The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 682: New problem

Bai En walked in from the blind door of the blind pig tavern, and everyone turned to look at him. At first, he didn't know why, but when one of the waitresses Caraca came to order for him, he realized that it was because no one recognized him. He smiled at her, but got a confused look until she could see who he was.

"Oh, Bane, I can't guess you are anyway. Has the countess given you some new clothes?"

"Almost," he mumbled as he ran up the stairs and returned to his room to change clothes. He was happy to find the parcel with his old clothes from the tailor shop.

Thanks for the service attitude of this tailor shop, he thought. It is impossible to fight in such beautiful clothes. Later he suddenly realized that just having this new costume was enough to change him. This morning, he never even considered these things. Probably because he doesn't need it.

Now, what should he do with the gold-filled purse that Falheim gave him? For his companion or association, this may be a small amount of money, but this has exceeded Bai En in the blind pig The money you can earn by working in a tavern all quarter. He gently pryed up a loose floor and put it there.

As he changed his clothes, he began to think about meeting Mr. Ostwald. It seems that the authorities finally began to take the threat of ratmen seriously. At the same time, Ostwald seems to have made some very strange assumptions about Bai En. He seems to think that Bai En is much smarter than he actually is, and is more likely to be involved in all this. He suspected that Ostwald just projected his reasoning and perception on his understanding of Bai En.

Well, as long as he said nothing about the death of Fritz von Hallstatt and the burning of the academy, Bane would not let him down. The fact that Ostwald inferred a large, well-organized mouse-man conspiracy from Beyn and Grerogan ’s own random actions can be interesting—except for one thing.

Obviously, this is indeed a large-scale and well-organized mouse-man conspiracy. Although he personally killed von Hallstatt, there was indeed a powerful ratman present. Assassins of the Isain clan almost burned down the blind pig tavern, and just before the fire destroyed most of the land in this poor area, people saw some monsters.

Although he and Grerogan interrupted their actions, the engineering warlock of the Scree clan robbed the academy. Although they had stopped the plague monk's ritual, the ratmen managed to sneak into Moore's garden, and the plague still spread like wildfire in the city.

Ban hurriedly put a copper ball incense burner with magic incense on her neck and took a deep bite of herbal medicine. Ostwald said undisguisedly that rodents have been seen patrolling the sewers and other places around the city-most likely reconnaissance operations.

Bane knew that the creature that Grerogan saw at von Hallstatt ’s house was a rat-human prophet, and according to Rybel ’s book, it was the rarest and most powerful of all rat-human casters. . In fact, this kind of creature usually only appears when the Ratman has a grand plan.

Bai En felt a chill, not just because of his thin clothes. He was forced to admit that although many of the facts that the newly appointed secret police chief knew were wrong, Ostwald ’s basic conclusions were probably correct. Those ratmen planned a big event in Heidelberg. But what will it be?


The Prophet Tangul smoked a handful of magic stone snuffs and plucked his beard. everything is going well. He looked at the pile of documents in front of him, intoxicated by the information. Nearly 10,000 elite troops will soon be deployed in and around the underground passages of Heidelberg City, and countless slaves will follow them to fight together.

Since the last evil invasion, no such large-scale army has been assembled. This was the largest army sent by the Modu Commission to attack human cities since the Great Plague. At that time, all countries of the entire human race were temporarily under the iron fists of the ratmen. And this time he was the chief commander. When he gives orders, it will attack and overwhelm the poor human beings with unstoppable ferocity.

At that moment, the effect of the magic stone snuff appeared in front of Tangul's red eyes, reminding him of the happy scene of destruction and death. He could imagine burning buildings, human beings chopped to pieces, or being dragged onto a huge slave train to leave. He saw himself striding among the ruins of the human city, proud of the victory. This idea hardened his tail.

Things really went smoothly. Even Tanguer ’s enemies are assisting his plan. Under the guidance of Tanguer's clever insight, the despicable duo Guerrerogen and Baeen discovered the lair of Villebris-Nule and prevented his plan. This plague sacrifice came back from the ground world alone, and there is no trace of the pot of thousand pox anymore.

