The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 704: the Hangover

The bumps in the carriage didn't help Bai En's hangover. Whenever a wheel hits a deep rut on the road, his stomach will twist uncomfortably to the side, threatening to spray the contents of it in an arc on the hedge beside the road. There was a furry feeling in his mouth. The pressure inside his skull is getting bigger and bigger, like the steam in a kettle. The strangest thing is that now he especially wants to eat fried food. The sight of fried eggs and bacon flashed through his mind. Now he regrets not having breakfast with the dwarves early, but when he saw them throwing plates of ham and eggs into his mouth and chewing large pieces of dark bread, he felt nausea. But now he is almost going to kill for the same food.

For him last night, the dwarves were more or less silent about inviting him to take risks together, which was more or less a consolation, except for the grunts they made when they were drunk, or complained that they drank human beer. What a terrible thing. Only the young Warwick seemed happy, and his eyes were bright, and he should be like this.

What disgusted the other two people was that he stopped drinking after drinking three glasses of beer, claiming that he had already drunk. Now, he was holding the mule, pulling the reins, blowing a cheerful whistle, not noticing that his companions were staring at his back with a dagger-like gaze. At that moment, Bai En hated him to the extreme, which could only be explained by the intensity of his hangover.

But even so, Bai En still comforted himself and said that he only accompanied them to the Black Tower to take a look, and then followed them up to a certain distance north, and they would be separated from them in Kaslov to do things that the association gave to themselves.

But to be honest, Bai En suspected that he would eventually go with these two lunatics. In order not to think about it, and to not think about the terrible adventure that is likely to come, Bai En focused his attention on them. The surrounding environment. It was indeed a beautiful day. sunny. This part of the Marnus Empire looks particularly rich and pleasant. Huge half-timbered houses rise from the surrounding hilltops. Thatched roof hut, which is also the farm worker's home, surrounds them. The spotted big cows graze in the fence, and the bells on their necks jingle happily. Each bell has a different tone, and Bai En infers that this is to enable the herdsmen to track each cow by sound alone.

Beside them, a farmer drove a group of geese on the dusty path for a while. Later, a pretty peasant girl raised her head from the haystack and smiled brightly at Bai En. He tried to gather up the courage to smile back, but failed. He felt as if he was one hundred years old. He stared at her until she disappeared in a corner.

The carriage hit another rut and bounced higher.

"Look at the road!" Guerrerogan growled. "Don't you see that Snowry-Spinehorn has a hangover?"

"Snowry doesn't feel well," the other dwarf confirmed, making a terrible low gurgle. "That must be because of the mutton and potatoes we ate last night. Snowry felt a bit wrong."

Bai En thought wistfully, more likely it was the thirty beers you threw into your stomach. The words almost blurted out, but even in the pain of his hangover, a shrewd caution stopped him. He didn't want people to cut off his head to cure his hangover. Okay, maybe, he thought, the carriage and his stomach were shaking again.

Bai En turned his attention to the hard rocky ground beneath the carriage. The rocky road was very bumpy. He tried to focus on everything except the terrible tumbling in his stomach. He could see rocks protruding from the ground. If the angle is not right, any rock may break the wooden wheels of the carriage.

A fly landed softly and itchyly on the back of his hand, and he raised his hand miserably and patted it. It evaded the blow lightly and buzzed around Bai En's head. His initial efforts exhausted him, and Bai En gave up trying to kill the insect, only shaking his head when it was too close to his eyes. He closed his eyes and concentrated his willpower on the insect, urging it to die, but it refused to obey. Sometimes Bai En really hopes he will have more spells, and this is one of them. He bet that if someone could do this spell, he would not need to endure the interference of hangovers and chubby, buzzing flies.

Suddenly, he felt that the shadow had climbed up to his face, and he was a little cooler. He looked up and saw that they had crossed a road overgrown with trees in a forest. He glanced around quickly—not out of fear, but out of habit—because these woods were frequented by robbers, and robbers were not uncommon in the Marnus Empire.

He didn't know what kind of fool would attack a carriage carrying two dwarf hangovers, but no one was sure. During his travels, even stranger things happened to him. Maybe those mercenaries will come back to avenge last night. In this dark age, beasts and distortions can always be found. In his time, Bai En met enough people like this, so he is an expert in this regard.

