The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 690: business

After Elisa left, the boring Bane wandered around until he came to Falheim's townhouse in Heidelberg. He was not surprised to see that the door was locked and someone was guarding it. But he was surprised to find that Falheim and his apprentice did not escape the city, and the guard recognized him and allowed him to pass.

Falheim waited to greet him in his study. He is still working, writing down some things in his account book, writing some documents that may never be received, these documents are prepared for other business departments of Fatalin Association. At that moment, Bai En was inexplicably proud of him. It takes a lot of courage to continue working in such a difficult situation.

"Can I help you, Brian?" Falheim asked without looking up.

"Nothing. I just came over to see how you were."

"Very good!" Falheim smiled palely. "Business is booming."

"is it?"

"Of course not! The rats are eating inventory. The workers are stealing everything that has not been nailed. The customers are dying of the plague."

"Why haven't you left this city?"

"Two reasons, one is that the Royal Navy blocked the Rake River, and the second is that someone must stay to take care of our interests. Fortunately, the Seven Port Alliance is still somewhat related to us, maybe the things here can't get out, but outside The thing is not impossible to come in. The association has prepared a lot of hoarded food. You know, the Yankees seem to be over-fed by us and have become picky about the food. "

"Kaslov? Or the barbarians?"

"Both. Maybe I'll go there to develop my business after a while."

"So you are waiting for the food to be delivered on the island? Is this expected to enhance a lot of status in the minds of city managers?"

"That's right, you know, these will pass. It's always the case when it's lost. Then it's reconstruction work. People need wool, wood and construction materials. They need luxury to replace the robbed stuff. They need loans to buy everything. Something. When they do, Falheim from Fatalin Island will still be here. "

"I bet you will."

"What about you?" Falheim asked, finally raising his head.

"I'm waiting for the end of all this. I'm waiting for the ratman to show up."

"Do you think they will?"

"I'm sure. I'm sure they did it."

"How can you be so sure?"

Bai En stared at his companion for a long time. "You don't seem to care at all?"

"In fact, it is." Falheim put down the pen and said. "This is not our territory, maybe it has something to do with our career. But to be honest, you told me my story about your adventure. Although I believe there are many details that you did not mention, but if the ratman can follow this Human communication in the city, I believe he can also communicate with me. If they really rule the city, it may require some skills, but I guess they will not be more difficult to deal with than the current managers of the city. "

"Do business with those ratmen?" Bai En didn't really think about this, perhaps because he killed too many ratmen. But when I think about it, the Goblin on Fatalin Island is not the same.

"Business is business and has nothing to do with race."

Bai En thinks this is true. Falheim's business needs a very 'open' attitude, and must be very cautious.

"To be honest, I really never thought about this."

"Maybe you have been with that dwarf for too long, being influenced by his ideas."

Bai En guessed this was true, and Guerrerogan did change himself in some ways.

"Falheim-I think you and the people of the association should leave this city." Bai En finally decided to follow his own ideas, "If the Seven Ports Alliance can help the association put the materials in, then it will certainly be able to ... at least to get rid of the important people of the association here. Judging from the situation these days, those ratmen are likely to come soon, I doubt that things will be good. Even if you think you can do with those ratmen Business, but doing business during the war, I think at least the most basic 'protective measures' are needed. "

"I have a pair of armed servants here," Falheim laughed. "And this house has been almost transformed into a fortress, Brian. We are more secure here than you are in a tavern. Unless the city rules The soldiers sent troops to attack here, otherwise unless there are hundreds of mercenaries, or they will not be able to overturn the courtyard walls. "

Bane knew Falheim very well, he knew it was impossible to persuade him. "Well, you know your situation best," he said.

Falheim nodded. "Let ’s eat together now, man. I can hear the grunting sound in your stomach from here."

"Of course, this is also one of my purposes," Bai En said with a smile, so that later he took out a thick big head from the backpack. "This book describes a lot of things about ratmen. To be honest, if I can, I really want to buy it, but the owner of this book probably does not care about money, especially in terms of knowledge. You have recently been idle ?"

Falheim stepped forward and took over the book with the cover of "Abominable Ratmen and All Their Vicious Relatives". He fumbled for the spine of the book, chanting subconsciously. "Constan-Rebel? That legendary mage? It's so easy to be lent, I guess it's not a magic book, right?"

"It's more like a record, but maybe useful to the association." Bai En nodded.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Yes, I will visit the owner of the book later today and drop in the book."

"Okay," Falheim flipped at random. "This is the boss, I'm afraid I can't copy too much at this time."

"No, I didn't ask your men to copy it, okay, yes, it belongs to Dr. Drexler. I mean you can send you during your stay in the city. The men help me find any similar books. It would be better if I could buy them. Especially about the rare, legendary monsters or something, I suspect that the sudden appearance of the ratman might not be Pure coincidence. "

"Are you saying that there is a huge conspiracy? Are you also a skeptic?" Falheim said after returning the book to Bai En.

