The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 703: fire

"Are you the best tobacco in the world, Snowry?" Gray Rogan asked, looking greedily at what Snowry stuffed into the pipe. They were all sitting in the best seats in the room by the burning fire.

"Ah, this is just a moldy old leaf. Snowry picked it up in the mountain before coming here." Snowry denied.

"Give me some!" Guerrerogan didn't believe each other's words at all.

Snowry threw the bag containing tobacco to Grerogan, who took out a pipe from his backpack and began to fill it with tobacco leaves. Then Grey Rogan glared at the knowledgeable dwarf with his eyes.

"So, young man." Grerogan asked aloud. "What is the great death your uncle Boreke promised me? And why is Old Snowry here?"

Bai En leaned forward with interest. He also wanted to know more. The thought of summoning Grey Rogan made even the usually dumb, unhappy dwarf excited, and he became very interested.

But Warwick only looked at Bai En watchfully, and did not speak. Grey Logan shook his head and took a sip of beer. He leaned forward, lit a stick in the fire, and then lit his pipe. When the pipe was lit, he leaned back in his chair and started talking seriously.

"No matter what you want to say to me, you can speak in the face of this human being. He is a dwarf friend and an oathkeeper."

Snowry looked up at Bane. There was a look of surprise and respect in his dull, rough eyes. Warwick smiled sincerely. He turned to Bain and bowed again. This time he almost fell off the chair.

"I believe there must be a story in it," he said. "I want to hear it."

"Don't try to change the subject," Grerogan said. "What is the great death that your loved ones assured me? His letter dragged me to the other end of the half of the Marnus Empire, and I want to hear what it is."

"I don't want to change the subject, Mr. Gray Rogan. I just want to get some information for my book."

"There will be enough time in the future. Say it now!"

Varick sighed and leaned back on the chair, with his fingertips facing each other, leaning sharply on his full stomach. "I can't tell you much. My uncle knows everything, and he will share it with you at the time and in the way he thinks fit. What I can tell you is that this may be the greatest since Marnus Exploration mission-it is related to the destroyed Guntergrim. "

"The Lost Dwarf Bastion in the North!" Guerrero growled drunkenly, and then suddenly fell silent. He looked around, and seemed worried that someone would hear him.

"It's exactly that place!"

"Then your uncle must have found a way to get there! I thought he was crazy when he said he would find it." Bai En never heard such a strong excitement in the dwarf's voice mood. It seemed to be contagious, and Bai En started to get excited. At this time, Grey Rogan looked at Bai En.

It was Snowry who interrupted him. "You can call Snowry a fool, but even Snowry knows that Gunter Grimm was lost in the last evil invasion, and it disappeared into that evil land." He looked directly Grey Logan shuddered. "Remember the last time!"

"Despite this, my uncle has found a way to get there."

Bai En suddenly felt a panic. It is one thing to find this place. There is another way to get there. This means that this is not just a fascinating academic exploration activity, but an adventure full of any possible. He had a terrible ominous hunch, he knew how it would end, he knew he didn't want to be any part of it.

If there is any place in this world that Bai En is absolutely reluctant to go to, that piece of land like **** is definitely one of them. The rest includes if there are really ancient dragons, ancient giants and the like that are still alive Lair; The Dungeon of the Night Church, etc. If Beng had to choose, he would put the night church ’s dungeon in the first place, or it might be swapped with the second place, depending on the situation at the time, the second place is real hell, and the third place is That land.

"It's impossible to cross this wasteland," Grerogan said. His voice was not just cautious. "I've been there. So is Snowy. Your uncle too. Any attempt to cross them is stupid. Crazy and mutation awaits those who want to go there. In that cursed place, **** touched this world."

These words caused Brian to pay new respects to Grey Rogan. Few people have traveled so far and still come back alive to tell this story. For him, just like most people in this world, the ruins after the evil invasion are just a terrible legend. It is a hell-like land in the far north. The terrible army of the last invasion of evil forces suddenly came from there. Appeared, looted and killed.

Even though the incident has passed for more than 400 years, almost all of the history books have believed records of the invasion. All the northern kingdoms and fortresses of the dwarves were destroyed by that invasion. The two human kingdoms completely disappeared from the map, and even triggered the great migration of the northern elves, completely abandoning this continent.

In the end, relying on the Marnus Empire, the Great Empire of Gatan, the Kingdom of Burtania, the Kingdom of Kaslov, and these non-human races such as elves, dwarves, and even ogres, finally won victory. But even so, that ravaged land is no longer suitable for normal human settlement.

He had never heard Grey Rogan say he had been there before, but before they met, he knew very little about the dwarf's experience. During the adventures of the two, Guerrerogan barely mentioned his past. He seemed ashamed of this. If anything, it is the obvious fear in Guerrerogan's eyes that makes this place even more daunting.

Bai En knows that there is nothing in this world that is enough to panic Grerogan, so anything that can cause the dwarf to have this idea is daunting.

"Nevertheless, I believe that is where my uncle wants to go. He wants you to go with him. He needs your axe."

Grerogan was silent for a long time before speaking. "This is indeed something suitable for oath-takers."

It sounds crazy, Bai En thought. But he managed to remain silent.

"Snowry thinks so."

Bai En thought, then Snowry was like a bigger idiot than he looked. This sentence almost blurted out of his mouth ~ ~ Then you are willing to accompany me to the black tower Really? "Warwick asked.

"For the prospect of facing this great death, I am willing to follow you to the gate of hell," Grerogan said affirmatively.

"Snowry too."

This is good, Bai En thought, because it sounds like this is exactly where you are going. The two idiots went to die together. Then he shook his head. The dwarf's madness seemed to begin to infect him. Is he really taking this trip to **** seriously? Of course, this may just be a chat in the tavern, and the crazy idea will disappear tomorrow morning.

"Great," Warwick said. "I knew you would come."

After that, the three dwarves turned their heads to stare at Bai En, who looked a little hairy in his heart.

"No," Bai En refused. "I know where it is. I have read some descriptions from the book. Believe me, no word is a good word."

"Yes, we've been there." Guerrerogan nodded.

"This is worse than your idea of ​​wanting to slaughter a dragon. Remember what I said at the time? Poof ~~ Ao ~ uh ~. Become a pile of dragon dung. Believe me, it might be better than going there. The ending is better. "

After the other two dwarves heard this, they turned around and looked at Grerogan, who just shrugged and said.

"Trust me, he will go."

"No, I will never go with you two idiots." Brian objected to Gray Rogan's statement. "Even if you put an axe around my neck, I won't go."

"You know I won't do that." Guerrerogan said lightly. "We still drink the bar first."

Bai En narrowed his eyes and looked at Grey Rogan, not sure what idea he was playing.