The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 700: fate

"In this way, these ratmen were driven out of the city, although they paid a huge and terrible price of life and property losses. There is also good news for me. My musket was finally transformed and the dwarf artisan increased. I think that the most important function allows me to fire three bullets at the same time, although the accuracy will be reduced. But considering the dwarf artisan ’s ammo with the remaining material of the smelted magic sword and some improvements in accuracy, this It really greatly increased the power of my weapons. At least I have another way of fighting against enemies at a distance. "

"And the reason why I stay in Heidelberg doesn't exist anymore. I wanted to take a break, take a breath, change the environment, and even went back to Fatalin Island to see it, but I couldn't do it. Not only because of the Fa Elheim ’s recommendations and associations need manpower, and I doubt that the hand of doom is reaching out to me and my companions, otherwise everything is too coincidental. So we started a journey again, and the end point was the most remote and desolate in the world local."

——From "Bai En Diary", Volume Five

Bai En sat on his favorite chair in the tavern and finished the diary. He would leave the book in Falheim's warehouse until he came back to claim it, and Grey Rogan's attempt to make him record his heroic behavior inspired his desire to write.

This is just the first volume, recording how he and Falheim were brought into the black tower, how to face the cruel and vicious mentors, how to meet some companions, and how to establish with the companions who are still alive. Their small organization, the oath taker, and how to finally kill the supervisor who remained in the black tower and captured the black tower.

Now that he can understand the "End of Legend" written by Nonirius, he thought that those who were written in the book would do their best to kill the author if they knew it. But in fact, because of this book, even in many ways, they describe the events they experienced in an unpleasant way, but there is no doubt that this book makes the characters in it truly legendary. Not a character completely forgotten.

Therefore, he also decided to write down his experience. If there is an opportunity for this book to be read by more people, even if it can be passed down like "The End of Legend", he may become a person in the future. a legendary person. Of course, he can understand Guerrerogan's ideas better. If he can spare time to write about the dwarven heroic death, it may also be priceless.

He could hear the hammer beating from outside. The construction workers have been working for several weeks, trying to restore the former glory of this war-torn city. Bane knows that it will take many years for Heidelberg to fully recover. However, he did not encounter much trouble. The end of the matter was more or less smooth.

The countess was very grateful, but she could not help but blame the emperor herself when rewarding the two criminals wanted by the imperial authorities, so she could do nothing about it. So there have only been many thankful statements and sweet smiles, but nothing more. Bai En doesn't care. He was happy not to be put in prison, just as he was happy to survive the night of conflict after the Ratmen captured the palace.

He still shuddered at the thought of the brutal battle between humans and ratmen on the street. It took a whole day to clean up the city, as did most of the rest of the next day. Even after the cleanup, most people still did not fall asleep the next night and could not believe they were safe. Later, it took many days to search around before digging out these ratmen from all their hiding places, but he was still not sure if they were completely absent from the sewer.

On the other hand, the plague has eased. Maybe the fire has burned the city cleanly--maybe it just took away all the life it could take. Dr. Drexler claimed that this was the case with the plague. Now it has disappeared. No more reports of deaths. No more people are infected.

Strangely, the disaster caused by those big mice is over. As the days passed, more and more mutants appeared in these big mice, but they seemed to become weaker and weaker, with mutations in their body, as if they had n’t been born problem. Many offspring of large rats are stillborn. It was as if they were deliberately designed by those ratmen. Perhaps their purpose is to ravage the city, and then become extinct, so that the rat-man finally has everything. This is a devilish cunning idea, and Bai En couldn't help shivering. Can Ratmen really do this kind of thing? Or is it all just an accident?

Somewhere in the distance, the temple bell rang. Of course, the priests claimed that their **** had intervened to save Heidelberg. This is how they preach. Bane hardly sees any precious evidence that one of those immortals has taken action to protect Heidelberg, but what can he say? Maybe they are like Dr. Drexler said, These people have been secretly protected. Of course, Bai En thinks that Gray Rogan and himself are still very lucky, maybe this is the gift of the gods.

The gods also let others go. The staff of Falheim and the Fatalin Society are safe and sound, and even have a good time. As he predicted, the reconstruction work has a great demand for various materials, and the fleet of Fatalin Island is providing these materials.

Dr. Drexler has almost completely recovered from the spell war with the Rat Prophet. Since that unlucky night, Bai En has seen him several times, the man looks as calm and pleasant as usual. On one occasion, he even met Ostwald in the doctor ’s villa. Heidelberg's spy leader has respect for Bai En's almost heroic worship, which makes Bai En feel embarrassed.

Heinz and most mercenaries are safe. But the pub owner's head was knocked hard. He had a lot of bandages on his head, and he looked like an Elbaine, but he was still behind the bar, drinking gulp.

