The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 686: new plan

"At the time, I was so happy that I didn't find the weapon hidden in the black ship and the joy of knowing that Guerrero had survived. Let's go back to the blind pig tavern and have a good drink, well, at least from Now it seems that I guess I was happy. Even now, I am still surprised that the dwarf can survive on the river. I am not surprised that the dwarf can swim, but the weight of the dwarf and the weight of the weapon in his hand are I have always been curious about how to keep him from sinking to the bottom of the river, but Guerrerogan is not willing to explain it. In his words, explaining it is very annoying to him, like a boat, a tree, an elf or Everything else is the same. "

"Another good news is that my sacrificial knife is finally repaired. After so long, when I hold the sacrificial knife handle again, I can still feel the warmth of the bone grip unlike metal. But everything else They are all different. The upper and lower double blades that the blade part was naturally divided into because of the arm bones turned into black metal. Because of the different materials, in the past, only most of the stabs were used, and now the blade is also extremely sharp and strong. Rune scoring that can be used by the dwarf rune master to enchant, but this can only wait for me to return to Fatalin and then find someone to enchant. As for the previous enchantment, most of them are very simple, after all, I am still in What happened during the apprenticeship, but this matter also had to wait to return to Fatalin Island, to find Dean to help. "

"Overall, these two black sharp sacrificial knives are of course better than before, but they also make me uncomfortable. The sacrificial knives were the only things in my body that have never changed, and they are now completely unrecognizable, just like my life. . "

"But there is also bad news. I thought I had once again foiled the Ratman's conspiracy, and once again experienced the feeling of being a hero again. The situation has turned sharply, and the rapidity of deterioration has caught me off guard, and the most important thing is , I have never experienced this kind of thing, which makes me really understand the sinister degree of the world. "" In this gloomy day. Fear and hunger are eternal companions. The great conspiracy of the ratmen finally came to the inevitable In conclusion, it seems that my destiny is also destined to be involved. However, in addition to terrorist acts and tragic conditions, there are hopes and heroic deeds. In addition to losses, there are honors. The most dangerous time has come, and I am proud of myself Because my buddies and I have not been found to lack these qualities. "

——From "Bai En Diary", Volume Five

The prophet Tangul sat on his throne and meditated. There is a pentagonal sign around him, engraved with the face of the devil, and there are two circles of the most powerful protection symbols. He used all the great defensive spells he knew to protect him from the terrible forces that eroded his destiny. These symbols are the most effective runes against curses, diseases, dooms and various death-causing spells. They are the most powerful spells that the prophet learned in his long career in exploring the mysteries of darkness. This is a way to measure how bad the situation has become, Tangul believes that it is necessary to spend so much mysterious power that he has meticulously saved to call them all.

Tangul put his head in his hand and tapped a tattoo on his temple with his paw. He was very worried. Things did not go according to plan. Things started to go beyond his control, and he could feel this. His intuition of the rigorously trained ‘prophet’ can feel that there is a force at work here that makes the situation change drastically, beyond the predictive power of any ratman, no matter how smart he is.

He didn't quite know how this happened. At first everything went smoothly. His spies reported the destruction of the Black Ship, and he knew that his unsuspecting subordinates—Bern and Grerogan—worked for him again. Just a few days later, the Modu Committee approved the addition of his invasion force. It seems that he has mastered the decisive victory over mankind. But after that.

Then the **** plague began to spread in his own troops. Soon, the underground passage was filled with sick, dying rat-men fighters. Although the corpse would soon be burned, dozens of corpses were subsequently added. Even the slaves who worked in the crematorium fell ill.

These symptoms-dry cough, nasal congestion, empyema congestion in the lungs, and finally a sudden fatal spasm-are very similar to the disease that attacks humans on the ground. It is probably the same plague. In fact, this is not the first time that two races have been contagious. But it seems that the plague is not serious enough, and another threat has emerged. The hallway is now full of big, fierce and hungry mice.

