The Legend of Fatality

~: Chapter 693

| | |->-> "No! No!" When a crowded crowd of rat-men fighters swarmed past him, Luck squeaked. But no one listened to him, and piles of hairy bodies pushed him into the sewage. At that terrible moment, he felt that he was about to be drowned, but then he surfaced again, just to see the last storm commando crawling into the sun with uncontrolled anger. Above him, Villebris-Nure's crazy and vicious face was squinting downward.

"Have you conveyed the message?" The plague sacrifice muttered in a low voice.

"Yes! Yes!" Luck whispered that he thought it might not be the best time to tell Nu Le. The squirrel troops above were doing their best to hunt down and kill the person he conveyed this message.

Bai En can hear the screams of the dirty pursuers behind him, and the screams of the unlucky eggs who are blocking their way. A quick glance from his shoulder revealed that the ratmen were sending anyone who dared to stop them to the road leading to the sword. Seeing all this, Bai En felt sick, but to some extent, he was also happy. He barely paused and hesitated, and each of their small pauses and hesitations made him lead more than they.

His wrist trembles where the little ratman bit. He noticed that the scroll the other party threw at him was crumpled in his hand. He once wanted to throw it away. Now, he tucked it into his jacket and continued to sprint. At least he was not overwhelmed by heavy armor like his chase.

The pursuer becomes the pursued, which is like a joke. But he also slowly came to the idea that this rat-man aggression must have begun. Seeing so many heavily-armed ratmen on the street only shows that they are ready to launch a full-scale attack on the city, and they are not afraid of those defenders. Now, Bai En speculates that their confidence makes sense. He couldn't see a city guard. Of course, most of them may be in the aristocratic area around the palace to ensure that all guests attending the countess banquet are safe and sound.

In order to ensure his speed, Bai En did not intend to slow down at the corner, but used the angle to directly hit the wall, bounced back, and then quickly turned and rushed into a connected alley. This narrow alleyway is a real maze, and even he is not at all sure that he is heading in the right direction. He could only move as fast as possible, while listening to the voice of chasing soldiers, while praying that he would not turn around and hit them again.

He racked his brain and tried to come up with a solution, but all he could think of was to return to the blind pig tavern as soon as possible and warn Grerogan and the others. At least there is a strong mercenary force and a gathering point for potential human soldiers. Now all he has to do is find a way out. In this regard, his heart was full of worry, but he could only continue to run.

Luke tried to place himself among many soldiers. He has endured a night of stimulation, no need to be excited anymore. He focused his attention so that Isaac Glott stayed in his sight. In the coming conflict, the Master Tamer ’s bodyguards-a group of giant ogres, each one larger than the bone-breaker the Prophet Tangul once had-represent what he can protect The greatest hope. Luck seriously doubts whether anyone really wants to attack these huge creatures.

So far, the attack plan seems to be going well. The ratmen forces in this area encountered little resistance. He could smell the smell of burning, as well as the smell of fuel naphtha unique to those using magic stone flamethrowers. In the flames reflected from the south, he realized that some Scree clan's magic fire jet soldiers were using their weapons on the building. Through the shadows, Luck could see the apartment blazed by the flames. The fire licked and curled on the woodwork. The stone began to split and burst under the pure heat generated by the terrible ratman weapon.

Luck is not sure this is a good idea. He was not sure whether the prophet Tangul would agree to such wanton destruction of his future property. Of course, if the message delivered by Luck achieves its purpose, the Prophet will not be qualified to express his objections. He was dead by then.

Bai En wants to know whether the human, Bai En, managed to escape. Part of his heart hopes not. He still remembers the unfortunate human hand on his shoulder and the pain when his fur was bitten into by steely fingers. But there is no sign that he was taken prisoner, and no sign of his body. This does not mean anything, Luck thought. In these winding alleys, already full of poor victims, a body may lie anywhere. The Ratmen have begun to disperse. The soldiers hardly encountered a little resistance, they had already started looting and eating.

Luck is not sure if this is a good idea. Often, things will certainly not be so easy. In fact, they will certainly encounter greater resistance? Where are those **** human warriors? His question has not been answered. Only the surrounding buildings started to burn.

