused him." Bai En continued without good intentions. "If that person were you, for what reason would you anger your friends? And that person seemed to be talking about the association just a while ago."

"I--" Falheim was interrupted by Bahn as soon as he was about to speak.

"I guess the Countess must be a beautiful woman, otherwise there will not be so many suitors. And that person may have refused the Countess's good intentions, so she was annoyed. Maybe there is a danger with that person's family ..."

"It's done," Falheim was really angry. "Like I said, the countess also likes duels. I remember that you solved a lot of opponents in the duel. Maybe you can do it. Something happened to make her notice you. "

"Oh? It seems I guessed wrong," Bai En said with a smile. "That man's anger is not related to the countess."

"of course not."

"Then maybe you can help me solve this problem." White put this letter on top of the ledger that Falheim has been studying. Falheim picked it up and turned it over in his hands. He looked carefully at the broken seal on the letter, and then pulled the kraft paper out of the envelope to read it. Falheim also showed a cold and sensible smile like the old-looking Dean in the portrait above.

"So you are now in the aristocratic circle. I won't even ask how this happened." Falheim smiled with a deep meaning.

Since the establishment of the intelligence agency of the Fatalin Association ~ ~ Dean has been ambitious and wants to enter the noble class by buying up the family. He believes that the upper-level information is more important than the lower-level information. He has not succeeded so far, but Bai En thinks it is only a matter of time. The head of the intelligence department of the Fatalin Association is rich and stubborn. Falheim continued to look at him and cast a far-reaching look at him. Then he glanced at the worn-out clothes of Bai En.

"Of course, you need money," Falheim finally said. "An identity is needed."

Bai En turned his head and considered his choice. This time he no longer needs to borrow money from Falheim. The association may pay for his expenses, but he does not really want to take the money in the association, but in this case, it seems wise. When he went to the palace, he certainly needed better clothes.

"Identity?" Bai En asked.

"It's ready," Falheim opened the drawer of the table and took out a wallet from inside. "I have introduced you to all the local nobles, you are my brother, the family ... a black sheep."

"Black sheep?" Bai En asked suspiciously.

"You can think of it as a black sheep." Falheim threw the wallet across the table in the direction of Bane. Falheim then pointed to the portrait with that hand and said with a smile. "In fact, so does Dean. He is also our father."

"Okay, brother," Bai En said, receiving the wallet in mid-air and then lifting it in the air. "So, let me thank our" adult father "."