They are everywhere, devouring corpses, eating food, competing for leftovers, urinating and defecating everywhere, helping spread this cursed disease-and also starving the army. Even now, some of them are still hiding in the corner of his room, their eyes wide open, avoiding his pentagram carefully, but chewing on the furniture. He could hear some of them moving under his throne. They must have been there when he cast the spell. Now they are trapped inside with him.

If these nasty creatures are not mice, maybe things will not be so bad. This is almost a sign that the devil has turned his gaze away from the powerful aggression force and withdrew his blessing to the army. Of course, some superstitious warriors began to whisper these things, but Tanguer's sharp speeches and sermons did not reassure them.

Although he has pointed out for them that human suffering in this double disaster, if not more serious, is at least as much suffering: their grain silos are empty and their food supply is eaten by these pests .

But those ratmen warriors did not believe him at all. They have no access to Tangul ’s vast spy network on the ground. They only see themselves starving, their companions are sick, and they are likely to be the next people to be knocked down by the plague. The morale of the army has been badly hit. No one knows better than Tangour. Morale is always a dangerous thing for an army of rats. in·

He has done his best to hunt down those traitors who are whispering infidelity and dangerous speech. He assigned elite troops among the storm commandos to execute the deserters on the spot. He killed several traitors with the most spectacular and destructive spells-but to no avail. The form deteriorated. The army began to disintegrate slowly. He seemed helpless.

Tangul kicked a rat under his feet, and the rat was nibbling the bone of the last messenger who brought him bad news. It flew through the air, hitting the curse light curtain around the pentagram. The sparks flickered, the smoke spewed, and the rat made a terrible and sharp wailing when it died.

The air was filled with the smell of burnt fur and burnt meat, just like this creature was fried in its own fat. Tangul's beard shuddered at the appreciation of the scene, and he gave a short but brutal smile of satisfaction before continuing to meditate.

Since the news of the unfortunate encounter of the army reached Modu, no more reinforcements have arrived. This is not as he hopes to have a group of unstoppable ratmen warriors, but as long as Tangul uses all his wit and vision to devise a cunning plan, it is enough. Something must be done to save this situation, and it must be fast, at least when there is still a fighting army left.

There is no doubt that he still has enough troops under his command. If they can launch a rapid and violent attack in unexpected ways, they can also conquer human cities. Even if the army will eventually collapse because of these two disasters, he can achieve his goal. Heidelberg will be conquered, and Tangul will report the victory to the Modu Committee. Then, it's time for his master to send garrison troops to come here to defend the city. If they did not arrive in time, it was not Tangul ’s fault.

The more Tanger thought, the more meaningful the plan. He can still complete the assigned task. He can still seize his share of glory. Then, he could blame the responsibility for anything that happened later on—the blameless subordinates, and the blame on those who betrayed the great cause of the Ratman because they were The army fled the army before victory ~ ~ He reviewed the army under his control in his mind. He still has nearly 5,000 nearly healthy fighters, most of them from the Scarab clan. He also has several gutterwalkers and an assassination team of the Isain clan. Thanks to the stupid adventures of their treacherous treacherous leaders, they only left him with symbolic power from the Scree clan and the Pestir clan. However, Isaac-Glott and his ogre-mouse force are still a formidable presence.

He knows that in this case, a simple frontal attack may not be the best plan. What he needs is a bold blow, which will bring an overwhelming victory. He believed he knew how to do this.

Not long ago, his agents told him that the human feeder, the so-called countess, would hold a masquerade and tried in vain to divert her court ’s attention to their troubles. If the palace can be occupied with all human nobles, then the human army in Heidelberg will be unmanned and easily become the prey of the rat army. It would be even better if the timing of this attack could be arranged to combine the two attacks.

On that night, when the Ratmen occupied the palace, the entire city would also fall into blood and terror. Perhaps, when their primary owners are under the control of Tangul, humans can even be persuaded to surrender. If he has any hope of success, it must be completed as soon as possible, but at least this is an opportunity, he can win the victory from the drooling pests around him.

But before that, he had a small problem. He must cancel the protective spells around him so that he can leave his room and start giving orders. The Prophet Tangul sighed and began to read a spell to let him out of his pentagram.