Bane doesn't know where Elisa is. Since the day before the war, he had not seen her and Hans, and no one he knew knew her whereabouts. He sincerely hoped that everything was well for her and had fled back to her hometown. He still missed her a little bit.

Although they searched the palace, they did not find the Rat Prophet. All the mages in the court found were some strange magic resonances in the toilet. It is believed that Tangul used magic to escape. For this magic, Bai En always envy.

To a large extent, the citizens are happy. They survived and are rebuilding their homes. In any case, life goes on as usual, and Bai En hopes to take a good rest.

In the days after the battle, because once again avoiding the heroic death he expected, Guerrerogen stomped around like a tearing bear, and then swallowed for three days And fight to comfort yourself. He sat in the corner of the tavern and had a hangover, but still shouting for beer.

Bai En closed his diary and walked over.

"Do you have any plans?" Bai En asked.

"What's the plan?" Guerrerogan grumbled as he waited for his red eyes, then turned his head and barked at the bar. "Damn! My beer! Otherwise I'll use your skull as a glass."

"I decided to take a good rest and where I was going. Are you going with me?" Bai En explained.

"What's the difference?"

"I don't want to go back to Fatalin Island, but would you like to go?"

"An island? Do you have to take a boat?"

"Okay," Bai En knew that the dwarves didn't like boats. "What about Tirya? It's warmer there."

"I hate the sea." Novel baby

"Then I'm afraid you don't like the next plan," Bai En pouted.

"As long as there is no boat."

"Of course, the most convenient is to take a boat, but you can also go by land, which is a little trouble." Bai En continued to explain. "The Fatalin Association is going to send someone to Kaslov to deal with something. A person who can represent them is needed. My ... Brother is busy with Heidelberg, and the reconstruction work looks like it will take a long time. So he recommended me Go, I personally do n’t like such a cold place. "

"Then don't go." Guerrerogan said angrily.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Bai En asked rhetorically.

"No," Grerogan turned and continued to growl at the bar. "What about my beer? Have you forgotten what I said? Your head! Blackjack!"

"By the way, I seem to hear someone mention a dragon." Guerrerogen seemed to think of something suddenly and turned to Bai En. "Do you know where?"

"Dragon?" Brian heard Falheim mention it, but he didn't ask specifically. But he lowered his voice and said. "In fact, there are dragons on Fatalin Island. But I think it is not a heroic death to find a dragon that lives freely in the wild and then becomes its dung."

"Isn't Dragon Slaughter a heroic act?" Guerrerogan asked, staring at his eyes.

"Generally it's a dragon." Bai En is not sure about this. It seems that every great hero will always go to kill a dragon or something, but not every time the book says that the other party is a dragon.

"Then let's go to the Dragon Slaughter!" Guerrerogan nodded affirmatively. "Ok, deal."

"Then I can actually record your great death process now. Grerogan Mahal, son of Sol Ryan, went to Tulong in 1448. He died on the first day of encountering the dragon, process: go to death, You **** evil dragon! Poo eh. Then left as a pool of dwarf dung in the dragon's den. "

Bai En's words amused the audience around him.

Guerrerogan stared at Bane angrily, and Bane could see the green muscles in his muscles beating. He suspected that the dwarf might jump up and attack himself, so he stepped back with one foot and made a defensive posture. . But Gray Logan finally restrained his emotions.

"Sooner or later I will slaughter a **** dragon to show you!" He muttered to himself.

"I believe this." Bai En said lightly, his tone full of suspicion, but Guerrerogan just snorted and turned his head.

At this time, the door of the pub's living room opened, and another dwarf came in. He is shorter than Guerrerogan and lighter. He wrapped a bright red cloth around his head, and his beard was cut short. The tunic he was wearing was divided into red and yellow squares, bright and daunting. The newcomer looked around, and when he saw Grerogan, his eyes widened. He took a firm step towards Grerogan. Bai En gave way to the new dwarf and looked at him with interest.

"Are you the son of Guerrerogan, Sol Ryan, an oath taker?" Bai En knew they didn't like others hearing their secret conversations, but he didn't leave.

"What if I am?" Guerrerogan said in his most brutal and rough voice. "Do you want to do something?"

"I am Norson ~ ~ the son of Norr, a messenger loyal to the clan. I have a very important message to tell you. I have sent it thousands of miles away.

"Okay, let's go on! I haven't wasted a whole day." Guerrogan muttered impatiently.

"This is not verbal information. It is written with a rune password. You can read it, don't you?"

"Just like I can kill the teeth of those who are rude to me."

The messenger took out a parchment envelope. Grey Logan took it apart. He began to read—when he did this, the blood on his face disappeared. His beard was raised and his eyes widened.

"What's the matter?" Bai En asked.

"Horrible doom, mankind. What a terrible disaster." He stood up from his chair and reached for his axe. "You said you are going to the north, aren't you? Get your gear. We're leaving."


"It's very likely to be the end of the world." Grerogan shook his head.