"I hope not, but I heard that the old emperor of Marnus was assassinated, and the new emperor has a lot of dissatisfaction. The countess of Heidelberg is one of them."

"Do you know that you want to hear these rumors? I'm afraid it's a bit too much. We'd better talk while eating." Then Falheim walked towards the restaurant with Brian.

The food on Falheim's table is very rich today. The outer layer is browned, but the center of the interior still has a light pink steak with a sauce made with lemon, honey and some other spices. The skin is roasted and crispy, but the meat underneath is separated by a fork into strips of roasted pork knuckles that are steaming and tender. There is also freshly baked toast, which will make a crispy click when you use it, and at the same time, it will spray a tempting milk aroma from the cracks on the surface.

"It's really damn." Bai En cursed, ignoring the image and grabbed the bones of the roasted pork, biting off a large piece of skin and chewing directly.

Falheim looked at Baine's movements and shook his head with a smile. "Have you no food there? Why didn't you come early?"

Two consecutive questions did not let Bai En listen to the movements in his mouth. He tried to explain with another hand gesture, but after finding out that it was useless, he chewed the food hard and swallowed it before speaking. Road.

"Few, fortunately it is a tavern, which is much better than most places." Bai En paused. "And I thought you left."

"Okay, you can take some food with you. You can also come here often." Falheim poured a glass of wine for Bane and handed it to him.

"No," Bai En shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to bring food back, but that there were too many people in the tavern, and it was too dangerous to carry this kind of food on the road alone.

"I can send someone to deliver it." Falheim seemed to see what Bane was worried about.

"It's not necessary," Bai En still shook his head. The people in the tavern were too mixed, and the news that the warehouse was still rushed into the warehouse under the guard of hundreds of soldiers worried him a little. "Well, help me pack a bag of bread. It's better to find a sealed bag."

"Okay," Falheim gestured to the waiter next to him, and he turned and left the restaurant.

Seeing Bain holding the roasted pork knuckle in one hand, holding the bread in one hand, and occasionally putting down the bread and pouring a glass of wine, it seemed that Falheim was caught in a certain memory, and the two were silent for a while. Falheim retreated from his memories.

"What kind of rumors do you want to know?" Falheim asked.

"Most people know it, or it's a little secret, or it sounds incredible." Bai En said while chewing on the food.

"Well, let's talk about the death of the old emperor first." Falheim sighed and said. "The time of death seems to be when you participated in the siege at Bill Barry. The new emperor is still a Strand. This is normal. The old emperor gave a lot of promises before his death. They need a person to help him cash. But this It also caused a lot of dissatisfaction, and the countess of the city was one of them. "

Falheim thought about it and continued. "Well, the old emperor was initially rumored to have been assassinated by the elves, because there was a diplomatic corps in the city. And a group of people went to the palace. But in the end, they blamed the assassination on the darkness. On the head of the elves, they all look the same in humans anyway. "

"There are also wars in the north of the Marnus Empire, and the Seven Ports Alliance is also involved. In fact, they seem to be the main force at sea. But the situation does not seem to be very good. The northern provinces are also not restless, although they are still small and small. Noisy. Sazan of Kaslov, Romanov, whom the Marnus called the Tsar, is trying to unify the barbarians in the North, and is now said to be fighting the Ogre Kingdom. "

"This is almost a rumor that everyone knows. As for the other mysteries, I have not heard of it. There are a few incredible ones. One is that some people have seen the dragon, the real dragon, not the two-legged flying dragon or It can only be climbed on the ground, but it is not really credible. The other one is said that Gaitan seems to be preparing for a large ceremony to be held for their great ancestor Gaitan. Worship is extremely crazy, self-masochism is even common, and suicide is not rare, so it is normal. "

"If I have time, I want to see it." Bai En said vaguely.

"I do n’t recommend you to go. Marnus ’s witch hunter is like ... it ’s okay ~ Ok ~ ~ I ’ve only heard of the rumors. But Gatan does n’t welcome mages. Or a wizard, people there believe in gods and divine art more. "

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is that if you are a priest who cannot cast spells, you will still be respected by almost everyone, and even if you are a powerful mage, you have to be careful, because there may be a witch hunter who takes you on a certain crime at any time. Grab it. "

"It sounds no different from here."

"Hah, there are even necromancers in Heidelberg. As long as they are honest enough and act low-key enough, no one cares what they are doing. Gaitan is different." Falheim seemed to be uneasy, and finally added A sentence. "And Gaitan is too far away from here, a trip back and forth may take several years."

"This is the key, isn't it?" Bai En finally got full, "This world is very big, you always want to see some places."

"Maybe," Falheim was uncomfortable.

He stood up, arranged for the servant to hand the bag full of bread to Bai En, and stood by the window of the room, watching Bai En leave his sight. .