For the past few days, Villebris-Nule has been limping up and down the underground passage, mumbling about the traitors of the traitor. Thinking of this, Tangul giggled. There is a poetic justice in all of this: it is precisely because of the deliberate betrayal of the monastery of the Tangul ’s cause, and of course the betrayal of the entire Ratman nation, which is why he failed.

There are even signs that the dean of the monastery may have helped the invading troops, because on the surface Tangul ’s agents reported that some terrible diseases were dragging humans into their graves. Of course, this may mean that once Heidelberg was conquered, the number of slaves would decrease, so maybe it was time to punish the dean of the monastery. He can fabricate allegations against the committee and let them deal with Villebris-Nule. Yes, this is true, Tangul thought: as long as you know how to make it look like this, you can make a bad luck egg fall in every pit.

He studied the urban planning in front of him. Various invasion routes are clearly marked with red, blue and green magic graphite water. They flashed in front of his eyes, like a tangled line of thread. The circles here and there represent breakthrough points, from where the army will erupt to the surface. All this is as complicated as a labyrinth, making Tangul's mind full of joy. But the greatest pleasure comes from his thinking about what will happen in the future.

The city will be stationed to resist human attempts to recapture it. He will build a labor camp and let the captive slaves build a big ditch around the city. Then they can use a huge waterwheel to build a dam on the river to power the squirrel machines and sweatshops.

At some point, they will erect a huge, one-hundred-tall statue for their conquerors, and in Tangul ’s view, he should be a model of this statue, which is perfect for him. It ’s because he will indeed show the Ratman ’s conquering spirit in front of them. It will be a glorious era and the beginning of many victories, and these victories will end in the permanent and complete rule of all human lands under the ratmen.

At this time, he heard a cautious dry cough outside the veil of his sanctuary. A hoarse voice said: "The greatest general is me, Luck Snake Tongue, and I bring the most urgent news."

Tangur was freed from his disturbed fantasies and became irritable, but just recently, Luck-Snake Tongue has proved to be an invaluable treasure-like servant, and his source of information is the best.

At this moment, he seems to feel a little uncomfortable, but Tangul believes this situation will pass.

"Come in! Come in! Quick! Quick!"

"Yes! Yes! The greatest thinker!"

"What urgent news?"

Lake-Snake tongue twisting its tail. Tangul seems to be very clear that this little rogue did bring interesting news and intends to taste his moment of victory in front of his master.

"I once cursed a servant who kept me waiting for a long time. Peeled his flesh to only bones."

"The most patient host, please wait a moment, let me sort out my thoughts. Some explanations are necessary."

"Then explain!"

"My biological son Ruzlik serves the caster clan."

"Really?" Tangul pretended to be surprised, ironically, and then showed his fangs. "Do you think this news is worth considering by a prophet?"

"No! No, the most insightful ruler! It's just that he has the habit of chatting after drinking mushroom wine."

"I see. Of course, you often drink a bottle or two with him."

"Yes! Yes! In fact, it was just this morning. He told me that his master, Isaac-Glot, had a great plan. It would paralyze the human city, I do n’t know if I should It ’s time to mention this, the smartest and most understanding master. "

"Don't hesitate anymore. Quick! Quick!"

"He claimed that Isaac-Glott ’s plan would bring him great glory ~ ~ would even make him more famous than the prophet Tangul-his words, not what I said, master . "

Tangur was not surprised by this dangerous statement. The fate of the great Ratman will always be destroyed by the envious servant. There is no doubt that Isaac-Glott wants to win the respect of the Magic Capital Committee at the expense of Tangul. Well, the Prophet knew how to deal with it.

"What is this plan? Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Ah, this fool can't say clearly. He just heard the accusations among the caster clan. He knew it was related to a grain carrier because he personally led the raid and stole it from humans. One. He has no other hard details. "

"Then find some. Come now!"

"I may need to spend more magic stone coins, the most generous owner."

"We will provide everything you need within a reasonable range."

"I'll do it right away, master." When he stepped back through the veil, Luck-Snake Tongue kept the bow position, and the veil passed over him.

Tangur collapsed on his throne. Some things are starting to make sense. It was indeed reported that someone stole a human food ship. He just attributed the reason to the over-authorization of some lustful claw leaders, who only did some predatory activities. It now appears that there is another sinister motive with ulterior motives. Tangul knew that his position was still unsafe until he figured out what the plan was.