Zhang Sikuike climbed from the steep cliff to the palace of the human feeder Emmanuel. The grappling hook attached to his fishing line was firmly fixed. The heavy stone full of runes entrusted to him by the prophet Tangul was safely placed in the backpack on his back. Zhang Squik straightened his body, grabbing with his feet on the rocks on the smooth cliff.

everything is going well. In a few minutes, he would arrive at the predetermined location and place the stone in the hall of the palace, ready for any powerful magic planned by the prophet. If he can play his role in the great victory of the Rat-Man today, then to a certain extent, it can alleviate the shame that he failed to kill the dwarf and his human followers. I hope this painful memory will also rest before the end of tonight.

Suddenly, below him, in the distance, he heard the faint but clear shouts of murmurs fighting, and the screams of human victims' responses. He twisted the rope and looked back. He saw a terrible fire in the distance, a strange light that could only be emitted with a flamethrower. Has the attack already begun? Those fools should wait for him to enter the palace, and then see Tangul ’s plan before he can implement it!

While cursing these idiots, he tried harder to climb up. Noise and firelight will attract human sentinels and other bystanders to the battlements above him. Zhang Sikuike dare not let people find his grappling hook and rope. As long as a man cuts the black rope with a knife, his long and glorious career is over. The Assassin of the Isain Clan controlled his urge to spit out fear, and pulled himself up quickly.

The strange green light in the sky confirmed Bai En's suspicion: The invasion did indeed begin. He recognized the color of the flame as the color produced by the strange weapon that destroyed the engineering school. Looking back, he could see the flames rising from the roof of the burning house. The college is a separate building, isolated from the surrounding courtyard walls. In contrast, this part of the city's buildings are crowded like a drunk in a crowded tavern. Some of them leaned insidiously on the alley. The passages connecting some buildings are connected by high bridges far away from the ground and arches in alleys. Most of them have thatched roofs and wooden supporting beams. Bai En shivered involuntarily. The fire will soon spread. This city will be burned down.

However, at least at that moment, he seemed to have shed his hunter. In his sight, there is no mouse. Even better, he finally recognized the street and knew he was not far from the pub. He stopped, leaning forward, his hands on his knees, panting, shaking his head, trying to wipe off the sweat that had flowed into his eyes. Once he arrives at the tavern, he can work out a plan with Grey Logan and others.

Suddenly, he heard a scream from a nearby alley. He looked up and saw a large group of ratmen suddenly rushed to the cobbled street. Bai En had to go all out to escape again.

Prophet Tangul led his elite storm storm troops into the position. His keen prophet's intuition told him that the palace was directly above them. He could feel its existence. He stepped on the body of the sewer watcher under his paws and laughed happily. So far, the assassins of the Isaacs have completed their mission. In the sewer, everyone who might expose his existence is dead. Up to now, the troop of the gutter walkers has been in place at the bottom of the cliff where the castle is located. I hope Zhang Siquik is in place now.

Tangur took the heavy stone from his robe. He began to recite the mantra in a whisper, to link it to the same piece on the back of the leader of the Isaac clan. Now is the time to perform a great feat of powerful magic, which will enable the rapid, irresistible victory of the Rat-Man nation. In order to do this, Tangul knew he would need strong power, and there was danger in it.

In order to obtain enough mysterious energy to provide energy for the spell he needs, Tangul must consume a lot of war magic stones, which is dangerous. This is not the kind of gentle, elegant and refined thing that constitutes his snuff. No, this is a pure product ~ ~ is the essence of magic, which is concentrated and purified by the ratman alchemist. It is a substance that can provide users with terrible power, but its use also carries the same terrible danger. Many prophets were driven crazy by the corrosive effect of this substance on their minds. Others are reduced to brainless mutations due to their mutation. If a sufficiently large dose is taken by someone who is not strong enough, the War Stone will turn the user into an amorphous weird thing.

But what does it have to do with him, as the most powerful prophet? Tangul is a skilled user of the magic stone, able to eat in large quantities without adverse effects. What happened to other people cannot happen to him. Of course, definitely not.

For a moment, a small question flashed in Tangul's mind. What if there is something wrong with these war stones? If it is not pure, but contaminated by other substances? Such a thing has happened. Or is Tanguer not as powerful as he thinks? There can always be errors in dosage.

But before he regained his confidence in his powerful ability, the Prophet only hesitated for a second. He was not a person who flinched from the danger of the magic stone. In fact, he admits to himself that he quite likes it. He remembered this when he reached into his pocket and put the first shiny stone on his tongue. Even when he eats, it will sting. Now he remembered his long-lost youth. He recalled his experience of using magic stones.

No, Tangul thought, there was nothing terrible. Thinking this way, he began to prepare himself for the spell that won his troops at the right time.