To be honest, Bai En thought that his feeling now can almost be said to welcome any monster to cut himself with an axe. At least it will free him from pain. But strangely, his eyes were playing tricks with him. He was almost certain that he saw a little thing with pink eyes, sneaking through the bushes not far from the path. It only stayed there for a second, then disappeared. Bane almost wanted to attract Grey Rogan's attention there, but he finally decided not to, because it was never a good idea to interrupt the dwarf's recovery from a hangover.

Maybe it's really nothing, just some fluffy little animals, hurriedly walked on the road, fleeing around for their own safety. Nevertheless, there are still some familiar things in Bai En's numb mind that bothered him. He doesn't know where to put it yet, but as long as he thinks long enough, he will definitely remember it. The rut again violently bumped and almost fell him off the seat. He struggled to keep last night's stewed lamb and potatoes in his stomach. It was a long battle, and he didn't win until the stew struggled halfway in his throat.

"Where are we going?" He asked Warwick to relieve himself of the pain. This is not the first time he has vowed to never drink again. Sometimes he felt that most of the troubles in his life started somehow in the tavern. It was surprising that he had not realized this before.

"Black Tower." Warwick said gleefully. Bai En restrained the urge to hit him, more because he didn't have enough energy to hit him, and not for other reasons. Of course he knew that he was going to the Black Tower, otherwise he would not stay here, but what he wanted to know was the specific location.

"Sounds interesting," Bai En finally said. This really sounds an ominous harbinger, like many places he or Guerrero had visited in his tragic career, and anywhere in this world, as long as a man named 'Black Tower' is found The place is likely to be a place that no one with a normal mind would go to. In the wilderness, any building that can be used as a fortification has the habit of being occupied by orcs, goblins, and other worse things.

"Oh, that's really an interesting place. It was built on top of an old coal mine. Uncle Borek took over and repaired it again. It sounds like the best craftsmanship of the dwarf. It looks like new. In fact than The original is better because the original builder, humans — I did n’t mean to offend — was a bit sloppy. It was abandoned for hundreds of years until we showed up, except for the ratmen. Of course, we had to remove them first, maybe There are a few lurking in the mine. "

Bai En didn't get what he really wanted to know, but fortunately, at least he knew that the tower had existed for hundreds of years, and it was probably the black tower he wanted to find. But his thoughts were interrupted by the dwarf.

"Very good," Guerrerogan snorted. "In some ways-the slaughter of these ratmen is unparalleled. It is more effective than drinking a large barrel of Bagman beer to eliminate the hangover."

Personally, Bai En can come up with dozens of more attractive ways to kill time, instead of looking for evil monsters like mice in an abandoned, unquestionably unsafe mine, but he did n’t Communicate this message to Grey Rogan.

Warwick looked back at his passengers, who were crowded next to their gear. They must be very poor, because Snowry's equipment is not much better than Bian or Guerrerogen. After indulging in a binge at the port, his backpack was empty. He didn't seem to have a cloak, not even a blanket. Bane is happy that he has at least one wool cloak to wrap around, and that the mage robe inside is also warm enough. He did not doubt that the night would become very cold. He did not want to spend the night on the cold ground.

"How long will it take us to get there?" He asked again.

"If we are going well. We will follow this path through Skeleton Mountain and we will arrive in two or three days at most."

"I guess there must be something bad happening about Skeleton Mountain ~ ~ Brian said. This is a fact, it is not strange that good things can happen in any place called Skeleton. Besides, except the Marnus Empire He could hear bad news almost anywhere outside of the town. Grey Rogan and Snowy immediately raised their heads, their faces filled with interest. What surprised Bian was that the worse it sounded Things, the more interested these two dwarfs look.

"The ratmen in the mine used to be here and there, attacking the passing passengers. They also go down the hill to attack the farm occasionally. But now there is nothing to worry about. We have driven them away." Warwick said. "Snowry and I came here all the way in a big car, and never noticed any signs of trouble."

The two dwarves collapsed back again, numbly thinking about their hangover. Somehow, Bai En was not at ease. In his experience, the journey through the wilderness has never been smooth. As soon as he mentioned the rat-man, the rat-like thing he noticed in the woods began to churn in his mind.

"Have you run from afar?" Bai En asked.

"Snowry is with me."

"Do you have a weapon?" Bai En asked, making sure his long sword was nearby.

"I have my dagger."

"You have your dagger, which is great. I believe it would be very useful if the Ratmen attack you." Bai En sarcastically.

"I have never seen ratmen on this road. It's just that some nights I heard some noise, like the sound of something running, maybe the wind. No matter what, I think it was Snore's snoring that scared it away . Anyway, if something is attacked, I have a bomb. "
